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Michelle Lynn Cangelosi
Vice President of Transformational Philanthropy
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Michelle Lynn Cangelosi

Vice President of Transformational Philanthropy
Michelle Lynn Cangelosi served as the Deputy Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Cangelosi was responsible for overseeing the lobbying team. She represented the Tribe’s interests, establishing and cultivating relationships with foreign governments and global organizations. As the Director of External Engagement - Partnerships, Michelle Lynn established this department to engage with corporations for philanthropic giving, marketing campaigns, and sponsorship. Cangelosi evaluated and identified synergistic opportunities between various external groups and programs within Rotary International, a humanitarian service organization committed to worldwide community service, goodwill, and cooperation.
Heifer International
University of Florida
The Villages, FL, USA
United States

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
  • Fields
  • Work Experience
    More than 15 years (More than 15 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
    Not open to opportunities
  • Desired Job Type
    Not interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    Vice President of Transformational Philanthropy
  • Desired Work Locations
    Florida, USA
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Vice President of Transformational Philanthropy

May 2021 - Present
Greater Orlando


Apr 2020 - May 2021
1 yr 2 mos

Director of External Engagement - Partnerships

Jan 2015 - Dec 2019
5 yrs 0 mos
Established the Partnerships Department and developed the global corporate engagement strategy to include corporate philanthropic gifts, partnerships, cause marketing campaigns, and sponsorship opportunities. Through identification and analysis of potential donor corporations and foundations, I sought to match their interests with Rotary programs and develop opportunities to ensure the world becomes a better place for all.

Investment Portfolio Manager

Jan 2014 - Dec 2015
2 yrs 0 mos
Managed personal investment portfolio and sold stock options as a trading for income strategy. Researched companies, maintained records, determined appropriate position size and asset allocation, and mitigated risks while learning from losses.

Partnership Development Manager

Jan 2012 - Dec 2013
2 yrs 0 mos
Developed and executed strategic partnerships with donors, academia and implementing partners to help support the largest sanitation marketing program of its kind in the world.

Deputy Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

Jan 2009 - Dec 2010
2 yrs 0 mos
Managed the lobbying team and contracted services to establish a Washington presence and established and maintained relations with foreign governments and organizations to promote issues of importance to the Tribe.


Jan 2007 - Dec 2009
3 yrs 0 mos
Managed all monetary and in-kind donations to the Peace Corps and formed relationships with potential donor groups, collaborating with organizations interested in donating to sectors and countries where Peace Corps Volunteers serve. Provided the strategic direction and corresponding budgets to ensure successful program outcomes. Administered the Peace Corps Partnership Program PCPP, a grant program supporting volunteers with financial assistance for community-initiated projects within their host country. Successes included : . Increasing the number of PCPP donors by 52% and the amount donated by 39% over the previous year . Increasing volunteer participation in PCPP by 46% over the year before; and . Advising on a series of new marketing materials including a video, website, brochures, and additional resources to engage a broader base of financial supporters.

Executive Director

Jan 2003 - Dec 2006
4 yrs 0 mos
Provided direction, management, and coordination for Take Pride in America, a nationwide volunteer program involving hundreds of partners i.e., schools, elected officials, organizations, businesses and motivating hundreds of thousands of volunteers to give back to our public lands. Solicited potential donors and partners to make monetary and in-kind contributions and spoke regularly at events and conferences to ensure their engagement. Developed and implemented necessary policies and procedures to support a premier program, including fundraising and donation guidelines with the help of the legal team. Facilitated a highly recognized awards program, including annual national awards in several categories. Supported a national public service announcement campaign, featuring Clint Eastwood, reaching more than 45 million Americans in print and broadcast media, a fully donated campaign requiring collaboration between many diverse contributors. Maintained and enhanced participation of 50 state liaisons and participating mayors by providing opportunities for involvement in the awards program and at events in their area

Associate Director

Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
2 yrs 0 mos
. Promoted the mission and initiatives of the Department of the Interior to external and intergovernmental groups with interest in environmental and natural resource issues . Established and maintained an information exchange between state and local elected officials, associations, and public and private organizations to keep the Department informed of their priorities . Provided advice and briefing materials to the Secretary and Department leadership concerning natural resource policy issues relevant to Governors and other elected officials prior to major policy decisions . Developed with the Department's eight Bureaus constituent communications in advance of major policy initiatives and in response to concerns raised by government and non-government organizations . Spoke at conferences and meetings on natural resource issues of importance to the Department . Organized and distributed materials such as press releases, reports, and briefing information State of Florida

Federal Coordinator

Jan 2000 - Dec 2002
3 yrs 0 mos
. Served as a liaison for the State of Florida, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the five Florida Water Management Districts to the US Congress, federal agencies, State of Florida Legislature, and national organizations . Directed program coordination of the State of Florida authorization and appropriation requests for issues related to water, agriculture, environment, growth management, energy, and natural resources . Developed coalition policy positions with other states and national organizations . Built consensus between the entire Florida Congressional Delegation to support priority projects as negotiated by the State and the water management districts . Coordinated and prepared briefing materials, testimony, and weekly memoranda to state agencies . Secured $12.4 million in the FY02 VA-HUD and Independent Agencies appropriations bill and $15 million for FY01 for the State of Florida priority water supply projects . Worked closely with Congressional and Committee staff for the passage of the Alternative Water Sources Development Act of 2000 and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000

Secondary Science Teacher

Jan 1995 - Dec 1997
3 yrs 0 mos
Taught oceanography, biology, and physical science to high school students.


Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
MS , Environmental Engineering Sciences
1997 - 1998
BS , Zoology
1990 - 1995