Avatar of Muhammad Rafi.
Muhammad Rafi
Product Enthusiast

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Muhammad Rafi

Product Enthusiast
With over 3+ of experience in building export companies and product management, I specialize in negotiating and trading with international buyers, including those in Asia, Europe, and the USA. besides that, I focus on developing products that meet the needs of both clients and businesses.
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Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


  • 目前狀態
  • 專業
  • 產業
  • 工作年資
    小於 1 年 (1 到 2 年相關工作經驗)
  • 管理經歷
  • 技能
    Web Developer
  • 最高學歷


  • 預期工作模式
  • 希望獲得的職位
    Business Development, Product Manager, Project Management, Business Operations, Process Design
  • 期望的工作地點
  • 接案服務


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Ministry of Competition

2021年12月 - 2023年10月
1 年 11 個月
- Leading 30+ Competitions team - Setup competition plans timeline - Plotting and research team competitions
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2021年10月 - 2023年10月
2 年 1 個月
- Develop a business model and value proposition company - Manage marketing and operations Team - Analyze financial and controlling expenses - Create an operational system and distribution channel - Negotiate and partner with international clients (USA, Belgium,Bangladesh and South East Asian)
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Quality Assurance Intern

2022年6月 - 2022年9月
4 個月
• Manage and create test case scenarios using Qase end-to-end testing • Create a Jira ticket and report to the Tech team for bug-fixing • Research Automation Testing with Cypress.
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Independent Study Participant Product Manager Bootcamp

2022年2月 - 2022年7月
6 個月
- Learn about creating User Persona, Customer Journey, Prioritization, Product Roadmap, PRD and SCRUM - Collaborate with the UI /UX team to create OTA products - Learn how to use Product Manager tools such as Jira and Trello
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Independent Study Participant Game Development Course and Bootcamp

2021年8月 - 2022年1月
6 個月
- Learn about creating a game as a product manager. - Team up with several different roles and implement agile methodology. - Manage the product roadmap to ensure the progress is still on track. - Develop product strategist and evaluate the step of product discovery - Winning the best game at Agate Game Prototype Kampus Merdeka
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Associate Product Manager

2021年10月 - 2021年12月
3 個月
- Develop product strategy stack to achieve objectives including maintaining the product roadmap to keep on the line - Collaborate with partners to hold campaigns in part of brand awareness and user acquisition - Serve team by applying agile methodology specifically iterating scrum on a daily basis and documenting on PRD
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Associate Product Manager

2021年8月 - 2021年12月
5 個月
- Research & Building several products - Compete in International & National Competitions
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User Experience Designer

2021年5月 - 2021年8月
4 個月
- Design Interface & User Experiences Design - Designing User flow end-to-end Process - Create Customer Journey Map & Usability Testing

IoT Develper

2019年12月 - 2021年8月
1 年 9 個月
- Designing and Create Hardware for monitoring cattle health. - Create a pitch deck presentation to selling the product (BMC, SWOT Analysis, Benchmarking, Unique Selling Proposition) - Designing culture work and workflow.


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Computer Science
2019 - 2023


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Completion of Porudct Management Study Program

Binar Academy
2022年7月 到期
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Foundation of Project Management

發照日期 2021年11月
