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專案事業部| 營運助理 @ 宇匯知識科技股份有限公司
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專案事業部| 營運助理 @ 宇匯知識科技股份有限公司
赴美留學七年多,求學期間積累了國外校園、部分企業及學校領導交流和合作經驗。通過長期經驗,成功具備了完善的團隊溝通、領導/策劃力、創新力及超強執行力與緊急應變力。因敏銳觀察力與超強交際及溝通能力,擅於與他人或合作方建立人脈。因一向注重細節與注重時間管理,劃分重要/緊急任務並擇優處理,協助團隊提高效率。個性活潑熱情,擁有強大適應能力,具十足的創意及執行力。 ◆ 對於公關.廣告行銷.品牌行銷有極大熱忱
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St. John's University NY, Quees Campus
Taiwan, 台灣

Professional Background

  • Statut Actuel
  • Profession
  • Fields
  • Expérience professionnelle
    1 à 2 ans (1 à 2 ans pertinente)
  • Management
  • Skills
    Mac OS
    Microsoft Office
    G Suite
    Premiere Pro
  • Languages
    Natif ou Bilingue
    Natif ou Bilingue
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Temps plein
    Intéressé par le travail à distance
  • Desired positions
    品牌宣傳及媒體公關人員、 行銷企劃人員、活動企劃人員、傳播媒體企劃人員
  • Lieu de travail désiré
    United States
  • Freelance

Work Experience

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專案事業部| 營運助理

sept. 2022 - Présent
Taipei City, Taiwan
• 聯絡廠商(窗口), 溝通及處理例行營運事項 • 和工程師、產品團隊、設計團隊及行銷負責人緊密合作 • 協助產品團隊、設計團隊及行銷負責人看成效收集行銷效益 • 電話聯絡客戶, 溝通及蒐集整理相關問題與資訊 • 協助客服處理客訴相關案件及信息 • 維護更新營運有關的網路文件 • 廠商及客戶往來的帳務處理 • 使用Line官方帳號發送重要訊息或行銷訊息 • 操作電子報行銷後台, 發送電子報 • 操作簡訊後台, 發送手機簡訊 • 其他主管交辦事項
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The Disney College Program Internship

févr. 2022 - juin 2022
5 mos
Florida, USA
• Cooperate with fellow kitchen staff to ensure food service efficiency and fulfill orders under a fast-paced environment and keep an eye out for emergencies in the kitchen • Assist new trainees, demonstrating how to operate the kitchen appliances, prepare food orders, and navigate the different sections of the kitchen. • To represent the restaurant as a greeter and be the first line of communication with customers, observing the surrounding area for any unexpected situations, taking care of customers' needs and dealing with various attitudes and difficulties. • Have a positive attitude towards emergency response by ensuring that you are not affected by the environment. Ensuring well-prepared leadership and communication skills on a daily basis to help achieve efficient coordination between guests and other staff
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juin 2019 - août 2019
3 mos
New Taipei City, Taiwan
• Collaborated with another peer on promoting marketing material on social media for fans-related activities, such as designing youtube pages, making emojis, etc. • Assisted the main marketing team with event planning, organizing how the event will play out with a fellow colleague


Bachelor’s Degree
Health and Human Service
2018 - 2021
Activités et groupes
1. Chinese Cultural Association(CCA) 華夏文化協會- President主席 • Participate in on-campus efforts to include and spread Chinese cultural awareness to others. Engage with the club community Executive-Board members, organizing future meetings and events. Advertise the association through social media and joined in collaboration with other organizations to increase membership. #2019年剛接手主席職位時並無任何成員,通過自身具備的團隊建構及領導能力帶領本學生組織達到至今的200位成員並同時建設了幕後團隊,而獲得學校各辦公室、領導與校長的肯定與資源。 2. Chinese Students & Scholars Association(CSSA) 中國學生學者聯誼會- Chair of Planning Committee策劃部長 • Participated in on-campus efforts to include and spread Chinese cultural awareness to others. Organized and monitored event planning meetings to ensure full attendance and completion of delegated tasks. Communicated with other organizations’ executive board to plan collaborative interactive events for students # 個人以策劃部長職稱總策劃了10場大小型活動, 包含年度盛大活動 # 以策劃部長職稱代表本組織CSSA出席6場其他大學活動 &代表交流 3. Office of Multicultural Affairs(OMA) 多元文化事務辦公室- Project Aim Mentor • Project AIM is a peer-mentoring program that promotes student success by supporting student engagement, community-building, personal development, and retention of first-year and second-year international students. ​ 通過課堂之外的社會和智力學習環境,AIM項目會通過五個學習支柱支持學生的成功: 適應大學,領導能力/職業發展,多樣性-平等-包容意識/欣賞,學術成就,以及增加歸屬感。 # 為2 ~ 5名mentees提供持續的學術、社會、文化和個人支持,領導他們利用校園資源,並定期聯繫mentees追蹤狀況及進行單獨面談交流,定期通知參與活動進行額外交流與社交拓展。 4. Office of Multicultural Affairs(OMA) 多元文化事務辦公室-Publicity Designer • Utilized knowledge in computer programming to create and edit office’s website which informs students of events and mission of OMA • Employed excel functions to sort through student’s responses and input into database 5. International Student Council(ISC) 學校官方國際學生委員會- International Students Representative全校國際學生代表 • SCOPE:  Scan, Create, Offer, Promote, and Engage 掃描校園和全球環境,以顯示影響國際學生和/或國際學生體驗的基本需求和/或全球趨勢性問題。在校園內創造機會和空間,讓國際學生分享他們的需求和關注,並定期向學生介紹大學所做的積極、主動的調整。對影響國際學生和/或國際學生體驗的全球和/或校園問題,向ISC主席提出機構應對建議。促進對所有學生和來訪者的歡迎環境,重點是國際學生。通過滿足國際學生的需求和實施選定/批准的計劃和基於政策的解決方案來吸引他們。 # ISC支持各層次的國際學生,確保他們擁有工具和支持來實現全面的大學體驗。
1. Asian American/Pacific-Islander Heritage Month(APHM) 亞裔美國人/太平洋島國人傳統月 2019- AWARD • 通常在 5 月獲得全國認可,我們大學會在 4 和 5 月維持兩個月的慶祝。亞裔美國人/太平洋島民傳統月是對亞裔美國人和太平洋島民在美國的歷史和貢獻的慶祝。慶祝文化包括來自亞洲大陸和美拉尼西亞、密克羅尼西亞和波利尼西亞等太平洋島嶼的文化。 APHM目標是集中學校全辦公室、兄弟&姐妹會以及與本主題相關的學生組織提案年度主題及執行各大小活動策劃且盛大歡舉,同時涵蓋所有年度大活動。此年度慶祝活動每到五月初都必定舉行最後一個重點活動,也是兩個月大型慶祝的閉幕與頒獎典禮。每年度APHM重點閉幕活動為 Full Moon Formal. # Theme of APHM 2019- Unity Starts With You: Together WE Stand # Received APHM 2019 Honorable Award 榮獲APHM 2019年度榮譽獎 2. Annual Lunar New Year Celebration 年度農曆新年活動 • 一項受到学校辦公室和學生组織高度重是的年度活動。該活動目的,招集全校師生及學校領導齊聚一堂共同慶祝中國新年。活動每年度舉行一次,參與人數達到200位以上。 每年度10月底開始提案至隔年1月底,維持2~3個月的策劃與準備。每年邀請到各個舞蹈團,提供多樣化的中國美食。主要希望每年參與的學校教職員、學校領導與國際新生及老生可享有全面的中國文化體驗與一場完美晚宴。 # 2019~2022,擔任四年度辦公室助理,參與每年度會議、提案、策劃、活動宣傳與準備。活動當日擔任現場管理人員,全場掌控,確保活動所有細節沒出紕漏,一切準備就緒準時開場。 3. 專案- International Student Event | 11/18/2019 • The premise behind the event is for us to create an event that provides tips and search strategies for jobs and internships for international students. Our primary focus is more on providing an opportunity for International Students to hear the success stories of their peers and recent alumni through a moderated panel. #為了活動形式和理念實現,我們特別邀請到幾位有實習或校園就業經歷的potential panelists來到校園與本校學生互動交流並進行Q&A
High School Diploma
2015 - 2018
Activités et groupes
1. Blue Key Club - School Tour Guide . Greeted potential students and families to make them feel welcomed during visit . Trained in school’s history to facilitate tours and answer all visitors’ concerns 2. Model of United Nations Club - Teacher Assistant . Provided on-call administrative assistance to help teacher plan lesson plans accordingly . Engaged in friendly-debates with other peers to improve communication and public speaking skills 3. Girls Basketball & Soccer Varsity- Team Assistant & Leader . Experienced working on a team developing qualities of a team supporter for teammates . In charged of physical demonstrations to help train new members into shape . Stepped up for team to lead scoreboard when other players were not playing best games 4. Storm King School - Residence Assistant . Act as mediator dissolving problems between dormers to maintain peace within the dorms