2023年5月 - 現在
Main Work Objective: Digital Transformation for Factories
Implement AI-assisted detection standards for factory safety management units.
Develop auxiliary tools to enhance the efficiency of various units.
Responsible for data integration of factory manufacturing machines, introducing automated data updates to enhance factory operational efficiency.
Projects Executed:
Factory Safety Project:
Developed a factory safety alarm system: Responsible for data labeling, fine-tuning, and evaluating the YOLOv5 model, and algorithm development. Using pre-trained models reduces training costs and improves detection performance. This system can automatically detect whether workers comply with factory safety regulations and send alerts to factory managers. With a sample size of 10,000, the correct detection rate reached 82.6%.
Tools Used: Python, PyTorch, IPcam
Company Text Comparison System:
Used OCR text recognition models to capture text from videos or images, ensuring the accuracy of text in different versions of promotional media. Applied across company departments, such as English-Chinese text comparison in promotional videos.
Tools Used: Python, Tesserocr
AI Integration of Company Portal and Internal Website:
Integrated internal chat assistants with the internal website and Dialogflow to provide efficient internal website navigation services, such as HR system guidance, and added value-added service systems.
3-1. Value-added Service Systems:
Business Card Scanning System: Extracts text from business card images using OCR models and uses regular expressions to extract personal information, automatically adding it to the contact list.
Customized Web Crawler: Based on business needs, customizes the web crawling process to extract detailed information about target companies. Users only need to provide the target company's name or registration number to retrieve information such as the person in charge, capital amount, and board members.
Tools Used: Python, Tesserocr, OpenCV, Selenium, BeautifulSoup
Visualization Report System:
Collected and cleaned data from multiple offline production machines, integrated it, and uploaded it to the database to generate daily, weekly, and monthly reports as needed. Created graphical reports using Tableau and embedded them into the company's internal system.
Tools Used: Python, Pandas, Tableau