03/2023 - Hiện tại
As Communications Manager for Pink Africa Foundation (PAF), here are projects I've handled alongside keeping communication channels up dated:
1. Grant application to Aspire Coronation Trust Foundation (ACT Foundation) - End Cervical Cancer Project.
2. Developed a rough draft for the following documents for the organisation: Code of Conduct, Financial Policy, HR policy and Privacy policy.
3. M&E for the End Cervical Cancer Project (ACT Foundation).
4. Project Manager for Calabar Go Pink Day 2023 (CGPD23).
5. Admin for Pink Volunteers WhatsApp community and Social Media Manager for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (X) pages.
6. Developed outlines and curriculum for Pink Africa Health Club (PAHC) for primary and secondary schools.
7. Served as Communications Manager for the 2024 Cancer Language Training for Africa.
8. Developed the outline for a TogetHER cervical cancer project proposal.