Dennis lee
4 years experience in frontend software development area.
Experiences in programming language includes Javascript,C#,python,HTML/CSS(SCSS),Java,solidity.
Familiar frontend framework including Nuxt3,NextJs,ThreeJs,ReactJs,VueJs,flask.
Experiences in packages:tailwaind.css,pinia,i18n,antdesign,.hardhat.
Third party service:GCP,Docker hub(for flask image instance cloud run),mailgun,emailjs,alchemy,vercel,netlify,cloudflare.
CI/CD:Github workflow(yaml) scripting(for both frontend and back end)
1.Solving crypto exchange webview app ios app store approval issue:
-Delete account issue:Add a Delete account page within a day to pass this issue.
-Garbled characters issue:the i18n english part turns to garbled characters , decoded them within a day to pass this issue.
2.2023 Meta AR Hackathon Best Initiative Award
3.Finalist in the Education Category of the Facebook 2020 Covid-19 Hackathon
4."Living Elsewhere" - NCCU MIS Class of 106 Project, Best Popularity Award
5.Set up the basic network infrastructure (Ethernet, routers, APs, etc.) for Victor Educational Branch.