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Phoebe Huang
Associate Recruitment Consultant
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Phoebe Huang

Associate Recruitment Consultant
Hello my name is Phoebe. I am a head hunter who helps technical companies for recruiting engineers in hardware and firmware field. You could contact me via line ID: phcr2021
文藻外語大學 Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
Taipei, 台灣

Professional Background

  • 現在の状況
  • Profession
    Technical Sales Specialist
  • Fields
  • 職務経験
    6〜10年 (1年未満関連の実務経験)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 1-5 people
  • Skills
  • Languages
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • 現在の状況
  • Desired Job Type
  • Desired Positions
  • 希望の勤務地
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Associate Recruitment Consultant

10月 2021 - 現在

Key Account Sales Manager

4月 2019 - 5月 2021
2 yrs 2 mos
[Key Responsibilities] - Collaborated with global enterprise customers' R&D and NPI team for obtaining accurate info of application, usage, system, and other functions to address specification questions and engineering issues. - Contacted with customer's purchasing and sourcing groups for pricing and inventory management. - Monitored global company sites of supply and shipping status, and take immediately actions with sales reps or logistic team to maintain customer requirements and minimize slow-moving stock levels. - Supported design-in and reference design through new product introductions with marketing and R&D team. Making sales forecast for factory and other sales reps of company. - Joined various conference call and on-site meetings to help answer supply, technical or other questions. - Maintained relationships among global counterparts to increase business for group worldwide sales. - Strategized with sales reps to achieve annual sales targets and average monthly revenue quotas. - Prepared at least 5 reports monthly after visiting or conf. calling. - Provided and presented latest company's product roadmap intro to current and potential customers. - Business traveled to US, China, Japan for visiting clients' procurement, R&D team, and factory audit.

Field Application Engineer

11月 2014 - 3月 2019
4 yrs 5 mos
Taiyo Yuden Inc., produces surface-mount and leaded passive electronic components as well as functional modules that incorporate active components product lines include capacitors/MLCC/super capacitors, inductors, SAW/ FBAR/LTCC filters and modules. - Collaborated with OEM/ODM/OBM customers' R&D team, sourcers and PMs for obtaining accurate info of application, usage, system, and product management. - Participated in the customers' project life cycle and handled technical support and on-site troubleshooting activities. - Partnered with development team on component development, application support plans and prototype programs. - Introduced electronic components to customers and explained features and specifications. - Coordinated with QA and implemented corrective actions to customers. - Prepared technical proposals and solution guidelines for sales team support. - Frequently visited customers and went business trips to Japan and China.

Customer Sales Representative

9月 2013 - 7月 2014
11 mos
USANG Industrial CO is an OEM/ODM manufacturer of mountaineering/fall safety protection hardware. - Maintained positive client relationships with 23 corporate customers in US, Australia, UK, France, Slovakia, Germany, Japan. - Input and handled orders by ensuring orders are accurate and delivered on time. - Quoted prices, credit terms and other bid specifications. - Ensured sales, production, and deliveries are handled efficiently. - Attended and prepared US trade shows held in June, 2014 in Orlando and meeting with customers in Minneapolis. - Met with customers from US, Germany, and Japan to discuss and ascertain needs, tailor solutions, and close deals.


Bachelor of Arts (BA)
English Literature, General, undefined
2011 - 2013
>Representatives of Wenzao attending the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia(ACUCA) student camp Aug,20~24th in 2012 at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan >Vice Director of University Chinese Catholic Students Association(Holy Bird)