Avatar of Putri Sri Lestari.
Putri Sri Lestari
Administrasi Export Import, Export Import Staff, Inventory Control, Administrasi HSE, Document Control, dan Health Safety, and Environment Staff
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Putri Sri Lestari

Administrasi Export Import, Export Import Staff, Inventory Control, Administrasi HSE, Document Control, dan Health Safety, and Environment Staff
I graduated from the Diploma III (D3) study program Business Administration at Politeknik Perdana Mandiri. I have work experience as an export import staff for 3 years 2 month and a health, safety and environment staff for 3 years 10 months. Easy to adapt means I don't hesitate and am not afraid to try something new. Good communication, independent work and good teamwork as well as high integrity make it easier for me to adapt and develop.
PT Purwakarta Jaya Sejahtera
Politeknik Perdana Mandiri
Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    2 到 4 年相关工作经验
  • 管理经历
  • 技能
    Microsoft Office
    Google Drive
  • 语言能力
  • 最高学历


  • 目前状态
  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
    Exim Staff, HSE Staff, Document Control (ISO Staff)
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务


Health, Safety, and Environment Staff

2022年7月 - 现在
- Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) related to K3L. - Distribute information related to K3L in the company. - Carrying out inspections/patrols. - Report the results of inspections/patrols to the head of the HSE section - Implement K3L standards and requirements according to regulations. - Ensure field conditions are safe, comfortable and comply with K3L standards. - Provide training and/or outreach related to K3L. - Monitor employee, guest and contractor compliance with K3L standards and requirements. - Coordinate with a KAN accredited environmental laboratory to carry out environmental monitoring/surveillance in the company area. - Prepare P2K3 reports and report them to UPTD Employment Region II - Prepare UKL-UPL reports and report them to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Provincial DLH and Regency DLH. - Prepare reports related to K3L. - Coordinate with the laboratory regarding compliance with the requirements for B3 waste received. - Prepare and compile CSMS documents based on vendor requests. - Identify and monitor the completeness of emergency response equipment. - Checking the completeness and suitability of employee personal protective equipment. - Carry out daily monitoring of the wet scrubber water quality. - Carrying out daily monitoring of the quality of emissions visually. - Carry out daily monitoring of pH and waste water discharge. - Monitoring Temporary Storage Sites (TPS) for B3 waste.

Administration HSE and Document Control (ISO Staff)

2020年7月 - 2022年7月
2 年 1 个月
- Archiving HSE documents, both softfiles and hardfiles. - Carrying out documentation related to HSE activities and programs. - Prepare all documents including required HSE forms. - Draft various letters. - Process administration for procurement of goods and services - Process administration for various HSE activities and programs - Record all HSE inventory tools and equipment. - Support all data required for compiling CSMS based on vendor requests. - Create daily HSE summary reports. - Assist in finding service vendors for certification needs within the HSE scope. - Coordinating with service vendors. - Monitoring the validity period of certification related to the HSE scope. - Monitoring the validity period of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Emergency Response Equipment (ATD). - Record all documents, both hardfiles and softfiles. - Controlling the creation and changes/revisions of documents. - Control the use of documents both internally and externally. - Manage requests for distribution and loan of documents. - Conduct document checks in each department to ensure there are no different observation documents. - Distributing documents if there are new/revised documents. - Save original documents. - Destroy documents that are no longer valid.

Export Import Staff

PT Solve It
2017年9月 - 2019年10月
2 年 2 个月
- Create BC 2.3, 2.7, 4.0, 4.1, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 3.0 documents - Create shipping documents (Invoice and Packing List) - Receipt and Checking shipment import documents (BL, AWB, Invoice, Packing List, Letter of credit, and etc) - Input data to IT Inventory according to Export and Import documents in real time - Check and ensure that incoming and outgoing goods comply with the SKEP for permits issued by Customs - Understand the process of making subcontract permits - Carrying out stock taking at the end of the period - Coordinate and communicate with Customs officers - Make monthly reports for customs - make weekly reports for management - Filling Documents

Administration Export Import

PT. Solve It
2016年9月 - 2017年9月
1 年 1 个月
- Carry out administrative records in accordance with income and expenditure documents from the Material Warehouse - Input data into IT Inventory according to Export and Import documents - Monitoring and trucking inventory data - Ensure that the documents entered are in accordance with the customs system and in real time - Carrying out stock taking at the end of the period - Create BC 4.0, 4.1, 2.7, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.3, and 3.0 documents - Create daily, weekly and monthly reports - Communicate with several related departments


Business Administration
2019 - 2022
3.75/4 GPA
Webinar "The Chamber of Secret on Management Event" as Treasurer
- Create a webinar budget plan. - Create webinar cash flow. - Webinar budget accountability report. - Webinar accountability report.
