Avatar of Rahmat Fadhilah Gumelar.
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Rahmat Fadhilah Gumelar

Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja selama 1 tahun dalam bidang pengukuran. Dengan menerapkan ilmu yang sudah saya dapatkan dan juga berdasarkan pengalaman, saya lebih siap untuk menghadapi masalah dan juga terbiasa dalam bekerja di bawah tekanan
PT. Sangga Buana Nusantara
Logo of the organization.
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Nganjuk, Kabupaten Nganjuk, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Professional Background

  • Situación actual
  • Profession
  • Fields
  • Experiencia laboral
    Menos de 1 año (Menos de 1 año relevante)
  • Management
  • Skills
    Menguasai alat ukur Total Station
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interesado en trabajar a distancia
  • Desired positions
  • Lugares de trabajo deseados
  • Freelance
    Trabajador autónomo a tiempo parcial

Work Experience

Cadastral Surveyor

dic 2023 - feb 2024
3 mos
Kabupaten Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia
In cooperation of PT. Sangga Buana Nusantara and BPN Kabupaten Pacitan in purpose of Land Registration PTSL-PM (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap Partisipasi Masyarakat) program Jobdesk : - Parcel Mapping using GNSS RTK - Draw measurement result with AutoCAD Map3D - Matching the names of land parcel owner with village official - Making nominative list - Geotagging

Quality Control

jul 2023 - ago 2023
2 mos
Kabupaten Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia
In cooperation of KJSB Bramiasto Fakhruddin Eko Putranto and BPN Kabupaten Ponorogo in purpose of Land Registration PTSL (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap) program Jobdesk : - Make sure surveyor take data correctly - Take geotagging - Checking measurement result using Microsoft Excel and AutoCA

Asisten Surveyor

CV. Totis Indonesia
dic 2020 - mar 2021
4 mos
Kabupaten Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia
In cooperation of CV. Totis Indonesia and BPN Kabupaten Sumenep in purpose of Land Registration PTSL (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap) program Jobdesk : - Parcel Mapping using GNSS RTK - Draw measurement result with AutoCAD Map3D

Assistant Surveyor

ago 2020 - nov 2020
4 mos
Kabupaten Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia
In Cooperation of PT. Sangga Buana Nusantara and Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air in purpose of Corridor Survey (Irigation) Project. Jobdesk : - Leveling Measurement of benchmark using Digital Waterpass - Topographic Survey 50 meter from middle of the main river and 25 meter from middle of the secondary or tertiary river using Total Station

Cadastral Surveyor

feb 2020 - may 2020
4 mos
Kabupaten Serang, Banten, Indonesia
In cooperation of PT. Lugas Mandiri Konsultan and BPN Kabupaten Serang in purpose of Land Registration PTSL (Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap) program Jobdesk : - Parcel Mapping using GNSS RTK - Draw measurement result with AutoCAD Map3D - GCP/ICP Measurement using GNSS RTK with CORS methode for aerial mapping

Asisstant Surveyor

sep 2019 - nov 2019
3 mos
In cooperation of PT. Sangga Buana Nusantara and Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG). Leveling measurement for geoid validating purpose from Tanjung Benoa Beach to Celukan Bawang Beach in Bali Province using digital waterpass


Logo of the organization.
Teknik Geodesi
2022 - 2026
Teknik Geomatika
2019 - 2022