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Muhammad Januar Ramadhan

Admin warehouse
I am a hard worker, responsible, able to work with a team, have logical thinking, and always develop my skills to improve my work. I have interests and abilities in the fields of company administration, basic accounting knowledge, problem solving, digital business, e-commerce, and customer relationships. Master Microsoft Office programs in completing job descriptions. I am a person who is easy to adapt, able to blend in and always participate in company organizations and society.
PT. CCH Indonesia
Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Professional Background

  • Current status
    Ready to interview
  • Profession
    Administrative Assistant
    Management Control
  • Fields
    Selective Distribution
  • Work experience
    4-6 years (Less than 1 year relevant)
  • Management
  • Skills
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Not interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
    PPIC atau Akunting
  • Desired work locations
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Warehouse Specialist

Nov 2020 - Present
Kabupaten Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
1. Record, check and combine data in the warehouse. 2. Embrace production problems (re-preparation of rejecting materials for re-production). 3.Unload containers of imported raw materials. 4. Following the workhit to the warehouse operator. 5. Make reports of incoming and outgoing goods to production. 6. List the secretarial equipment in the warehouse. 7. ERP Application Operation (Internal Office). 8. ECC (Customs and Excise) operations. 9. Become chairman of the BIPARTIT Company organization. 10. Become the chief organizer of company events.

Warehouse Officer

Oct 2018 - Jun 2020
1 yr 9 mos
Kabupaten Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
1. Record, check and monitor data in the warehouse. 2. Handling production problems (Preparation of re-rejecting materials for re-production). 3. Unload containers of imported raw materials. 4. Manage the distribution of raw materials for production. 5. Make reports of incoming and outgoing goods to production.

Facilities - Secretariat

Aug 2017 - Aug 2018
1 yr 1 mo
Kabupaten Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Facilities - Secretariat 1. As an Administrator in the secretarial sector. 2. As supervision of field workers in carrying out development projections. 3. Make letters for administrative purposes in a matter work. 4. Prepare a formal activity or event or informal so that an activity runs well and fluent. 5. Lead and guide formal activities with governments outside the city.


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Administrasi dan Manajemen Bisnis
2019 - 2023
3.45/4 GPA
Activities and societies
Saya mengikuti komunitas sepak bola dan menjadi penanggung jawab sekaligus ketua organisasi ikatan bola voli yang naungi oleh perusahaan. Menjadi penanggung jawab LKS BIPARTIT PT. CCH Indonesia. dan menjadi penanggung jawab kegiatan di lingkungan masyarakat, menjadi salah satu anggota (Karang taruna). Saat berkuliah menekuni bidang bisnis digital berbasis komputerisasi akuntansi dan e-commerce.
Belajar ilmu dasar akuntansi, manajemen dan bisnis sehingga mampu menganalisis bisnis menggunakan analisis dan strategi SWOT,mengenal dan memahami kegiatan dalam Bisnis Global, memahami definisi, ruang lingkup berbagai macam bidang kewirausahaan, memilih dan merancang ide bisnis yang akan dijalankan sesuai dengan minat dan bakat. Belajar menghitung Keuangan dan Akuntansi Bisnis, merencanakan financial dan risk management pada bisnis, memahami kegiatan bisnis E-commerce dan memanfaatkan Marlet Place. Serta belajar cara mengurus perijinan usaha (Sertifikat Halal dan PIRT).
Engineer’s Degree
Teknik Elektro
2014 - 2017
Activities and societies
Masuk dalam komunitas olahraga bola voli, mengikuti dan menjuarai hingga tingkat kota Cimahi kejuaraan O2SN. Mengikuti kegiatan karang taruna, serta mengikuti komunitas sepakbola di luar sekolah.
Saya belajar tentang ilmu dasar teknik Elektro, sempat magang selama 1 tahun di PT PLN INDONESIA POWER SAGULING POMU, sebagai kesekretariatan dan fasilitas.

Licenses & Certifications

Logo of the organization.


Expiration Date: Sep 2025
Logo of the organization.

Sertifikat Kompetensi

Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
Issued Dec 2021
No Expiration Date
Logo of the organization.

Sertifikat Bahasa Inggris

SMK Negeri 1 Cimahi/STM Pembangunan Bandung
Issued Mar 2017
No Expiration Date