Dr. Rina Caprarella is an active American Academy of Neurology (AAN) member. The AAN works on behalf of doctors and patients to improve access to treatment, funding for research, and laws that make treating brain injuries and diseases easier.
Dr. Caprarella is also a member of the American Association of Neuromuscular Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM). He works with other doctors to help more patients access specialized neuromuscular equipment that helps diagnose and treat problems caused by damage or disease to the nervous, muscular, or neuromuscular systems.
Aside from her work, Caprarella and her family have been active donors and volunteers for several local and national charitable organizations. She is proud of her work with the Women in Medicine Committee, which gives future and newly hired female healthcare workers guidance and leadership to help them grow and succeed.
Dr. Caprarella has made a big difference in medicine by writing a very technical chapter about the causes and treatments of Myopathy, a disease of muscle tissue that makes patients' muscles weak, cramp, or stiff. She also thinks traveling is good for her physical and mental health because it lets her get fresh air and vitamin D from the sun. It also helps her recover from burnout from working too many hours, which has become a more significant concern for doctors in recent years.