Avatar of Muhammad Rizky Hatami.
Muhammad Rizky Hatami
I am a student from UPI electrical engineering, I am very interested in the electrical field in mining or oil, I can adapt quickly and never give up
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Muhammad Rizky Hatami

I am a student from UPI electrical engineering, I am very interested in the electrical field in mining or oil, I can adapt quickly and never give up
My name is Muhammad Rizky Hatami, I was born in Bandung June 29 2004, my height is 180 cm and weighs 90 kg, I am the second child of two brothers, My last education is high school because up to now I am still studying at the Indonesian University of Education majoring in electrical engineering, Before it I was a student in a high school student at BPI 2 Bandung High School, at BPI 2 Bandung High School I won 3rd place in the SAINTEK subject competition held by POSI, and I entered the University Indonesian education took the SBMPTN test route and obtained an average score of 652.3 I am a person who always tries my best based on what other people have entrusted to me, I always want to try new things, and always want to improve and improve my own abilities, this can be seen from some of my work experiences.
Fun Teacher Private
SMA BPI 2 Bandung
Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Private Tutor
  • Fields
  • Work Experience
    Less than 1 year (Less than 1 year relevant)
  • Management
  • Skills
    Microsoft Office
    Google Drive
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    customer service
  • Desired Work Locations
  • Freelance

Work Experience


1월 2024 - 6월 2024
6 mos
Bandung, Kota Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
• I am dons working at Fun Private Teacher as a tutor for high school students in grades 11 in physics and mathematics subjects. • I was able to explain the particural in English Language • I was able to follow the particural from Curriculum Cambrigde • I always teach that mathematics and physics are not only about formulas, but also about the definition and implementation of what has been learned,

Teacher Private Physic and Math

8월 2023 - 6월 2024
11 mos
Kabupaten Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
•I am done working at the Milkaliya education center as a tutor for high school students in grades 10 and 11 in physics and mathematics subjects. • I was able to improve the abilities and skills of my students. • In fact, one of my students that I taught, he was able to get 9th rank in his generation. • I always try my best for what has been mandated to me.


2019 -
Activities and societies
mengikuti OSIS bagian Sponsorship, disana saya memasukan proposal kepada perusahaan yang saya incar untuk menjadi sponsor dalam acara lomba futsal antar SMP se-Indonesia yang diadakan oleh SMA BPI 2 Bandung, alhamdulillah waktu itu saya bisa menarik perusahaan lokal untuk menjadi sponsor dari acara tersebut.
sewaktu saya SMA saya mengikuti banyak ekstrakulikuler, seperti futsal, badmminton, basket, muaythai, karena saya selalu ingin mencoba hal baru yang belum pernah saya coba, saat saya SMA saya tidak mempunyai teman yang benar benar dekat dengan saya, tetapi saya alhamdulillah bisa masuk SNMPTN walaupun saat seleksi SNMPTN saya gagal untuk masuk ke universitas yang saya inginkan, saya mencoba lagi untuk masuk ke PTN dengan cara mengikuti SBMPTN, alhamdulillah saya lolos dan masuk ke UPI dengan rata rata nilai 651,2
Teknik Elektro
2022 - 2026
Activities and societies
Himpunan mahasiswa elektro, berkerja paruh waktu di Milkaliya education centre dan Fun private teacher
Skills: Komunikasi · Analytical Skills · Microsoft Office · Manajemen Tim