Avatar of 張書豪.
Sr. Software Engineer & Data Engineer at Innova Solutions Taiwan
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Sr. Software Engineer & Data Engineer at Innova Solutions Taiwan
5+ years Python and 5+ years C# software engineer. Experienced with website system design, big data processing, data pipeline building and data analysis. Have a side business, build a Taiwan futures analyzing website, which has been operated since 2020.
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Innova Solutions
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National Tsing Hua University
Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Featured Resume

Uploaded on 9月 19日 2024

Professional Background

  • 現在の状況
  • Profession
    Back-end Engineer
    Data Engineer
  • Fields
    Information Services
  • 職務経験
    6〜10年 (6〜10年関連の実務経験)
  • Management
  • Skills
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
  • Desired positions
    Software Engineer
  • 希望の勤務地
  • Freelance

Work Experience

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Senior Software Engineer

5月 2023 - 現在
Taipei, Taiwan

Co-Founder & Developer

3月 2017 - 現在
•Re-branded iStock website to orbitalyang.com. Serving around 200+ VIP members daily. • Design a WebSocket communication protocol between quoting server and frontend. • Integrated with WordPress to host 200+ technical articles and videos. • Integrated with 3rd cash service to provide credit card and ATM transaction. • Designed a free web service about Taiwan stock - iStock. To provide a real-time pricing and analysis of Taiwan stocks. • Managed database for daily trade data (2019/02/18 - 2020)
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Software Engineer

7月 2019 - 1月 2024
4 yrs 7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
Pricing Data Lake & Pricing API (2022.6-): provide medical prices data with a cost-effective and fast querying API. • Responsible for data ingestion, data validation, data pipeline automation and data testing. • Led to design an efficient parser to solve a critical problem of large file ingestion. Ingesting files without out-of-memory issue (size 100GB -1TB/per file, peek memory used 50MB). Enhanced ingestion speed 192x compared to previous design. • Led to design an automation data pipeline. Monthly ingesting 17 customers’ data and generating 30+TB parquet data. Reduce 30% AWS cost of idling tasks and 95% human involvement. Shop Book and Pay (2019-2022.6): serve hospitals to build shop sites for searching and buying medical services. • Implement a pricing data ingestion system with .NET Core, Azure Functions, Blob Storage, and Service Bus. • Used Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and ReactJS to host 70 shop sites.

Full Stack Engineer

10月 2015 - 6月 2019
3 yrs 9 mos
Taoyuan City, Taiwan
SmartChoice: an intelligent building web platform to manage sub-systems and IoT devices. • Responsible for backend, frontend and database design and development. • Started from scratch to use C# .Net MVC, AngularJS, and SQL Server to implement intelligent building web platform. • Designed and implemented 90% services of platform. • Deployed platform into 3 industrial buildings those earned with Smart Building Silver Mark.
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Software Engineer Intern

7月 2014 - 9月 2014
3 mos
Hsinchu, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
For 2 months short-term intern in ITRI, recommend by my advisor, Dr. Chang. We train a word tag classification model system, using wiki title and group tag. This model can have 75%-85% accuracy to predict a word to mapping groups.
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1月 2012 - 1月 2013
1 yr 1 mo
100, Taiwan, 台北市中正區黎明里
Develop and maintain Intranet system website.


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Master’s Degree
Computer Science, Natural Language Process
2013 - 2015
We present WriteAhead(http://writeahead.nlpweb.org), a prototype system, that automatically extracts and displays relevant grammar error correction patterns with examples to prompt the user as they type or mouse around a draft. Preliminary experiments and evaluation results on a publicly available dataset, show our method works reasonably well for preposition errors.
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Bachelor’s Degree
Computer Science
2009 - 2013