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Sara Chimene-Weiss
Counsel, Legal Nonprofit
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Sara Chimene-Weiss

Counsel, Legal Nonprofit
Sara Chimene-Weiss is a devoted advocate for justice and Democracy, focusing on countering anti-democratic disinformation. As Counsel at Protect Democracy, she channels her extensive legal background and unwavering commitment to defending democratic values into meaningful action. Her commitment to justice extends beyond her professional endeavors. While specific details about her philanthropic involvement are not provided, it is clear that she actively engages in charitable efforts and human rights advocacy. Her work at Protect Democracy serves as a primary avenue for effecting positive change and strengthening Democracy. In addition to her professional pursuits, Sara values a well-rounded personal life. Although specific details about her personal life and interests are not disclosed, it is essential to acknowledge that individuals like her often find inspiration and rejuvenation through activities outside of work. Engaging in hobbies, nurturing personal relationships, and pursuing interests beyond the legal realm provide her with balance and valuable perspectives. As a Counsel at Protect Democracy, Sara is a tireless advocate dedicated to defending Democracy and countering anti-democratic disinformation. Her extensive legal background, including her experience as an Assistant Federal Public Defender and law clerk, equips her with the skills and knowledge necessary to make a lasting impact. Through her work at Protect Democracy, she fights against disinformation, advocates for her clients, and safeguards the integrity of democratic processes. Her unwavering dedication to justice and commitment to upholding democratic values make her invaluable in the ongoing battle for a strong and resilient democracy.
Protect Democracy
Phoenix, AZ, USA
United States

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Legal Representative
    Patent Administrator
  • Fields
  • Work Experience
    More than 15 years (10-15 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
    Microsoft Office
  • Languages
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
  • Desired Job Type
  • Desired Positions
  • Desired Work Locations
  • Freelance

Work Experience


Protect Democracy
Apr 2020 - Present
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Focused on state-based advocacy and combatting anti-democratic disinformation.

Assistant Federal Public Defender, Capital Habeas Unit

Oct 2017 - Mar 2020
2 yrs 6 mos
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Represented individuals facing the death penalty in federal habeas corpus proceedings, challenging their convictions and sentences under the United States Constitution. Investigated cases, managed teams, researched and wrote habeas corpus petitions and legal briefs in federal district and appellate court, and United States Supreme Court. Lead counsel on multiple capital habeas cases.


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