Avatar of 曾森彥.
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主要服務於軟體科技業,從E-learning,HRD人才發展系統專業研究,設計與網路系統開發管理,到企業經營與業務推展,具有豐富的職場實務經歷。 對待工作的態度一直以來都是認真負責,始終堅持使命必達的原則。重視為企業服務所帶來的綜效與成長,並始終注重在工作中貢獻自己的一份心力。求職期間,部分企業主管擔心我的工作經歷與年紀長等因素,容易會有固定想法,到新環境會以之前的習性或態度看事情,無法融入公司文化! 但從事軟體研發多年,創新與突破舊框架是家常便飯,早養成傾聽與尊重不同意見的習性,因為科技業唯一不變就是變。 個人信念是透過精湛的專業能力和承擔責任的態度,為企業的成功發展作出實質的貢獻,專業能力包含: 經營與管理 擁有超過十年的高階主管經驗,承擔公司營運成敗的重要責任。在這段豐富與挑戰的歷程中,不僅致力於培育優秀的主管人才和卓越的團隊,更時刻面對著景氣與業務方面的種種挑戰。這使我在管理與經營領域累積了深厚而實際的經驗。 人才發展管理 致力於設計與開發卓越的人才管理系統,並成功引領團隊為超過800家知名企業提供服務,其中包括中華航空、永豐金、富邦、合作金庫、台灣人壽、台哥大、仁寶科技等等至眾多上市公司。憑藉專業技能和卓越的執行力,持續為客戶提供最佳的人才發展解決方案。 專案管理經歷 在專案管理領域中,擔任過專案經理(PM)和主管,積極參與多個大型企業的專案導入任務。其中包括中華汽車、中國信託、中華郵政、富邦、UMC、茂德、力晶、采鈺、台揚、晶華、世界先進、華亞科技、台灣人壽、力成以及華南保代等等知名企業。 在這些專案中,擔任PM成功地主導專案導入順利結案。同時,也積極協助公司贏得眾多專案合約,工作範疇涵蓋了從需求訪談、投標策略的制定,到提案書和簡報的撰寫,並擔任標案主講及計畫主持人的角色。 創新實務 對於追求新知充滿著極大的熱情,並期待透過深入的研究,孕育出具體而創新的理念。在資策會的服務期間,擔任工業局專案計劃的主要工程師,成功設計開發了國內首套商業化IDEA數位學習網路系統。 在一宇數位服務的歷程中,榮獲了兩項專利,分別為個人知識管理和雲端課程市集。設計的Orca HCM系統更獲得了學習金質獎,Ho;on IQ 2022 Taiwan EdTech 50。Orca HCM的Smart Handbook模組更榮獲資訊月百大創新產品獎。 產品技術管理 擁有豐富的創意是重要的,然而如果無法實現這些創意,它們就只是虛幻的夢想!因此非常注重產品化的流程。擁有超過20年的產品部門管理經驗,深知如何將概念轉化為切實可行的產品和服務,並善於制定行銷策略、客戶端導入以及售後維護合約的執行。 一直致力於設計標準作業程序(SOP),加速效率並持續培養人才。 更推動SCRUM敏捷制度和OKR(目標和關鍵結果)到產品中心和公司各個單位,提升整體運作效能。相信這樣的管理方法能夠促進團隊合作,加速創意實現的速度,並確保產品在市場上取得成功。 程式設計 擔任主管前主要負責軟體設計與開發,具有超過10年的程式撰寫經驗,其中包括資策會IDEA數位學習平台,該系統採用ASP、JS、HTML和SQL技術搭建。隨後,參與了一宇數位的Learning XP系統,同樣以ASP為基礎。後來,負責重新設計Orca HCM,將資料格式轉換為XML,CSS,XHTML並採用C#語言。 目前專注Python , 熟悉基本的程式及套件功能如: Django,網路爬蟲BS4,Selenium及NumPy和Pandas應用! 之前在公司都是使用SVN(小烏龜)來進行版本控制, 現在則是使用Git+ GitHub 來管理,因為在撰寫Python 程式時是用Visual Source Code,它有專門的套件可以很方便串聯GitHub! I served as a senior executive for many years. Afterwards, I served as a part-time consultant for two companies, helping them optimize their business methods and partner cooperation matters. Although I am over 50 years old, I still had a high desire to work, so I decided to enter the workplace again. During my tenure as a supervisor. I led a cross-regional (Taipei, Kaohsiung and Shanghai) teams with more than 20 years of experiences and knew the essence and problem-solving methods of corporate management. Meanwhile I also served as the product center supervisor, since the early days of the Internet, and have successfully launched several e-learning and talent development systems. And introduced SCRUM in 2015 to improve the system development efficiency and successfully put the system on Azure. The system is used by more than 600+ well-known listed companies, about 100 of which are cloud-based. Because of the rich system experience, I can help complex projects proceed smoothly, so I also concurrently manage the project center and serve as a PM, successfully helping to introduce B-B talent development systems to well-known domestic and foreign companies, such as China Motor, Chunghwa Post, UMC, Lextar, Chipbond, Bayer, Fubon Life, Hua Yin Insurance Agency, Powertech Technology, etc. I have always been serious and responsible for my work attitude, and always adhere to the principle of mission must be achieved. I value the synergy and growth brought by serving the enterprise, and always pay attention to contributing my own strength in the work. My belief is that through superb professional skills and a responsible attitude, I can make a substantial contribution to the success and development of the enterprise. I have more than ten years of senior executive experiences. In this rich journey, I not only devoted myself to cultivating excellent managers and excellent teams, but also faced various challenges in terms of economy and business. This has enabled me to accumulate profound and practical experience in the field of management and business. I have a great passion for pursuing new knowledge and look forward to creating innovative ideas through in-depth research. During my service at the Institute for Information Industry, my job was as the main engineer to develop the first commercialized IDEA digital learning Internet system in Taiwan. At Learning Digital Inc., I won two patents, namely personal knowledge management and course market cloud. The design of the Orca HCM system also won the Learning Golden Award, with Holon IQ 2022 Taiwan EdTech 50. The Smart Handbook module of Orca HCM was awarded the 100 Innovative Products Award of Information Month. In the field of project management, I have served as the head of the project department and project manager (PM), actively participated in the project tasks of several large enterprises. These include well-known companies such as China Motor, Chinatrust, ING Antai Life, UMC, Motech, Lextar, Chipbond, Taiyang, Regent Hotel, World Advanced, Nanya Technology, Taiwan Life, Licheng and Huanan Insurance Agency. In these projects, I successfully led the project introduction and ensured a smooth completion. At the same time, I also actively helped the company win many project contracts. My work scope covers everything from requirement interviews, bidding strategy formulation, proposal writing and presentation, and acting as the main speaker. Having rich creativity is important, but if you can’t realize these ideas, they are just illusory dreams! Therefore, I attach great importance to the process of productization. With more than 20 years of product department management experience, I know how to transform concepts into practical products and services, and are good at formulating marketing strategies, client-side introduction and execution of after-sales maintenance contracts. I have been committed to designing standard operating procedures (SOP) to accelerate efficiency and continuously cultivate talents. In recent years, I have also promoted the introduction of SCRUM and OKR to the product center and various units , in order to further improve the overall operation efficiency. I believe that this management method can promote teamwork, speed up the realization of creativity, and ensure the success of products in the market. I have participated in the design of many commercial systems, including the IDEA digital learning platform of the Institute for Information Industry, which was built using ASP, JS, HTML and SQL technologies. Subsequently, I participated in the Learning XP system of Learning Digital, which was also based on ASP. Later, I was responsible for redesigning Orca HCM, converting the data format to XML, and using C# language. As I was promoted to a management position, I stopped the direct programming work. However, after retirement, I still have a passion for programming, and I have resumed learning new technologies such as Swift, Python, Javascript and Vue.. I have gradually regained the passion and soul of programming!
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University of Utah

Featured Resume

Uploaded on Aug 12th 2024

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Project / Product Management
    Organization Management
  • Fields
    Human Resources
    Information Services
  • Work Experience
    More than 15 years (More than 15 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 15+ people
  • Skills
    Product Design
    Management Team
    System Design
    Project Management
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
    Ready to interview
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    軟體科技業營運管理/ 產品經理/ 專案管理/ 系統服務顧問/ Product Manager/ Project Manager/ Consultant/ 程式設計師(Programmer)
  • Desired Work Locations
    New Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    Hsinchu City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

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Jul 2023 - Present
Taipei City, Taiwan
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Oct 2023 - Nov 2023
2 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
技術供應鏈設計及營銷規劃 已經完成階段任務!
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Feb 2011 - Jun 2023
12 yrs 5 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
公司經營目標以 “造就人才,成就企業”為核心目標,產品Orca HCM提供企業數位學習,人才發展及績效管理的專業系統服務。 . 2023/7 退休。 . 2022 Orca HCM 獲得 𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗜𝗤 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮 𝗧𝗮𝗶𝘄𝗮𝗻 𝗘𝗱𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵 𝟱𝟬。 . 2021 推出 V11則專注於更快、更好、更安全! . 2018 Smart Handbook QR Code在人才發展的應用,獲得資訊月百大創新產品獎。 . 2015 課程市集雲端系統取得中華民國專利(第1494891號)。 . 2014 產品獲得學習科技金質獎。 . 2013 公司以自家系統取得TTQS銅牌獎。 . 2012 獲選經濟部雲端推廣計畫。 . 2016 推出Orca HCM V10.0 以美好的使用經驗為設計核心,專注於四大目標: 解放螢幕: 以RWD(Response Web Design)模式設計系統畫面,無論使用者是以何種尺吋的螢幕觀看,都能完整呈現學習資訊。 一目了然: 透過Dashboard的呈現,將關鍵數據與資訊快速傳達給使用者。 最少路徑: 操作的流程最佳化,可以協助使用者以簡易直覺的方式,正確取得資訊。 樂在其中: 成人學習三部曲,協助學習更有感,優美的操作介面是第一步,(Social)互動分享是第二步,(Gamification)獎勵機制是第三步。
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Mar 2000 - Jan 2011
10 yrs 11 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
. 2002 個人目錄知識管理獲得台灣,大陸及美國三國專利。 . 2003 推出教材設計工具- eID教學設計家,榮獲創新軟體組數位內悚產品獎。 . 2004 推出 Learning XP數位學習平台,國內第一套商業化B-B網路學習平台。 . 2004 前往香港及德國Software AG進行Tamino XML 資料庫技術交流。 . 2005 獲得多次國家數位學習建置典範。 . 2008 獲得數位學習網置補助- 創新技術與應用類。 . 2008 前往美國技轉平台給 GKE。 . 2008 到北京進行業務推廣與拜訪中國電訊, . 2009 參加峇里島Skillsoft 亞太年會。 . 2010 獲得企業數位學習平台類最佳品牌 . 2010 獲得Microsoft英雄獎!
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Sep 1997 - Mar 2000
2 yrs 7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
負責主導數位學習系統IDEA設計與開發, 系統IDEA於2000年由資策會,天下及趨勢科技成立天下趨勢科技公司。 通過JAVA國際認證。 代表部門至南京進行數位學習平台技術交流。 代表資策會參加在美國舉辦的XMLONE大會。
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University of Utah
Sep 1995 - Jul 1997
1 yr 11 mos
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Univ. of Utah大學畢業後直升研究所,參與計畫獲得每年3萬5千美元獎學金。 與學長合作撰寫初學JAVA一書,由基峯出版。
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Sep 1991 - Dec 1991
4 mos


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Master’s Degree
1992 - 1997
3.71/4 GPA
Activities and societies
台灣同學會 滑雪Skiing
under & grad 研究生擔任RA,獲得全額獎學金

Licenses & Certifications

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Credential ID: 1494891
Issued Aug 2015
No Expiration Date
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Issued Sep 2004
No Expiration Date

Java Certificate

Issued Oct 1998
No Expiration Date

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)

(National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying
Issued Oct 1994
No Expiration Date