Avatar of Shirlyleen Ng.
Shirlyleen Ng
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Shirlyleen Ng

Singaporean, have been told that I am optimistic and creative! Have always been in careers that revolves around interacting and working with people, great communication skills, huge passion in human resource. Currently residing and working in Singapore but am keen to work in Taiwan!
SG Alliance
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Murdoch University

Trình độ chuyên môn

  • Tình trạng hiện tại
    Đã có việc làm
  • Nghề nghiệp
    Tư vấn Nhân sự
    Nhà tuyển dụng
  • Lĩnh vực
    Tài chính
    Nhân sự
    Tuyển dụng
  • Kinh nghiệm làm việc
    4-6 năm (2-4 năm liên quan)
  • Kinh nghiệm quản lý
  • Kỹ năng
    Microsoft Office
  • Ngôn ngữ
    Bản địa hoặc song ngữ
    Bản địa hoặc song ngữ
  • Trình độ học vấn cao nhất

Ưu tiên tìm kiếm việc làm

  • Hình thức làm việc mong muốn
    Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
  • Vị trí làm việc mong muốn
    Human Resource Specialist / Recruiter
  • Địa điểm làm việc mong muốn
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taichung City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Không phải freelancer

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Financial Consultant

SG Alliance
08/2021 - Hiện tại
Job duties: - Telemarketing - Appointment making - Sales work - Identifying client’s needs and recommend suitable solutions - Problem solving in a timely manner - Data Entry - Other administrative ad hoc duties Additional duties: - Recruitment duties - Planning bonding activities for fellow employees - Currently helping to manage the agency’s social media page - Postings, editing of videos 主要工作內容: - 電話營銷 - 預約和客戶見面時間 - 銷售 - 識別客戶需求 並推薦合適的解決方案 - 及時解決問題 - 統計數據,數據輸入 - 其他瑣事 額外職責: - 招募工作 - 策劃員工團建 - 管理機構的社交媒體頁面 - 編輯視頻之類

HR Recruiter

04/2020 - 07/2020
4 mos
Worked at Singapore’s local company as a HR recruiter, job duties are as follows: - Scanning of Resumes - Contacting and Filtering of Applicants - Interviewing of Applicants - Onboarding and Offboarding of Employees - Administrative Data Entry - Other company ad hoc duties as required 之前在新加坡機場工作,主要工作內容是為公司招聘人員: - 會參考簡歷 - 與相關適合的求職者聯絡 - 進行幾輪面試再決定是否聘請 - 協助員工入職和離職 - 統計數據,數據輸入 - 有時候也會替公司規劃活動之類。 Reason for leaving: Contract Ended 離開的理由:合約結束
Logo of the organization.

Temp Management Associate

11/2019 - 04/2020
6 mos
Worked at Singapore Recruitfirst as a Contact HR recruiter, job duties are as follows: - Scanning of Resumes - Contacting and Filtering of Applicants - Interviewing of Applicants - Onboarding and Offboarding of Employees - Administrative Data Entry - Minimal Payroll Execution - Other company ad hoc duties as required 主要工作內容是為公司招聘人員: - 會參考簡歷 - 與相關適合的求職者聯絡 - 進行幾輪面試再決定是否聘請 - 協助員工入職和離職 - 統計數據,數據輸入 - 有時候也會替公司規劃活動之類 Reason for leaving: Contract Ended 離開的理由:合約結束
Logo of the organization.

HR Recruiter

01/2018 - 04/2019
1 yr 4 mos
Worked at Singapore Changi Airport as HR recruiter, job duties are as follows: - Scanning of Resumes - Contacting and Filtering of Applicants - Interviewing of Applicants - Onboarding and Offboarding of Employees - Administrative Data Entry - Other company ad hoc duties as required 之前在新加坡機場工作,主要工作內容是為公司招聘人員: - 會參考簡歷 - 與相關適合的求職者聯絡 - 進行幾輪面試再決定是否聘請 - 協助員工入職和離職 - 統計數據,數據輸入 - 有時候也會替公司規劃活動之類。 Reason for leaving: End of Internship 離開的理由:實習結束

Học vấn

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Bằng cử nhân
Human Resource Management, Management
2018 - 2020
Mô tả
Pursued a Human Resource Management degree after my diploma studies in Singapore Polytechnic and took up an additional major of Management this time as well. I was interested in learning to manage a business at that time. Throughout my course of study, it further refines my existing skills as a Human Resource (HR) Practitioner and I was able to be more confident in what I do. 在新加坡理工學院畢業之後, 我繼續修讀了跟人資有關的大學文憑。這次還添加了個額外的管理文憑,因為當時對管理有興趣。 在我就讀的期間,我覺得在提高對人資瞭解和技能的同時也曾加了我對能做好人資的自信心。
Human Resource Management with Psychology
2015 - 2018
Các hoạt động xã hội
School Of Business Yearbook Head Designer Overview: - Oversees design of yearbook and newsletters - Helps to organise bonding events for yearbook members - Other administrative duties like photography 商學院 首席設計師 職責: - 監督年鑑和時事通訊的設計 - 組織年鑑設團建 -其他瑣事,比如攝影
Mô tả
My course of study at Singapore Polytechnic was a fruitful one, the systems and teachers were good and helpful. I learnt various hard and soft skills that were useful to my employments after graduation. For instance, the psychology term here (in the name of the course) refers mainly to workplace psychology where we learnt workplace negotiation skills, reading body languages of employees and hence, this allows me to better identify employees’ needs as a Human Resource (HR) personnel. 在新加坡理工學院學習了很多,系統和教師們都非常的先進。 學習了不同的硬技能和軟技能, 對之後的工作也有很大的幫助。 例如,在科系名字裡的 ”心理學“ 比較針對的是工作場所的心理學,工作場所怎麼有效談判,閱讀員工及上司的肢體語言之類的。 這讓人資部門裡的我能夠更好的去識別員工的需求並且及時解決問題。