Avatar of 謝銘峰 (Cupid).
謝銘峰 (Cupid)
NTU CSIE Ph.D Candidated
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謝銘峰 (Cupid)

NTU CSIE Ph.D Candidated
跨領域,做中學,小步快跑快速迭代 好奇心不會害死貓,只會使我了解如何解決從未碰過的問題,同時對於新技術抱持著高度的關注,不斷學習新知,積極探索機會
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SuDo Research Labs(蘇度科技有限公司)
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National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    Research / R&D
    Data Scientist
  • Fields
    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Work Experience
    2-4 years (2-4 years relevant)
  • Management
  • Skills
    TOEIC 830
  • Languages
    Native or Bilingual
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
  • Desired Work Locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

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Nov 2021 - Present
Taipei City, Taiwan
Research blockchain layer2, DeFi and cross-chain
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University Relations Scholar

May 2021 - Present
We work on the global Google Pixel executive team for Android Testing and MLIR compiler. Our current primary focus is on Android Hook to speed up Android.
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理事 Director

Aug 2020 - Present
At present, more than 15 universities have joined to establish the Taiwan Blockchain Academia, which is an academic alliance formed by Taiwan universities for blockchain research. It gathers National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, National Cheng Kung University, National Changhua University of Education, National Taipei University of Technology, Tamkang University, Chang Gung University, Fu Jen Catholic University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Chinese Medical University, Soochow University, etc., will strive to connect the resources of each college and play the role of accelerator in the industry, government and academia.
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Mar 2018 - Present
As a Front-end website developer, design banner and logo, meeting with members, International conference CTAPC 2019, 2020 organizer. 協助成立亞太區塊鏈自律聯盟(APAC Blockchain Industry Self Regulatory Alliance) 為了促進區塊鏈產業的良性發展,立法院數位國家促進會會長余宛如、中華民國全國商業總會、亞太區塊鏈發展協會,協同七大交易所會員Bitfinex, BitoEX, BitPoint, Cobinhood, KTrade, 泰德環球交易技術有限公司及星輝科技股份有限公司聯合發佈交易所自律公約,並將在九月籌設亞太區塊鏈產業自律聯盟,計劃廣邀相關業者參與發起,群策群力,打造出健全的區塊鏈產業鏈,以及共同探討提出虛擬通貨交易所會員自律公約。
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Research Fellow

Dec 2020 - Jan 2022
1 yr 2 mos
Research and summary blockchain topics including Consensus, Security, Scaling, etc.
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Researcher & AI Lecturer

Apr 2020 - Dec 2021
1 yr 9 mos
Research and develop a privacy-preserving supply chain blockchain structure. Research and develop tamper-proof e-commerce blockchain trading platform. Research and develop NLP decision assistant system with BERT algorithm. Industrial 4.0 with CNN explainable AI framework design.
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CEO & Co-founder

Nov 2019 - Jan 2021
1 yr 3 mos
公司核心理念為 DAO, decentralized autonomous organization 利用區塊鏈來驗證交易。 DAO 中的每個人都可以發布提議並進行投票來做決策,資產管理規模超過 10 萬美金,持續增加中。 It's one of the best side hustle made by ABC Lab at NTU CSIE.
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Crytpo Exchange Market maker

Jan 2020 - Aug 2020
8 mos
My role is one of Plus Gold members. The monthly trading volume average reaches 3 million.
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Project Manager

Jan 2019 - Mar 2020
1 yr 3 mos
It's an Industry-Academy Cooperation cross chain Blockchain project with National Taiwan University. My role is integrate and communicate with both side of team's specific technical issue. Research and develop High-throughput low latency multi-layer blockchain with BFT-like consensus. Research and develop privacy preserving and authority control blockchain protocol.


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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Computer Science & Information Engineering 資訊工程所
2018 - 2022
Activities and societies
6nd 2020 Presidential Hackathon 海闊天空-垃圾變黃金 research and develop marine debris circular economy supply chain blockchain. 2019 FinTech Taipei research and develop Bitcoin RegTech platform for AML monitor application based on social network algorithm. 2018 FinTech Taipei research and develop Robot-advisor predict the price impact with NLP from news. CTAPC 2019, 2020 organize international conference as organizer.
2020 FinTech Introduction course Teaching Assistant
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Master of Science (MS)
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education 資訊教育研究所
2015 - 2018
4/4.3 GPA
Activities and societies
區塊鏈應用專輯 Cycle-Coin ICO(Initial Coin Offering) 開發人工智慧道德困境國中生作弊預測DNN(Deep Neural Network)模型 參與研究團隊證實中國最早發明活字印刷與共同發明專利 中國第二屆紫金獎交互軟件設計類 APP 入圍作品 台灣第六屆數位表演藝術節入圍作品 發明情緒詞對色彩之轉換系統及其方法發明專利
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Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications 圖文傳播學系
2012 - 2015
3.9/4.3 GPA
Activities and societies
第⼋屆台師大親善⼤使見習隊員 圖⽂文傳播學系 班代 華語⽂文教學系暨研究所 華語⽂文師資結訓 財團法⼈陳景容藝術⽂教基⾦會 數位典藏人員