台南市, 台灣・
中和區, 新北市, 台灣・
新市區, 台南市, 台灣 1.晶圓切割參數優化,調整切割速度搭配輪刀轉速良率上升>10%
• Optimized wafer cutting parameters, adjusted cutting speed and wheel cutter speed to increase yield rate by >10%.
• Worked with suppliers to test new cutting knives and applied new products to increase customer wafer output.
• Investigated and analyzed mass product abnormalities, reduced human factors and foreign matter residues, and promoted the implementation of SOP techniques in the production line to ensure that the abnormality rate is less than 3 times per week.
• Introduced the new laser cutting technology, combined with wheel knife cutting to increase production capacity by >30%, the yield rate can be greatly improved by >20%.