Palembang, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
- Input all output tax data, output returns, input taxes, input returns
- Recalculate using excel first to find out underpaid or overpaid
- Upload all output tax invoices, output returns, input taxes, input tax returns Periodic SPT form of VAT
- Submit Payment to directors
- proof of deposit is uploaded together with the main period PPn SPT at the time of Reporting
- Print SPT and Archives
• PPh 15
- Confirmation regarding ship payments and then request invoices and related documents
- Perform calculations of pph 15 then make payment requests to the directors
- After that create a tax billing code to then deposit
- reporting
• PPh 21
- Performing PPH 21 calculations after previously asking for a salary recap on accounting
- Make payment requests
- Create a billing code
- PPh 21 data entry on PPH 21 espt application
• PPh 23
- Check transactions and can be confirmed to the Head of Admin-Cashier whether during that period there were payments related to services that we have to deduct in accordance with the provisions of Income Tax Law 23
- If there is, do the counting
- Submit approval for the payment of concurrent tax with PPh 15, Pph 21, PPh 23 and PPH 25 by attaching the relevant documents.
- he next step is to issue proof of withholding based on existing transactions per invoice or tax invoice as a reference on the Djp Online page on the Unification eBupot menu
- Then after all proof of deduction has been made, prepare it for reporting like the PPH 23 period, including entering the proof of deposit on the existing form.
- fter that, print SPT period pph 23 then archive it.
- Proof of deduction that has been made, please send it to the counterparty.
• PPh 25
- Calculate the amount of PPh 25 installments in accordance with the Basic provisions for calculating the PPh 25 Law
- Submit Payments to directors together with other PPh
- After that Create a Billing code
- Annual corporate and employee personal returns
- At the end of the period request all data related to financial statements from the Accounting. general ledger. profit and loss. as well as statements of financial position and cash flows .
- perform reconciliation of tax data. accounting and VAT Reporting
- Consolidate all financial reports
- create tax financial reports
- assisting all employees in reporting the personal annual SPT that has been previously issued from the company as the party that provides income