Avatar of 陳濬騰 (Thomas Chen).
陳濬騰 (Thomas Chen)
Senior Associate, Fixed Income Analytical Client Service, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
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陳濬騰 (Thomas Chen)

Senior Associate, Fixed Income Analytical Client Service, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
Pas encore d'introduction.
LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group)
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
台北市, 台灣

Featured Resume

Uploaded on juin 18ème 2024

Professional Background

  • Statut Actuel
  • Profession
  • Fields
    Investment Management
  • Expérience professionnelle
    4 à 6 ans (Moins de 1 an pertinente)
  • Management
  • Skills
    JLPT N1
    TOEFL 99
    Microsoft Office
    Customer Service
    Google Spreadsheets
  • Languages
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Statut Actuel
    Prêt à l'interview
  • Desired Job Type
    Temps plein
    Intéressé par le travail à distance
  • Desired Positions
  • Lieu de travail désiré
  • Freelance

Work Experience

Senior Associate - Fixed Income Analytics Client Service - YieldBook

août 2022 - Présent
Taipei City, Taiwan
- Cooperated with sales and relationship managers in preparation for workshops, on site training sessions, and specific templates for clients, demonstrating and promoting the function of the Yield Book by delivering 10+ trainings within a year. Successfully contributed to the deal with a leading bank in Singapore by designing and optimizing the scenario analysis template. - Communicated with internal teams for urgent requests, ensuring the clients’ demand were properly handled, and could be updated in time for subsequent usage. Represented for the team in the system transition, communicating with external IT team for further enhancement. - Managed client inquiries, providing both analytics and usage solutions to solve the clients’ problems. About 80% of the cases independently solved within 24 hours, and 70% cross-team communication solved within 3 business days.

Green Revenue Senior Analyst

mai 2020 - août 2023
3 yrs 4 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
- Conducted quality check for Green Revenues 2.0 model for more than 800 companies (about 17% of the research universe) in the business cycle, and further estimated green revenues from the insight of data and public information. - Collaborated with the global team in the revision of guidance of the Green Revenues 2.0 on a biweekly basis, clarifying ambiguity and suggesting new definition to make it more aligned with the EU Taxonomy. - Proactively participated in the ongoing integration project with Refinitiv through delivering presentations about the Green Revenues models and BAU works, helping the communication to be smooth and efficient.

Green Revenue Research Analyst

juil. 2018 - avr. 2020
1 yr 10 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
- Conducted qualitative research on over 120 companies in Green Revenues 2.0 model and Fossil Fuel model by collecting revenue data and classifying products and services information, with half of the companies are Japanese company. - Proactively assisted the global team in the revision of guidance of the Green Revenues 2.0 and Fossil Fuel model through raising both the ambiguity in the guidance and the suggested way of revising on regular conference call. - Increase the data quality through the engagement in the peer quality check on regular basis.

Summer Intern

juil. 2015 - août 2015
2 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
- Involved in 3 cases in 6 weeks inspecting and organizing the financial reports mainly for the traditional industries, accomplishing above 10 sheets of subsidiary companies individually during the internship. - Analyzed and generalized financial rates from balance sheet and income statement, explaining differences between the specific periods, and thus facilitated the preparation of financial reports. - Executed examination of the vouchers with other interns, ensuring the transactions’ accuracy with teamwork, and thus finished the case ahead of the schedule.


Non-Degree Program (e.g. Coursera certificate)
GLP program - Exchange student
2016 - 2017
Bachelor’s Degree
International Business
2012 - 2017
Activités et groupes
Collaborator. 1. Academic-oriented club which cultivates insight and skills toward researches in finance and industries. 2. Collaborated with a team which was rotated every 2 months to investigate the realm of Petrochemical industry, Trump's tax reform plan, and the trend of live economics through data interpreting and brainstorming as a junior, strengthening the ability of project management from subject organizing to data analyzing.

Licenses & Certifications

Certificate for Professional Test on Trust Businesses

中華民國信託業商業同業公會(Trust Association of Republic of China)
Credential ID: Y110182170110
Issued juin 2018
No Expiration Date