Transitioned to web and app development in MDBS Digital Technology Co., Ltd. I have to start from scratch in coding, I’ve managed to adopt the skills such as writing HTML, CSS with simple usage of Jquery and the in’s and out’s of designing an app within six months. Other than designing website and app, I have implemented three solutions to make the corporation more smoothly and faster between project managers and developers.
A. Using Apple's iCloud to sync up with keynotes, co-work presentation at the same time, saves up the time for email back and forward.
B. Using Invision service, with designers uploading the sketch files to Invision to make prototypes, project managers could comment on changes and developers could found the files and scales all right on the web.
C. Using Axure RP's online services, also combines with invision page links, making the document all in one place.
Aside then designing screens, I also asked to join the planning part of the projects and meet, present with clients.
在百商數位做網頁 & APP 的設計。從頭開始學習coding,在半年之內學習了 HTML、CSS 加 Jquery 使用和 APP 使用相關 UI 規範做到可獨立作業。在百商數位除了進行網頁&APP的設計之外,主動推行了幾項目讓部門之間能有更順利和節省時間的計畫:
- 使用 keynote 製作簡報結合雲端讓 PM 可同時編輯,節省之間來回的信件與文件。
- APP 建置使用 Invision,由設計上傳圖像並製作 prototype, PM 線上溝通調整需求、切圖上傳讓工程師方便取用,Invision 本身標記規格功能讓。
- 整合 Axure RP 的線上功能,讓檔案可以雲端化並結合 Invision 上的畫面,讓整個團隊所需文件整頓到同一個地方。
[網頁設計 / Website design]
◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃
◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖
◼︎ Responsive web design 切版
◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery
[App設計 / App design]
◼︎ UI design 介面設計
◼︎ Planning 整體規劃
◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬