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Tom Luo
UI UX lead at Inno Technology
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Tom Luo

UI UX lead at Inno Technology
What "DESIGN" is : it's a journey in finding the better & faster solutions to the intricacies of life.
Nontough Studio
Logo of the organization.
Taipei, 台灣

Professional Background

  • Current Status
  • Profession
    UI/UX Design
  • Fields
  • Work Experience
    More than 15 years (6-10 years relevant)
  • Management
    I've had experience in managing 5-10 people
  • Skills
    After Effects
    JIRA Confluence
  • Languages
  • Highest Level of Education

Job Search Preferences

  • Current Status
    Ready to interview
  • Desired Job Type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired Positions
    UI/UX Designer
  • Desired Work Locations
    Taipei City, Taiwan
  • Freelance
    Part-time freelancer

Work Experience

Freelance Designer

Jan 2007 - Present
5160 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 22304, USA
[Web / 網頁] ◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃 ◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖 ◼︎ Front-end develop 切版 ◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery [App design / App設計] ◼︎ UI design 介面設計 ◼︎ Planning 整體規劃 ◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬 [Other] ◼︎ Visual design 視覺設計 ◼︎ Filming 影片拍攝 ◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯 ◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作 ◼︎ Photography 攝影 ◼︎ Illustrations 插畫 ◼︎ Product design 產品設計 ◼︎ Packaging design 包裝設計

UI/UX Design Team Leader

Inno Technology
Aug 2019 - Nov 2023
4 yrs 4 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
【 Team Leader / 主管 】 ◼︎ Product Development Flow Design 開發流程建置 ◼︎ SOP 標準流程建制 ◼︎ Department Communications 部門溝通協調 ◼︎ Team Future Roadmap 團隊內職涯規劃 ◼︎ Team Building 團隊建置 ----- Team Core Building 團隊核心價值 1. The Golden Circle Thinking 黃金圈思維 2. Corporations “Brigade” Concept 團隊協力觀念 3. Flexibility 跨部門彈性 4. Self Expression 自我表達能力 ----- Design Workshop 設計工作坊 1. Designer Concept 設計師思維分享 2. Design Better 設計訓練營 ----- Long Term Project 長期設計計畫 1. Competitive Analysis Library 競品分析圖書館 2. Design System Manager 設計管理系統 3. Protopie 產品原型設計 ----- Team Management 團隊管理 1. Monthly Label Based Tracking 標籤式追蹤工作內容 2. Quantify Team Workload 量化團隊工作 【 Product Design / 產品設計 】 ◼︎ User Flow 使用者流程 ◼︎ Planning 企劃策略發想 ◼︎ PC / Mobile / APP UI design 使用者介面設計 ◼︎ Micro-animation Design 微動畫設計 ◼︎ Prototype 使用介面模擬 ◼︎ UI Review UI 視覺設計把關 ◼︎ User Experience Design 使用者體驗設計 【 UX / 使用者體驗 】 ◼︎ Product Analysis 競品分析 ◼︎ Design Trend Analysis 設計趨勢分析 ◼︎ Tools Analysis 工具產品分析

視覺創意部 Visual Design Div / 副總監 Deputy Director

Jan 2018 - Aug 2019
1 yr 8 mos
After 2 year in MDBS, in order to make our product and service more all-around, suggested company to form a UI/UX team for me to lead. One of the mission UI/UX team had was to also look for new informations and technologies to share to the company. 在百商2年之後升職成副總監,並建議公司成立 UI/UX 團隊,讓公司服務項目更加完整,目前這個團隊由我帶領。UX 團隊主要有一個任務是給視覺創意部帶來新的資訊,會固定提供現在最新設計趨勢和 Apple、Android 發表會最新技術的分享。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ [User Experience / 使用者體驗] ◼︎ User research 使用者調查 ◼︎ Content design 內容規劃設計

網頁設計 / Web & App Designer

May 2016 - Dec 2017
1 yr 8 mos
Transitioned to web and app development in MDBS Digital Technology Co., Ltd. I have to start from scratch in coding, I’ve managed to adopt the skills such as writing HTML, CSS with simple usage of Jquery and the in’s and out’s of designing an app within six months. Other than designing website and app, I have implemented three solutions to make the corporation more smoothly and faster between project managers and developers. A. Using Apple's iCloud to sync up with keynotes, co-work presentation at the same time, saves up the time for email back and forward. B. Using Invision service, with designers uploading the sketch files to Invision to make prototypes, project managers could comment on changes and developers could found the files and scales all right on the web. C. Using Axure RP's online services, also combines with invision page links, making the document all in one place. Aside then designing screens, I also asked to join the planning part of the projects and meet, present with clients. 在百商數位做網頁 & APP 的設計。從頭開始學習coding,在半年之內學習了 HTML、CSS 加 Jquery 使用和 APP 使用相關 UI 規範做到可獨立作業。在百商數位除了進行網頁&APP的設計之外,主動推行了幾項目讓部門之間能有更順利和節省時間的計畫: - 使用 keynote 製作簡報結合雲端讓 PM 可同時編輯,節省之間來回的信件與文件。 - APP 建置使用 Invision,由設計上傳圖像並製作 prototype, PM 線上溝通調整需求、切圖上傳讓工程師方便取用,Invision 本身標記規格功能讓。 - 整合 Axure RP 的線上功能,讓檔案可以雲端化並結合 Invision 上的畫面,讓整個團隊所需文件整頓到同一個地方。 除了設計畫面之外,主動要求參與規劃階段,與PM一起參加客戶會議討論需求與簡報。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ [網頁設計 / Website design] ◼︎ Content planning 網站規劃 ◼︎ Wireframe 線框圖 ◼︎ Responsive web design 切版 ◼︎ Basic JQuery input 基礎的JQuery [App設計 / App design] ◼︎ UI design 介面設計 ◼︎ Planning 整體規劃 ◼︎ Prototype 介面模擬

雜誌總編輯 / 視覺設計 Magazine Editor-in-chief / Graphic Designer

Sep 2014 - Apr 2016
1 yr 8 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
I lead a team of three as the editor-in-chief and design to create "GoHealth Magazine". My job also contains any designs for the website "top1health" & "GoHealth". 公司希望建立紙本雜誌,由我擔任總編輯兼設計,帶領三人的團隊來進行。工作內容除了雜誌製作之外,還包含了網站本身文章的製圖、GoHealth 網站的商品拍攝&影片剪輯、活動「5.1華人健康日 野餐格子聚」的主視覺&banner設計。 [GoHealth Magazine (monthly) 健康報馬仔(月刊)] ◼︎ Decide content directions 內容方向決策 ◼︎ Check content flow 審稿 ◼︎ Layout design 排版設計 ◼︎ Photography 單元攝影 ◼︎ Illustrations 內容插畫 ◼︎ Print color correction 印刷校色 ◼︎ Banner design 設計 [Website 網站 www.top1health.com] ◼︎ Article picture design 文章製圖 ◼︎ Shoot film 影片拍攝 ◼︎ Film editing 影片剪輯 ◼︎ Film motion graphics 影片動畫製作

設計總監 Design Director

Dec 2010 - Jun 2014
3 yrs 7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
Cofounded photography focused magazine "SNAPPP". As the design director, I handled magazine’s content planning, layout design, printing quality supervision and build the company’s business SOPs. We had a space for lectures, exhibitions, I also handled setting the events and visual designs. SNAPPP has worked with SHINKONG MITSUKOSHI on the international photo exhibition for 2013 & 2014. Invited photographers like Sean Lotman, Ariko Inaoka and Takeshi Miyamoto. I was in charge of contacting the photographers, key visual for the photographer's exhibition, exhibition planning, photography lectures, product design and also did the translation photographers. 朋友一起創辦了「照玩行動文化事業」出版社,發行了以攝影為主的「SNAPPP照玩雜誌」。在照玩行動文化事業我主要擔任的是設計總監的工作,工作內容從雜誌落版、美術編排設計、印刷業務的接洽到監督印刷品質等都親自執行和公司的營運SOP建立。除了工作室外,也有公司歸屬的展演空間,這個展演空間主要用來舉辦展覽、校園講座、音樂表演等活動,而我也同時負責展覽規劃、協調及視覺形象的設計。2013年及2014年「照玩行動」與新光三越二度合作舉辦了「國際攝影聯展」,邀請了國際攝影大師Sean Lotman、Ariko Inaoka 和 Takeshi Miyamoto 來台舉辦展覽。從連絡邀請開始、展覽的主視覺設計、廣告編排設計、展場的規劃、周邊商品招商、販售區規劃及陳列,攝影師來台時的翻譯等,都是我負責與聯繫的項目。


Logo of the organization.
2004 - 2006
Activities and societies
1999 - 2004
Activities and societies

Licenses & Certifications

Issued Jul 2018
No Expiration Date