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Trixie Huang
Project Manager
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Trixie Huang

Project Manager
依照過往工作經驗: 1. 針對公司年度方向與規劃,提供行銷策略及規劃活動; 2. 進行市場研究與分析; 3. 數位媒體策略規劃,並提供優化建議與分析; 4. 行銷企劃部門年度計畫及內部組織、協調、指導及考核等活動管理。
Queen Mary University of London
台北市, 台灣

Professional Background

  • Current status
  • Profession
    Digital Marketer
  • Fields
    Residential Real Estate
  • Work experience
    10-15 years relevant
  • Management
  • Skills
    Microsoft Office
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
  • Desired work locations
  • Freelance

Work Experience


6월 2017 - Present
Taipei City, Taiwan
【建案專案】 一、自售案: 1. 產品前期定位、企劃策略規劃、市場調查; 2. 媒體計畫策略規劃與執行、預算規劃、媒體新聞稿採訪與曝光、業務溝通及TA人群優化建議; 3. 參與接待中心、樣品屋圖面風格提案等; 4. 期間代操建案包含但不限於:潤泰代官山(地上權案)、潤泰雙子星(海砂屋重建案)、潤泰三重捷六案、潤泰央北、青田618、潤泰大安富陽等。 二、代銷案: 1. 潤泰旗下其他建案媒體數位廣告策略建議; 2. 圖面規劃、實品屋及樣品屋風格討論等; 3. 期間參與建案包含但不限於:潤泰敦峰、峰匯及即將開案之潤泰左岸生活、三重案等。 【商場】 1. 會員專案:年度計畫擬訂、預算編列控管、各檔期會員活動規劃; 2. 檔期企劃:商場各大暑假或冬季大檔活動評估、電子媒體策略規劃等; 3. 網路媒體:市場資料分析評估與優化,最優媒體選擇和整合評估利用; 4. Tsutaya Bookstore蔦屋書店及Share Lounge:松山、內湖、高雄店開幕記者會及行銷活動協辦; 5. 其他專案:第三方支付合作洽談、APP及官網改版、異業合作洽談等。


3월 2015 - 3월 2017
2 yrs 1 mo
Taipei City, Taiwan
*寶芮利國際股份有限公司係屬於寶碩財務科技股份有限公司旗下之婚戀交友網(Date Me Now品牌)。 工作職責 1. 分析產業發展趨勢; 2. 根據總公司總業績分階段達成本公司的業績目標; 3. 招聘及培養團隊人才; 4. 縣上線下活動整合; 5. 制訂品牌推廣計畫和投入費用預算及損益預估; 6. SEO網站優化及網路媒體廣告優化。 工作業績 1. 電視廣告執行達成率超過133%; 2. 業績提升三倍:會員註冊人數自150人/月提升至2,000人/月; 3.  主導多個行銷專案,轉換率最高達23%,行銷項目業績占總營業額95%以上。 4. 受邀參加康熙來了節目、與太陽娛樂藝人合作一日約會項目。

Sales Assistant

8월 2014 - 3월 2015
8 mos
City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
• Provides product, promotion, and pricing information by clarifying customer request, selecting appropriate information; forwarding information; answering questions. • Forwards samples by entering request; arranging shipment; notifying customer.


7월 2013 - 7월 2014
1 yr 1 mo
Taipei City, Taiwan
工作職責 1. 分析並建立行業市場定位目標,組織實施市場調研與分析; 2. 提案開發土地建設; 3. 市場資料搜集、並向客戶簡報提案; 4. 編列全媒體廣告計畫、媒體採購、分析評估及優化; 5. 接待中心、樣品屋、實品屋等工程監工及管理; 工作業績 1. 龍潤萬華案提案共3次,跟進約半年後簽約; 2. 管理並實施行銷預算4億,進行全管道行銷方案。


Master’s Degree
Management and Organizational Innovation
2011 - 2012
Activities and societies
Event coordinator of our Taiwanese Student Association. Courses: Research Methods for Business Studies; International Marketing, International Human Resource Management; State, Markets and Society: Organisation Theory; Knowledge and Innovation Management; Quantitative Methods.
The dissertation for this degree was applying quantitative methods in order to assess the Influence of different factors, such as gender, race, ages, and consumer attitudes and intention on mobile advertising adoption.
Labour and Human Resourse
2003 - 2007
Activities and societies
Class representative, class PR, and event coordinator of our student association.
• Besides the courses required by my major I also attended extracurricular classes such as Statistics, Economics, and Investment, and I obtained top grades. I developed excellent research and analytical skills. • During my freshman year, I was a director and screenwriter for an English modern drama in English class. My team and I won the top 1 prize for our play. I fostered my ability of my leadership and team cooperation. I will endeavour to achieve my goal by knowledge I learn. • During my internship in CA Union, I was honoured to have my writing be chosen amongst all of the interns to be published in their internal periodical. • During my university career, I was class representative, class PR, and event coordinator of our student association. I found my talent in interpersonal communication and event coordination.

Licenses & Certifications


Issued 6월 2019
No Expiration Date

Marketing Strategic Planner Training Course

Issued 5월 2019
No Expiration Date