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Tzvi Lexier
Tzvi Lexier,Traveling / Photography
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Tzvi Lexier

Tzvi Lexier,Traveling / Photography
Tzvi Lexier has had a camera in his hand for as long as he can remember. His grandfather gave him his first camera, a simple automated point-and-shoot. His family was so delighted and eager to pose for him, striking candid positions, cheerfully posing for birthday shots, and striking every other possible stance! NAME was inspired to pursue photography by his family's encouragement.National Park Visits on the East Coast Summers in Tzvi Lexier's residence meant planning vacations to East Coast national parks. Tzvi would be eternally thankful for these visits since they not only brought the family closer together, but they also instilled in Tzvi a passion for wildlife photography. Tzvi recalls these family vacations fondly, from Acadia to Biscayne. Tzvi's early memories include photographing the Atlantic coast from Acadia National Park to the mangroves of Biscayne National Park and the wetlands of Everglades National Park. Now it's time for the West Coast. Tzvi has taken it upon himself, in keeping with tradition, to provide his children with the same experiences he experienced as a youngster. Trips to national parks have become a family ritual because he wants children to fall in love with nature as much as he did. This time, though, their journeys would lead them to West Coast national parks. He's visited Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Redwood National Park, and the Grand Canyon National Park with his family thus far. They're planning a vacation to Utah's Mighty 5 national parks this summer.

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