Avatar of Ullan Uchi Ramanda.
Ullan Uchi Ramanda
Finance Invoicing & Tenant Relation
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Ullan Uchi Ramanda

Finance Invoicing & Tenant Relation
Belum ada pengenalan.
PT Aru Raharja
Logo of the organization.
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia

Latar Belakang Profesional

  • Status sekarang
    Sudah bekerja
  • Profesi
    Event Management
    Petugas Regulasi
  • Bidang
  • Pengalaman Kerja
    1-2 tahun (relevan 1-2 tahun)
  • Management
  • Skil
    Google Drive
    Microsoft Office
    Data Entry
    Data Entry Documentation
    Filling Document
  • Bahasa
  • Pendidikan tertinggi

Preferensi pencarian kerja

  • Status sekarang
  • Jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Tertarik bekerja jarak jauh
  • Jabatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan
    Finance Staff, Quality Management System, Administration Staff
  • Lokasi pekerjaan yang diinginkan
  • Bekerja lepas

Pengalaman Kerja

Finance Invoicing & Tenant Relation

PT Aru Raharja
06/2023 - Sekarang
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Receive and serve tenants well (communication). - Handle all bills related to the building (rent, service charge, electricity, overtime, water) from the invoice creation process to paying off each tenant / vendor. - Create BAST, Purchase Order (PO), WO, etc. - Collecting required invoice supporting documents to be attached in commercial invoice - Create a cooperation agreement contract. - Coordination with other internal division regarding the assistance required for the invoices supporting document collection process. - Create schedule deadlines, lease expiration dates and building agreements.
Logo of the organization.

Time Deposit

08/2022 - 11/2022
4 mos
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Maker activities in Safekeeping Operations for time deposit through call / fax to placement bank. - Ensure received of Time Deposit certificate. - Ensure completeness and correctness of time deposit recorded in Time Deposit database. - Ensure completeness and correctness for all time deposit taken from the Time Deposit's box. - Ensure in monitoring of stamp duty usage. - Maintained good relationship with the placement bank. - Follow up of Time Deposit which will mature to Client Service Unit team for further action.

Tax Validation

12/2021 - 06/2022
7 mos
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Analyze and calculate levy taxes on the acquisition of land or building rights. - Validate the Tax Payment Letter (SSP) PPh PHTB.


Logo of the organization.
Sarjana (S1)
2017 - 2021
3.5/4 GPA

Sertifikasi dan Lisensi


PT. Zahir Internasional
Credential ID: ZO000000000022725
Dibuat 08/2020
Tidak Ada Tanggal Kadaluwarsa

Brevet A and B

Solusi Edukasi Indonesia
Credential ID: 1710112215
Dibuat 06/2020
Tidak Ada Tanggal Kadaluwarsa