Logo of Penn State University.
Penn State University
This listing was automatically created by Cake. This listing is not currently maintained by, endorsed by or affiliated with Penn State University
Avatar of Ken Termini Basketball.
Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Professional
Avatar of Nikki Wu.
Audit intern
Avatar of Luke Ferguson.
Student at Penn State University
Avatar of Ken Termini.
Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Professional
Avatar of Dr. Robert Biter.
CEO and Founder of Dando A Luz Birthing Centers worldwide
American Red Cross
2018 ~ Present
Avatar of Nicholas Manella.
Technology Strategist - Healthcare
Avatar of Lena Huang.
聯豪科創客戶經理 Account Manager
Account Manager
2019 ~ Present
Avatar of PeiYu Tseng.
Research Assistant
Logo of Penn State University.
Penn State University
Research assistant
2023 ~ Present
Avatar of Ed Cheng.
Computer Science (B.S.) Student at the Pennsylvania State University