Managing Organizational Change

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Managing Organizational Change

Nursing Expert Help
New York, NY, USA

Organizational change

An organization culture is one of the components that are essential for the success of any organization. When an organization has a strong culture, employees are aware of what the management expects from them and they reward that they will get from delivering and demonstrating organization values. When various organizational changes such as mergers and acquisitions occur, one area that is often overlooked yet it has significant effect is the culture of the organizations involved. One major reason why most mergers and acquisitions are doomed to fail is due to lack of compatibility in relation to culture. With the research undertaken in mind, you can also obtain your why be a nurse practitioner essay from these researchers.

           The changes that occur with organizational changes may either benefit of harms the organization and its employees. One of the recent changes that was of great effect to my personal work environment was the Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods that took place in 2017. The main aim of this acquisition was to allow Amazon to go beyond e-commerce and be in a position to sell groceries to customers in various stores while at the same time collecting data on the customers. This change would also assist Whole Foods to increase its sales that had greatly declines as well as increase its market share.

           As an employee working at Whole Foods, there were a lot of expectations with this change where one expected that they would get to benefit greatly from this change. However, two years down the line, the situation is entirely different. This acquisition has caused significant changes in the organization that are making it hard for the employees at Whole Foods to adopt. Amazon operates on the basis of tight culture which is guided by precision and structure. Based on their policy, the leaders are instructed to hire and retain only the best talent. The employees at Whole Foods have to work under new inventory systems where most employees are losing their job due to lack of compliance. Therefore, this organizational change has generally worked against me and several other employees at Whole Foods. 

This research article provides feedback on how organizational change can be managed.
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Published: Dec 17th 2023

change management
organizational change
