8 Tips To Help Create A Resume

1. Take care of the details

Ensure that every detail you include is correct. Is that company you used to work for still using the same name? Does that line manager still work for that company? Even the smallest mistakes can cause you problems, so be careful.

2. Format your resume

The way you format your resume is just as important as the content in it. Use bullet points, white space, and easily read fonts to make your resume easy and interesting to read.

3. List experiences rather than jobs

Of course, you should give a history of where you've worked, but this on its own doesn't tell the employer what you can do. List your experiences instead, focusing on the work you've done that makes you a valuable employee now.

4. Focus on achievements

Make a section to focus on the achievements you've had in your career. These show the reader that you're looking to better yourself, and the company that you work with.

5. Don't forget your referees

Don't forget to include the names of referees that can vouch for your experience and work style. The employer can get in touch with them right away, rather than having to get in touch with you first to get permission.

6. Keep it short

An employer is going to be reading hundreds of resumes while they're hiring. Keep your resume short and to the point. The less they have to read, the better it will be for them, and the more likely they are to consider you.

7. Get help if you need it

If you're struggling, ask a friend or bring in a professional to take a look at your resume. They can help you see solutions that you wouldn't have thought of on your own.

8. Always proofread and edit

A good resume will always be proofread and edited before it goes out. The smallest mistake can lead to your resume being thrown out, so avoid this by checking it over first.

These ten tips and tools will give you everything you need to create a perfect resume. Give yourself the best chance of getting the job you want.

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