How to Find Jobs in India? 3 Best Ways for Job Hunting Online & Offline

Current Working Landscape in India, where are the chances?

For many, working abroad is one of the options, but for Indians, that’s probably due to the lack of job demands in India. Even though we’ve witnessed robust growth in India’s economy in the past few years, the declining availability of jobs isn’t a good outlook for many. 

Unemployment in India averaged 7.34% from 2018 to 2020. This 7.34% of the population means that 18.6 million people are in hunger. Let’s not forget there’s another 393 million work in poor-quality jobs prone to displacement. 

Aside from the government statistics, how does the public react towards this emerging social problem? According to the Pew Research Center, a significant majority of Indians consider the lack of employment opportunities as a "very big problem" in their country. Undoubtedly, the figures say much about the squandered demographic dividend in India.

job hunting

Not only do the domestic opportunities can’t accommodate the huge labor force, but for many foreign companies, high entry barriers also stand in the way and prevent them from entering the Indian market. That’s not exactly an ideal backdrop for job-seekers, but luckily, there are some channels Indians can consider to locate a job: Online job search websites, Facebook job groups, and walk-ins. These are some decent advice worth pondering!

Online Job Search Sites

Indian job search sites
3 Domestic Online Job Search Sites

3 Domestic Online Job Search Sites

The internet is a large talent pool, you’re bound to find plenty of opportunities online. Here are some promising websites with high-traffic, India-based websites that draw more than 1M visits per month. For freshers and veterans, your wishes to find a job can be fulfilled here:, Monster India, and fresherslive.

Among the first job portals in India, it has more than thousands of job listings covering various sectors and job profiles, preferably opportunities in the private sector. When you create a profile on Naukri you get a portal to see and apply for jobs. Same way the recruiters create their profiles and check for eligible candidates that fit them. Don’t go for the “Register and forget” scenario, update your resume, skills, and experiences often for the latest updated resume will be on the top searching result when a potential recruiter is looking for a fit for their company. For experienced veterans, you wouldn’t want to miss this.

You might have heard of NaukriHub, it originated from Naukri. It focuses more on the northern parts of India.

2. Monster India
Acclaimed the “Google” of the job search world, Monster offers a great deal of information needed for a job-searcher. Once you click on the website, there are some categories for you to choose from, jobs for freshers, international opportunities, contract gigs, walk-in jobs and services for the public sector if that’s what your heart desires. For those who want to leave the rigid corporate culture behind, some startup openings can be found here.

It’s a boon for all walks of life who wants to find a fitting opportunity. Besides, it has a well-developed and extended network of Indian recruiters and job seekers. Monster tends to vet and verify the recruiters that post jobs on its website, so you can count on the legitimacy and trustworthiness.

3. Fresherslive
Here you can find many jobs targeting freshers ranging from private to public sectors. Each month, more than 2000 people are getting hired through fresherslive. In addition to job offers, Fresherslive also has a learning platform called “Mock Test” where you can find resources for exams conducted across India, mostly government job exams. To help candidates prepare for tests, Fresherslive also updates frequently to provide the latest information needed to know.

Users can also find campus interview questions targeting senior college students, better preparing them to enter the workforce once they graduate. It also has a government job website in Hindi catering to those who speak Hindi.

Further reading:For Freshers: Top 10 Most in Demand Jobs in 2020
fast job search
4 Foreign Online Job Search Sites

4 Foreign Online Job Search Sites

For those who want to expand more to foreign markets, here are four job search behemoths you don’t want to miss, these channels might open up some opportunities you’ve never thought of, give it a try and see where your potential and desire lead you.

1. Glassdoor
The original genesis for Glassdoor was to provide a platform that ex-employers can leave anonymous and honest reviews about a company, but later on, users can find average salaries of different jobs, reviews, and a hot pile of job opportunities, freelance or not. With total visits top nearly 60M, you can trust the unbiased reviews given by its users. On Glassdoor, problems you consider are answered: work culture, how companies operate, gender equality in the workplace, potential growth for your career development, etc.. It’s free of charge, which is why many find it appealing.

2. CareerBuilder
The scale of CareerBuilder is one of the largest among its competitors. More than 25 million job seekers use this portal to find jobs and get career advice. To tailor needs for its 25 million users, there are diverse searching options from job category to full-time or part-time gig to preferred working location. You can also use “exclusion” to subtract companies or industries that don’t pique your interest. Turn on job alerts and emails may pop out from time to time if some opportunities present themselves. For a juggernaut like CareerBuilder, it has more to offer other than job postings, job insights are provided if you’re willing to drill down to find career moves or work landscape.

3. Indeed
Like Glassdoor, Indeed offers a huge inventory of reviews, the average salary of different jobs and real-time job opportunities. With over 100 million CVs and 200 million people visiting per month, Indeed has a lot of talents from different fields. For freshers, this is highly recommended and there is no need to worry about the overflowing of words and images. The interface is simple and clean, all the information you need is easily accessible and straight to the point.

4. LinkedIn
LinkedIn should probably have been a household name by now. What users love about it the most is its job outlook at the beginning of every year, thresholding for a fresh new start and concluding for the past year with some precise and data-driven analysis. It honestly depicts what the industry is like and always strives to offer the most up-to-date figures.

It’s organized and for those who want to portray yourself as a professional expert, LinkedIn is the right place for you to invest time and energy in it. It might be a bit annoying to see the advertisement popping out but it sure does expand your network and let you keep track of who’s been following you, and that might be your next higher-up!

Facebook Jobs Groups

For entertainment and memes, Facebook is no longer held dear by freshers, but for networking opportunities and insightful discussions on recruitment trends, Facebook remains to be one of the favorites of many. It may be like looking for a needle in a haystack since there’s an amount of 2 billion users per month, how do you know which Facebook groups can benefit you the most? Here are a few options and they’re all India-based.

1. Computer Science Careers
It claims to be India’s largest technology group with 250K members, all the tech-driven jobs can be found here ranging from Machine Learning to Data Science and Programming. Congrats, you might hit a huge jackpot here!

Further reading:5 Tips to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume

2. All India Job Seekers-AIJS
It targets specifically for freshers and it has lots of general job opportunities with a steady growth of users. If you really find something suits you, don’t hesitate and apply soon because good opportunities are highly competitive!

3. BJS (Bangalore Job Seeker)
A hub where innovation and state-of-the-art technology take place, Bangalore is also dubbed the “Silicon Valley” of India. In Bangalore, openings such as Machine Learning specialists, digital analysts, and AI specialists are highly sought-after. With all these hints, you should know this Facebook job group aims to provide all the tech-related jobs you want to seize.

4. Chennai Freshers Jobs
A night stroll by the Marina beach could be one of the best ways to end your day after a long working day. But first, you have to get a job in Chennai. This group caters specifically to freshers, so many of the opportunities posted don’t limit to veterans, don’t be scared away and start building your career path from this place!

Further reading:For Freshers: Tips to Land Your Coveted Job


Walk-In refers to a person (maybe a prospective employee) reaches the respective office without any prior appointment, in plain words, you wait in line for a job interview on a specified date and time. It’s like a brief meet and greet session consisting of very few questions. It’s used by companies when they want to do mass recruitment, especially for initial screening. Applicants can seize the opportunity and get a quick sense of a company’s philosophy without spending too much time and effort.

But walk-ins are usually competitive so it’s a bit hard to stand out, and waiting in line can end up standing under the sun for hours. Don’t put all the eggs in one basket, applying for jobs with other channels can do you good! A lot of Walkins dates and details can be found on and Monster, so go check it out if you wanna try out!

Moral of the Story

As India continues to prove itself a formidable force in the global digital innovation stakes, roles in technology are set to gain pace. But you have to target the right channel before making yourself cut through the clutter. 

Online job search websites, Facebook jobs groups, and walk-ins are the top three ways for Indians to job-hunt in an increasingly merciless world. We’ve narrowed down to a few promising online websites and Facebook groups, next, do your work and may the odds be ever in your favor during the job-hunting process. It will be worth the hardship.

Ready for job application? Learn how to write a great Cover Letter to impress your future employer!

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