Why You Should Hire a Career Counselor

Career Counselor
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A career coach or career counselor can give you advice and guidance on a number of job-related topics. People might go to career counseling if they are trying to decide on their next career path, if they are not sure what kind of jobs their work experience translates to, or if they need resume or job search advice.

Employment counselors are increasingly popular due to a changing workforce. Technology, the internet, and remote work have all had a dramatic impact on the job market. Post-pandemic, many people left jobs or industries when they realized it was the wrong fit. The changing needs of job seekers have driven many to explore the advice and guidance of employment consultants. 

If you’re unsure what the next step in your career should be, career consulting services could make a big impression in your life.

What is a Career Counselor?

A career counselor is a professional who helps people find purposeful work that fits their skills and goals. Sometimes called vocational consultants or coaches, they may help their clients by providing resume feedback, job search training, advice on career changes and even personality assessments. Career coaches also fill the role of a more traditional counselor in that they listen to their clients with compassion and offer guidance. 

Employment counsellors offer a variety of career consulting services based on their specific client’s needs. Here are just a few services that certified career coaches are known to provide.  

Help clients assess values, skills, and interests

Career counselling is great for people who are considering a career change. Vocational counselors help their clients by assessing their experience and qualifications, which ultimately helps them understand what types of positions are available to them. By discussing values and interests, career counselors can get an idea of their client’s career direction. 

Help clients identify potential difficulties

Career coaches also help their clients by assessing the challenges that might stand in the way of their career choice. This could be a lack of training and education, competition in the workforce, or it could be that the client has unrealistic goals. 

Help clients create plans to overcome obstacles

If a client is looking to make changes in their job, career coaches can help them create a plan to address the challenges they face. A client may not have enough information to understand the obstacles in their way, and career counselors can help them achieve their goals by developing a clear, concise plan. 

Signs You Should Hire a Career Counsellor

It’s tempting to try and meet your goals on your own, and many people don’t know what, if anything, they could gain from speaking to a certified career counselor. Career coaches can be helpful in a variety of different situations. Here are some signs that career counseling would be helpful for you. 

❗️ When you don’t know how to improve your resume

If you have been sending out resumes and not getting many responses, you could use a career consultant to give you tips on how to improve what you’ve written. Career counselors know the current resume trends and what employers expect from applicants. Even if you think you have an excellent resume, another set of eyes is always helpful, and a career counselor can point out things you may have overlooked. 

❗️ When you can’t land a job after interviewing for a while 

If you have been sending out resumes and going for interviews without any luck, a career counselor can help you assess what you can do differently. A career coach can help you with interview skills, or offer you workshops on resume building and interview practice.

❗️ When you don’t know what the next step in your career is 

If you are struggling with uncertainty about your career, a job coach can provide guidance and clarity. Career counseling can help you by identifying your values and skills, to show you what roles might be a good fit for you. 

❗️ When your career is stagnant

If you have been in the same position for a long time and you don’t feel that you are making progress toward your goals, a career counselor is a great person to ask for guidance. Many people want change, and career coaching services, if nothing else, are a great starting point.  

❗️ When you are having work-related anxiety 

All jobs have the potential to be stressful, and certified career counselors are trained to speak to individuals about their anxiety and stress. Whether you are having trouble with a new role, poor work-life balance, or too much workload, a career coach can listen carefully to your concerns and offer feedback and advice. 

❗️ When you need to work on your professional brand

Where so much business is now conducted online - including hiring - branding is an important part of anyone’s professional goals. Career counselors can give you guidance on building your brand by increasing your social media presence or improving your online profiles or website.

❗️ When you are struggling with self-motivation

Career changes can be difficult and stressful, and it’s easy to lose your drive and stay in your existing position. A career counselor is a great person to talk to when you have lost motivation in your career or personal life. A job coaches are trained to listen empathetically and offer suggestions. 

How to Select a Career Counselor 

Chances are you have many different options for career counselors in your vicinity, and it’s important to consider different factors when you are looking for the right career coach.

Here are a few things to keep in mind during your search for career counseling. 

1. Their reviews or reputation

One of the first things people look at when they are searching for the right career coach is reviews. There are several considerations to take when you’re looking at career counselling reviews.  

  • Experience

A career coach with years of experience or many positive reviews is a good sign. More experience is better when you are looking for a career counselor, since it suggests that your chosen coach has helped many people.

  • Strengths and weaknesses

When you look at career coach reviews, assess the counselor’s strengths and weaknesses. Consider client feedback on their personality or how valuable their advice was. 

  • Willingness to do research

No career counselor will know everything, so it’s important to find a career coach who is willing to do some research. If your chosen field is foreign to them, you want an employment counselor who will put some time and effort into finding answers they don’t have. 

  • Knowledgeability 

A strong career counselor is someone with knowledge on a variety of subjects and fields. Career coaches need to know current hiring trends as well as being up to date on changes in the job market. 

  • Location and flexibility 

When you look at career counselling reviews, consider where their office is and whether they offer online career counselling, which could save you time and money. 

2. Their credentials 

Not all career counselors are suitable for you, and their education and qualification make a big difference. Depending on where you live, there might not be any certification standard for career counselling, which means anyone can qualify. Look for career consultants with post-secondary education or certification, preferably in counselling or related subjects. 

3. Consulting fees

It’s important to consider how much you are willing to spend on career coaching services. If you have been unemployed for a long time, it makes sense to be frugal and look for low cost or free career counselling. Be aware of hidden fees not included in your career coaching session fee, such as the cost of any assessments or workshops you take. 

4. Their coaching style

Different personalities work well together, and you might achieve more with a certain style of career counselling. Do you need a career coach who is going to push you, or someone is mindful, supportie and encouraging? Consider the types of career coaching styles you would respond well to. 

5. Their expertise

When you’re looking for a career counselor, it might help to find someone who has experience in the field you want to work in. Career advice should be tailored and specific, and not every career coach is qualified to advise you on your particular goals.

What to Do Before You Hire a Career Coach

Career counseling isn’t for everyone and every situation, and if you are seeking an employment counselor for the first time, you might be unsure of what to expect. Before going to career counseling there are a few things to keep in mind. 

✅ Understand the career counselor won’t have all the answers

Going to a job coach won’t solve your career problems immediately. There is no guarantee that a career coach has experience with your specific skills and interests, and it certainly doesn’t guarantee you will get a job. Be aware of the limits of career consulting services and keep in mind that you will still have to do a lot of the work yourself. 

✅ Do not expect the career counselor to make decisions for you

Ultimately, no career coach will take on the burden of decision-making in your career or personal life. They can’t tell you what is right or wrong to do, but merely offer guidance and suggestions. 

✅ Be ready to thoroughly examine yourself

Career coaching, like any counselling, takes a deep dive into your values, skills, and limitations. Be prepared to answer tough questions about what you want and are willing to do. Keep an open mind and be eager to do the work. 

✅ Be ready to open yourself up to others

Any counselling can be uncomfortable, since it involves connecting with someone on a personal level and revealing your goals, fears, and desires. Career counselling may involve some constructive criticism about your career goals and your effort toward them. Be prepared to open up to your career counselor, even though it might be unpleasant. 

🔑 Key Takeaways

Career counseling is a great resource for many different types of people. Whether you are looking to make a career change, struggling to get interviews, or simply a little uncertain, a career coach can be a huge help in getting you on the right track.

Be sure to consider things like fees and counseling style when you are choosing your career consultant. Keep in mind that a career coach won’t make decisions for you and going to career counseling won’t guarantee you will get a job. Nonetheless, career coaching could make a difference in your life if you are struggling with your next career move. 

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--- Originally written by Tiffany Quinn ---

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