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Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

9 Ciri Lingkungan Kerja Toxic dan Cara Menghadapinya, Perlukah Resign?

Kebahagiaan karyawan sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan dimana ia bekerja. Umumnya, karyawan akan menghindari lingkungan kerja toxic yang dalam beberapa kasus dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan berpengaruh negatif pada kesehatan mental. Menurut laporan survei dari American Psychological Association yang rilis pada Juli 2023, 1 dari 5 karyawan di seluruh dunia pernah mengalami lingkungan kerja toxic yang membahayakan kesehatan mental. Survei ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat lingkungan toxic di tempat kerja masih tinggi. Sebelum terjebak, kamu bisa mengenali ciri-ciri lingkungan kerja toxic untuk
Resume & CV
Oct 4th 2021

100+ Resume Strength Examples to Level Up Your Job Hunt

Created by Cake Think of this scenario - you have been applying for jobs in the past month, but nothing moved forward. You wondered what happened and why you were not able to stand out among the crowd. Here might be the component you may have missed - including your strengths in your resume. Listing skills on your resume is one thing, but emphasizing your skills and strengths in a resume is another. Three main areas where you can list your resume
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

20+ Best LinkedIn Connection Message Templates [+ Tips]

Created by Cake LinkedIn , the social media platform where not only people can showcase their professional profiles, but also build professional connections . LinkedIn has recently been on the rise because it allows you to connect with amazing alumni, resourceful colleagues, and recruiters that can potentially get you a job . The feature of connection request messages on LinkedIn has made online networking easier than ever. Making your LinkedIn connection request message personalized can increase the likelihood of your request getting accepted
Sep 25th 2024

Cake's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

CakeResume has collaborated with DCard, Taiwan's largest social media and networking platform, to create a pixel art-style career quiz called 'What Cake R U?' Since launched, the quiz has quickly gone viral all over the internet, especially among job seekers community, attracting millions of participants. The quiz was first launched in 2023 in Mandarin , reaching hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese young people. Following its success, as of 2024, we have released different versions in English , Bahasa Indonesian , and
Resume & CV
Dec 26th 2024

Contoh CV Satpam, Cocok untuk Fresh Graduate!

Cake kembali hadir dengan contoh CV Security serta daftar informasi apa saja yang perlu tidak boleh kamu lupa tuliskan. Ya, posisi satpam sangat penting bagi perusahaan karena ia adalah garda depan untuk memastikan kelangsungan bisnis dan aktivitas profesional lain aman dan nyaman. Posisi sebagai petugas keamanan terbuka bagi masyarakat dengan beragam latar belakang. Maka CV lamaran kerja satpam yang kamu buat harus menonjol dibanding kandidat lain. Simak selengkapnya di bawah ini. Daftar Isi : Cara Menulis CV Satpam Contoh CV untuk
Career Development
Jul 31st 2024

How to Master Adaptability Skills? (+ Tips for Becoming More Adaptable)

How to Master Adaptability Skills? Every industry is changing faster than ever, especially as we enter the new technology era of “A.I.”. The most powerful skill that both an individual and a company can have is adaptability. Adaptability skills are among the most coveted soft skills that employees want. Someone with a vital adaptability skill can learn new things, work under stress, keep up to date with trends, and solve unforeseen problems with a positive attitude. Think about how
Career Development
Apr 13th 2024

13 Prospek Kerja Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Dapat Gaji Fantastis!

Lulusan teknik perminyakan memiliki prospek luas untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan stabil dengan gaji tinggi dan tunjangan yang sesuai. Hal ini karena industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas) menopang keberlangsungan industri lain mulai dari makanan, pertanian, transportasi, kosmetik, dan lain-lain. Penelitian dari American Petroleum Institute menyebutkan bahwa 10,8 juta pekerjaan di negara tersebut ditopang oleh industri minyak. Secara global, kebutuhan atas lulusan jurusan perminyakan juga semakin besar, mengingat tahun 2024 permintaan minyak diprediksi naik menjadi 102,9 juta barrel per

Security Engineer: Pengertian, Skill, Jenjang Karir, Hingga Gaji

Profesi security engineer atau pengaman siber masih tergolong baru, namun keberadaan profesi ini sangatlah penting. Sebagian besar orang dan bisnis menggunakan teknologi di era digital ini untuk keperluan pribadi dan pekerjaan, tapi apakah perangkat digital yang kamu dan perusahaan-perusahaan gunakan aman dari serangan siber? 🔎 Fakta: Indonesia menghadapi hampir 1 miliar serangan siber sepanjang tahun 2022, diantaranya berupa malware, kebocoran data, dan aktivitas trojan ( CNN Indonesia ). Disinilah pentingnya pekerjaan cyber security . Security engineer atau yang dikenal juga sebagai cyber
Industry & Job Overview
Oct 28th 2024

Regional Software Engineer Salary Guide (U.S.)

Software engineering in the U.S. encompasses a diverse range of roles, each affected by various factors. Salaries are influenced by an individual’s education, experience, and technical skills. Additionally, the industry sector and company size can significantly impact the average total compensation amount. Geographic location is a major determinant, as salaries in tech hubs typically exceed those in other regions. It's important for professionals to be aware of these salary variations across different career levels to navigate the
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

Cake for Developers

Cake is intended not just to job hunters or freelancers, but also to other enthusiast in different fields including developers. This will be a great opportunity for the developers to introduce not just his/her skills and capabilities but also his/her amazing developed works and projects. Developers are known to be great when it comes to navigating online tools, but not all the things that he/she can do. Cake is the best way for a developer to showcase

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