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Recruitment & HR
Dec 16th 2024

Ghosting trong tuyển dụng - Cơn khủng hoảng của HR thời 4.0

Nhà tuyển dụng nên làm gì khi bị ứng viên Ghost? Mục lục: Ghosting trong tuyển dụng là gì? Vì sao nhà tuyển dụng bị ứng viên Ghost? Ghosting ảnh hưởng gì đến nhà tuyển dụng? Làm gì khi bị ứng viên Ghost? Được xem là nỗi ám ảnh của giới nhân sự, Ghosting trong tuyển dụng đang bùng phát mạnh mẽ và trở thành trào lưu trong thời đại 4.0. Một cuộc khảo sát về chủ đề này
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Everything You Need to Know about Hybrid Work [+ Tips]

Long gone are the days when going to the office every day of the week was the norm. Nowadays, more companies and employees are opting for hybrid work. Moreover, the rising trend of hybrid work will not fade - a hybrid work-focused survey shows that 87% of American participants would opt for a hybrid work schedule if possible. According to the same report, over 50% of the employed respondents have the chance to do hybrid work or entirely work from
Personal Development
Sep 18th 2024

Pengertian Budgeting: Tips, Metode, dan Template untuk Keuangan Lebih Sehat

Budgeting adalah metode paling umum yang disarankan para ahli jika seorang individu atau perusahaan ingin memperbaiki kondisi keuangannya. Menurut Investopedia , metode budgeting atau perencanaan keuangan adalah bentuk antisipasi atas kebutuhan tidak terprediksi di masa depan. Usai pandemi Covid-19 yang menimpa dunia, financial stress mencapai puncak tertinggi di Amerika Serikat. Gejala ini tampaknya juga menyebar di banyak negara dengan tingkat ekonomi beragam. Perencanaan anggaran diharapkan dapat mengurangi rasa frustasi terhadap situasi keuangan yang tidak menentu itu. Cake mengajakmu untuk menyelam
Career Planning
Jul 19th 2024

Work Efficiently Under Pressure: How-to & Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn: What Does Working Under Pressure Mean? Why You Should Build the Ability to Work Under Pressure How to Work Under Pressure: Our Tips Do you feel like you're constantly under pressure to perform at your best? You're not alone. 63% of American workers reported that they were considering quitting due to stress , with 23% of them describing their workplace stress level as high. And when it comes to work
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Contoh CV Data Scientist yang Bakal Dilirik HRD

Belum banyak contoh CV Data Scientist yang tersedia untuk para pencari kerja di Indonesia. Padahal sejak tahun 2012, Harvard Business Review telah memprediksi Data Scientist sebagai pekerjaan paling menggiurkan di abad 21. Tak berhenti di situ, menurut Towards Data Science, sejak tahun 2020 Data Scientist masuk dalam 3 besar pekerjaan yang paling banyak dibutuhkan di Amerika Serikat. Kemungkinan loker yang tersedia akan semakin besar tiap tahunnya. Oleh karena itu Cake menyediakan berbagai contoh CV Data Scientist beserta tips yang berguna

Mengenal CEO (Chief Executive Officer) dan Tugasnya dalam Perusahaan

Daftar Isi Apa itu CEO? Apa saja Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab CEO? Apa Kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh CEO? Bagaimana Cara Menjadi CEO yang Handal? Kata CEO pasti tidak asing lagi bagi kebanyakan orang. Mungkin kamu sering mendengar beberapa nama terkenal seperti Elon Musk sebagai CEO Tesla, Mark Zuckerberg sebagai CEO facebook, Jeff Bezos sebagai CEO Amazon, dan masih banyak lagi. Orang-orang terkemuka ini memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menjalankan perusahaan yang mereka pimpin. Lalu, sebagian orang mungkin
Resume & CV
Feb 15th 2022

Best Dispatcher Resume Examples

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write a professional dispatcher resume? What is the best resume format for a dispatcher resume? How to make a dispatcher resume template? Top 10 dispatcher resume dos and don'ts Dispatcher resume sample Having sound decision-making skills, interpersonal abilities, the ability to stay calm under emergencies, and multitasking are amongst the skills needed for a dispatcher resume. Moreover, your dispatcher resume should be able to communicate your eligibility in emergency services
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Becoming an English Teacher in Taiwan [+ Requirements]

Created by Cake Taiwan is a lush island nation that is the heart of traditional Chinese in the modern world. Sweet potato shaped and sweet potato crazy, Taiwan boasts sandy white beaches in the south, black pebble beaches in the north, and 3,800m tall mountains in between. Taiwan is a paradise for foreigners, being voted among the top three best places to live by expats for more than 5 consecutive years. Perhaps that’s because, in addition to the
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 10th 2022

Profesi Desainer Interior: Tanggung Jawab, Skill, Syarat, dll.! [+CV]

Daftar isi: Apa itu Desainer Interior? Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Profesi Desain Interior Area Spesialisasi Desainer Interior Keterampilan yang Harus Dimiliki Desainer Interior Prospek Kerja Interior Designer Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Desainer Interior Dibalik keindahan sebuah ruangan, diperlukan pengetahuan dan talenta dari seorang desainer interior. Membuat sebuah ruangan yang indah untuk dipandang, fungsional, dan juga aman tidaklah semudah itu. Ada banyak aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan seperti penataan ruangan, bahan, warna, skala, ukuran, dan masih banyak lagi. Namun, jika ini
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 13th 2024

15+ STEM Careers: Average Salary & Growth Predictions (2024)

The Ultimate Guide too STEM Careers STEM programs open the doors to many career options. STEM professionals have a wide range of opportunities to explore different areas such as aerodynamics and biochemistry. Some STEM students apply technical skills to politics or education. Read further for information regarding a career in science and technology. STEM careers are amongst the safest and highest-paying jobs available. STEM, an acronym for Statistics, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is famous for its barrier of entry

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