Success Stories
5月 12日 2021

Cake 五歲了!CEO 與 COO 最真實也精實的創業心聲

五月對於 Cake 來說是個特別的日子 🎂 Cake 誕生於 2016 年的 5 月 2 日,而在《科技職涯》第二季的第 38 集,我們迎來開播以來最熟悉的來賓 - Cake 的 CEO Trantor & COO Weicheng! 2016 年,Trantor 在 Cake 的 MVP 產品(Minimum Viable Product,最小可行產品)獲得相
Career Development
3月 10日 2024

All About Work Permits in Malaysia: Types, How to Apply, & Renewal Process

All About Work Permits in Malaysia: Types, How to Apply, & Renewal Process Asia is on a roll right now in terms of job prospects for professionals. From Singapore to Taiwan , companies across the continent are in desperate need of quality talent, and Malaysia is no exception. But, before you can start sampling every nasi lemak in sight, you need to find a job, ideally with Cake using the best job portal for careers in APAC . After that, it’s onto
Resume & CV
1月 8日 2025

Top 15 Data Engineer Resume Examples to Land Your Dream Job

building, and maintaining data processing systems, the infrastructure that collects and stores large volumes of data. They develop automated data pipelines, handle ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and manage database and distributed systems. Data engineers use tools such as Python, Apache Airflow, and cloud platforms like AWS or Google Cloud to manage complex data systems, playing an important role in an organization’s data-driven processes. So a good data engineering resume must highlight these skills so that a potential
7月 12日 2024

CakeResume chính thức đổi tên thành “Cake” kể từ tháng 07/2024

CakeResume chính thức đổi tên thành “Cake” kể từ ngày 01 tháng 7 năm 2024 , với tầm nhìn đầy tham vọng, hướng tới việc xây dựng cộng đồng nhân tài lớn nhất trong khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương (APAC). Sau 8 năm hoạt động, thu hút hơn 7 triệu người dùng ứng viên và xây dựng quan hệ đối tác chặt chẽ với hơn 10.000 công ty danh tiếng trên toàn cầu, Cake sẽ định vị lại
Recruitment & HR
1月 20日 2025

Tren AI ATS: Pengertian dan Manfaatnya untuk Rekrutmen

2024 , yang mencerminkan pertumbuhan tahunan (CAGR) sebesar 7,3%. Ini adalah indikasi jelas bahwa otomatisasi dan kecerdasan buatan (AI) semakin memainkan peran penting dalam transformasi dunia kerja, terutama dalam hal efisiensi dan kualitas rekrutmen. Di kawasan Asia-Pasifik, laporan dari APAC AI Outlook 2025 mengungkapkan bahwa pada 2025, fokus utama investasi AI bagi banyak organisasi akan berpusat pada peningkatan pengalaman pelanggan (21%), otomasi proses bisnis di back-office (18%), serta otomasi penjualan dan pengelolaan siklus hidup pelanggan (16%). AI ATS
News & Updates
7月 2日 2024

邁向國際人才社群!CakeResume 品牌更名為 Cake,三年內成長 7 倍、斬獲全球 700 萬用戶做對了什麼?

長 7 倍、達破全球 700 萬用戶。2024 上半年,Cake 在印尼與越南正式設立了分部,進一步強化了在亞太地區(APAC)的影響力,朝著成為 APAC 人才樞紐的目標邁進,並持續把產品和服務滲透到全世界的每一角。 現階
Cover Letter
2月 24日 2023

How to Write Cover Letters for Administrators (with Tips and Examples)

budget. My strategic and resourceful approach has delivered proven results, including: Exceeding revenue expectations by 10% for over 50 events in the US Organized travel booking, attendee sign-in, and venue selection for 15 industry forums in the EU and APAC regions that landed ongoing sponsorships Completed venue planning, preparation, and tear-down within time frames as short as a month I am also well-acquainted with managing the workflow of internal stakeholders and understand how to prepare invoices, draft
Industry & Job Overview
11月 26日 2024

Data Scientist vs Data Engineer: What’s the Right Career Choice for You?

responsibilities of a data engineer? Data engineers focus on building and optimizing databases, maintaining data pipelines, managing databases, optimizing data architecture, and ensuring data quality across systems. They develop ETL processes, work with large databases, and use tools like Hadoop, Apache Spark, SQL, and cloud platforms to ensure data is accessible and ready for analysis. Data engineers commonly use tools like Hadoop , Apache Spark , SQL , AWS , Google Cloud , and Apache Kafka to build and manage data infrastructure and pipelines. Data
Success Stories
3月 10日 2021

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

的? 35:00 WeiLin 在 2021 年有什麼計畫? 想加入 Google 嗎?Google Recruiter WeiLin 的第一手資訊分享! 20 21 Google 亞太區招募計畫 整個 APAC 區域很大的發展重心是在印度,但如果只討論 Greater China,Tech 類有 Pixel Phone、Nest 等產品的硬體、軟體工程師職
Industry & Job Overview
9月 13日 2024

Kenalan dengan AI Specialist, Profesi Menjanjikan yang Sangat Dibutuhkan

Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat memunculkan banyak pekerjaan baru di bidang IT, salah satunya yaitu AI Specialist atau Artificial Intelligence Specialist . Lalu, apa itu Artificial Intelligence Specialist ? AI Specialist adalah seorang profesional yang memiliki keahlian di bidang kecerdasan buatan. Algoritma pencarian Google, Siri, Tesla, ChatGPT merupakan beberapa produk kecerdasan buatan yang diciptakan oleh AI Specialist . Untuk menghadapi tantangan bisnis yang semakin kompleks, profesi yang satu ini sedang banyak dibutuhkan di berbagai perusahaan. Lalu apa saja tugas AI Specialist dan berapa gajinya

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