Success Stories
10月 5日 2022

AWS 如何用雲端幫企業 & 求職者改頭換面?Training Manager Michelle 從人才市場角度剖析雲端技術的影響力!

手可熱的求職者嗎? 【 10/14 AWS 雲端培訓線上課程 】免費報名即將截止! 馬上報名 >> https://cakeresume.me/報名線上培訓 AWS 是由亞馬遜公司所建立的雲端運算平台。隨著市場上對於雲端人才的需求顯著增加,AWS 提供「 AWS
Success Stories
3月 1日 2022

加值員工雲端技術職涯!iKala、遠傳與淮南寰宇為何都採用 AWS 雲端培訓計畫?

雲端技術人才需求,AWS 積極進行雲端人才推廣計畫,培育全球技術開發者的雲端跨域技能,更提供 AWS Training and Certification 協助 AWS 客戶加深雲端知識和技能、擴大業務成長。 對 AWS 客戶來說,獲取 AWS 認證對既有業務
Success Stories
8月 21日 2019

職涯專訪》從工程師到跨國雲端業務-大中華區 Salesforce 的職涯之旅 | Bruce - Regional Platform Lead at Salesforce

業,常常需要向客戶介紹全新陌生的概念。Bruce 的職涯路上,從電銷業務到區域商品總監,一路歷經 IBM、AWS,如今為 Salesforce 大中華區的區域產品銷售總監。負責平台服務的產品策略與戰術執行。 聽聽 Bruce 如何以
Career Development
6月 5日 2024

10 Contoh Cloud Computing, Cara Kerja dan Jenisnya!

internet. Bukan melalui perangkat keras seperti drive USB atau hard disk . Hal ini memampukan sebuah perusahaan atau individu untuk menyimpan, mengolah data, dan menjalankan aplikasi di infrastruktur yang dikelola oleh penyedia layanan cloud . Contoh cloud computing adalah Amazon Web Series (AWS), Microsoft Azure , atau Google Cloud Platform (GCP) . Cloud computing memungkinkan sumber daya IT tidak harus berada di lokasi perusahaan. Hal ini karena pengguna dapat menyimpan file pekerjaan di cloud , sehingga memungkinkan untuk mengakses file dari mana saja, selama mereka
Resume & CV
2月 7日 2022

Solution Architect Resume (with Tips & Examples)

to provide strategic direction though they display in-depth technical knowledge and have a hands-on approach. On the other hand, solution architects have a broad understanding of technology but focus on strategy. Examples of types of solution architect resumes: AWS solution architect resume IT solution architect resume Microsoft solution architect resume Data center solution architect resume Big data solution architect resume Cloud solution architect resume Buckle up now as we are going to break down the steps to creating
Success Stories
3月 3日 2021

Microsoft Software Engineer 的美國求職挑戰:我如何以化工與機械背景加入 Amazon 成為軟體工程師

中,我們邀請了目前正在美國 Microsoft 擔任軟體工程師的韋安。韋安在出社會第一份工作任職於美國 Amazon&AWS,負責處理大型分散式的雲端服務以協助使用者管理架構、運作新的微服務 API。 前後都任職於知
Career Development
6月 20日 2024

10+ Sertifikasi di Bidang Informatika untuk Dapatkan Karir Mentereng

proyek, koordinator proyek Persyaratan: Tidak ada persyaratan formal yang khusus 2. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) Sertifikasi CCP merupakan salah contoh sertifikasi kompetensi yang paling diminati di bidang TI. Sertifikasi informatika dari AWS ini dirancang untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dasar tentang AWS, dan akan sangat berguna bagi mereka yang baru memulai karir di bidang TI. Seperti yang kamu tahu, Amazon Web Services (AWS) merupakan platform cloud yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia saat ini. Oleh karena itu, mempelajari platform AWS akan
Career Development
4月 25日 2024

Top 7 chứng chỉ IT mà bạn nên có

AWS do Amazon Web Service cấp cho các kỹ sư CNTT về lĩnh vực điện toán đám mây, cụ thể là khả năng thiết kế và xây dựng hệ thống có kiến trúc vững chãi trên AWS. Bộ chứng chỉ AWS chia ra các vai trò là Cloud Practitioner, Architect, Developer, Operations và Specialty. Về độ khó thì có 3 mức độ lần lượt là: Foundational, Associate và Professional. Điều kiện để tham gia học chứng chỉ IT AWS
Industry & Job Overview
9月 2日 2022

BD 跟業務有什麼不同?從工作內容、必備技能等認識缺一不可的 BD & Sales

打造更理想的作業環境。 為了推廣 AWS 的使用以及銷售,Amazon 建立了 APN( AWS Partner Network ,AWS 合作夥伴網路)來協助 AWS 的行銷、業務拓展以及在地化服務。APN 的類型廣泛,包括諮詢合作夥伴(指導客戶,例如 ISV,在 AWS 雲端
Resume & CV
6月 20日 2024

Best Programming Certifications for the Modern Workplace

Best Programming Certifications for the Modern Workplace The rapidly evolving landscape and new arrays of technology have boosted the demand for skilled and competent programmers for an increasing number of businesses seeking to digitize their operations. The competitive IT job market has resulted in many tech jobs offering extremely lucrative remuneration and compensation packages for chosen candidates. With such a central focus being placed on technological development, the boom in demand for programmers has been unprecedented and has created a

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