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Mar 10th 2021

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

所有的 Recruiter 面試心得,歸納出 Google 偏好情境式的問題,給了他一個重要的準備方向。 文化大不同:Top-down 的 Apple vs. Bottom-up 的 Google 如果以一句話點出 Apple 與 Google 的企業文化不同之處,WeiLin 最先想到的就是 Top-down & Bottom-up。 Apple
Success Stories
Nov 23rd 2020

專訪 Cake Consultant Team - Gareth| 置身在軟體工程師的環境做軟體招募,這種融入日常的力道是非常不一樣的。

Gareth 前身為 Apple 的 Recruiter,協助 Apple 進行大中華區的人才招募,除了於大公司擔任招募,也擁有參與新創公司草創過程的經驗,隨後帶著這樣的經歷加入 Cake 成為 招募顧問 。 在 Apple 的經歷讓 Gareth 對於招募顧問的工
Career Tools
Jun 1st 2024

平衡計分卡是什麼?BSC 4 要素、4 步驟,帶你做對績效管理!

平衡計分卡是什麼、為什麼受到 Apple、AMD 等大企業歡迎?本文完整介紹平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)是什麼、分析使用平衡計分卡的優缺點,也會分享實務上怎麼使用平衡計分卡,帶你一覽怎麼將平衡計分卡運
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

Why People Apply to Brand-Name Companies Big players in the tech space lure the best talent by offering everything you can possibly think of as work-related perks. The likes of Facebook, Google and Apple offer not just six figure salaries (plus stock options!), gourmet meals on campus, sleeping pods, flextime, and even dry cleaning and car maintenance services free of cost to all employees, but some of these companies even go so far as committing to taking care
Industry & Job Overview
Sep 25th 2022

Apa itu iOS Developer? Pengertian, Gaji, Tugas, Syarat, Dll.

PC. Produk andalan buatan Apple tidak hanya iPhone saja, tetapi ada iPad, Apple Watch, iPod, Macbook, Mac, dll. Semua orang pasti kenal dengan produk-produk buatan Apple, kan ? Kebanyakan pengguna iPhone pasti juga memiliki produk Apple lainnya, baik itu iPad, Apple Watch, ataupun produk lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan produk Apple sangat mudah untuk terhubung satu sama lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pasar untuk produk Apple ini sangatlah luas. Selain itu, Apple tidak hanya menawarkan desain yang mewah, tetapi sistem iOS Apple
Recruitment & HR
Aug 3rd 2024

Employer branding là gì? Vì sao đây là cách tuyển dụng hiệu quả?

5 bước xây dựng thương hiệu tuyển dụng Mục lục: Employer Branding là gì? Vì sao cần xây dựng thương hiệu tuyển dụng? 5 bước xây dựng thương hiệu tuyển dụng Bộ phận phụ trách Employer Branding Nhắc đến Google, Apple, Microsoft, chúng ta sẽ lập tức nhớ đến sự năng động, đa dạng văn hóa, tiên phong hay tư duy sáng tạo. Điều này cho thấy thương hiệu tuyển dụng mang trong mình một sức mạnh rất lớn. Không
Personal Branding
Sep 1st 2024

How To Write Strong Personal Brand Statements for Managers in 2024

Personal Brand Statements for Managers in 2024 In 2024, a personal brand is no longer just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity in today’s competitive job market. Think of your personal brand as similar to a company's brand positioning. For instance, Apple’s brand is centered around the idea of "Think Different," reflecting its commitment to innovation, imagination, and creativity. Similarly, Trader Joe’s positions itself as "Your Friendly Neighborhood Store," standing out as a national
Career Tools
Jun 21st 2024

STP 分析怎麼做?3 步驟和 5 案例擴大你的商機!

伸閱讀: 善用 SWOT,成為求職規劃能手! 三、看 5 大案例:知名品牌 STP 分析實戰應用案例 STP 分析 企業案例 Apple 案例: 像是 Apple 曾根據不同要素進行市場區隔,包括人口統計學(年齡和職業)、心理學(生活方式和價
Success Stories
Mar 3rd 2021

Podcast 這檔事:攜手 KKBOX 共營聲音經濟,Firstory COO Kirk 又窮又快樂的創業歷程

說到 Podcast,你腦中第一個迸出的詞彙是什麼?除了喜歡的節目、Podcaster,相信大家在聽 Podcast 的時候,最密切接觸的就是各大收聽的平台 — Google Podcast、Spotify、Apple Podcast,以及台灣原生的 KKBOX、SoundOn 等。 這麼多的 Podcast 平台,你是否曾經好奇,創
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

Facebook PM Peter 的產品管理職涯:新創、跨國公司、To B、To C 通通包辦!

20 世紀末,網路興起、個人電腦的問世與普及,使得科技業開始在世界經濟中嶄露頭角。根據 PwC 在今年六月所公布的 2020 全球企業市值排名 的前十名中,科技業就佔了一半,包括 Apple、Microsoft、Amazon、Google 母公司 Alphabet、Facebook

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