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Feb 10th 2025


Vpon威朋大數據是一間數據技術公司,以優質的數據分析技術提供客戶在行銷、廣告投放為主要商業模式,運用的技術包含: 機器學習 (Machine Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Inteligence)和海量數據 (Big Data) 等等。Vpon威朋是一家「亞洲級
Resume & CV
Jan 2nd 2025

How to Write a Winning Data Scientist Resume: a Comprehensive Guide

that extract information from hidden patterns in its raw data form. Data scientists "wrangle" big data to make relevant discoveries for businesses, helping them achieve their goals. In addition, they combine programming, statistics, analytics, and math to create algorithms, design data modeling processes, and build machine learning pipelines to better understand their customer base and competitors. Despite how skill-related a data scientist 's job is, just having the skills is not enough. A precisely tailored data scientist resume is
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2024

Bí kíp để việc viết CV data analyst chỉ là “chuyện nhỏ”

Mẫu CV trên Cake Mục lục: Data Analyst - Chuyên viên phân tích dữ liệu làm gì? CV data analyst cần có những phần nào? Lưu ý khi viết CV data analyst Mẫu CV xin việc data analyst Trong những năm gần đây, sự phát triển của big data đã mang lại nhiều thay đổi lớn cho thế giới, đặc biệt là trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh. Bất kể là doanh nghiệp lớn hay nhỏ đều cần dựa vào khối dữ
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 13th 2024

Data Analyst vs Data Scientist: Which Career Is Right for You?

What Does a Data Scientist Do? Data scientists take data analysis to the next level by solving more complex problems. Their work involves advanced algorithms, machine learning, and predictive modeling to derive deep insights from large datasets. Unlike data analysts, data scientists often use statistical methods to create models that predict future outcomes. Data scientists build data-driven solutions, craft strategies based on data insights, and contribute to long-term decision-making. They’re critical in making sense of big
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

人工智慧浪潮再起!AI 新創 MoBagel 如何闖出一片天

能源、醫療、教育等等;從 Google Trends 上的數據也可以看到相關關鍵字的全球搜尋量從約 2011 年起開始上升,“big data” 搜尋量於 2014 年達高峰後,緊接著 2016 年 “machine learning” 搜尋量的快速躍升。 AI 的浪潮再起,同時伴隨著大量
Resume & CV
Feb 7th 2022

Solution Architect Resume (with Tips & Examples)

have a hands-on approach. On the other hand, solution architects have a broad understanding of technology but focus on strategy. Examples of types of solution architect resumes: AWS solution architect resume IT solution architect resume Microsoft solution architect resume Data center solution architect resume Big data solution architect resume Cloud solution architect resume Buckle up now as we are going to break down the steps to creating the solution architect resume (even with no experience) that wins the job
Industry & Job Overview
May 10th 2023


必備 5 大技能與求職指南 一、大數據是什麼? 數據分析師的工作內容 什麼是大數據? 所謂的大數據(Big Data),經常被稱巨量資料,當人們隨著時間所使用的網頁資料、企業內部所搜集的數據資訊累積到
People Operations
Nov 15th 2024

Apa itu Assessment? Fungsi, Jenis, Proses dan Contoh Lengkap!

Meningkatkan retensi karyawan LinkedIn Talent Blog Assessment tidak hanya terbatas pada tes tertulis atau wawancara konvensional. Menurut Forbes , tren terkini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan semakin mengadopsi metode assessment yang lebih inovatif dan komprehensif, seperti: Simulasi berbasis teknologi Penilaian berbasis AI Analisis big data untuk memprediksi kinerja Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa assessment bukan hanya tentang mengumpulkan data. Harvard Business Review menekankan bahwa kunci dari assessment yang efektif terletak pada interpretasi dan aplikasi hasil yang tepat. Assessment yang baik harus mampu memberikan
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 22nd 2024

Daftar 13 Skill Programmer yang Dicari Perusahaan!

data, GUI yang digunakan sebagai dasar aplikasi desktop, dan robotik. JavatPoint menyebut bahasa satu ini tergolong mudah dibaca, mudah dimengerti, dan mudah ditulis. Java: Sistem yang dibangun tahun 1995 ini paling sering digunakan untuk sistem bank, retail, pemasangan teknologi, android, big data , riset komunitas, situs, dan aplikasi desktop. Java dianggap sebagai salah satu bahasa pemrograman dengan tingkat keamanan tinggi. C: Salah satu yang paling mudah dipelajari. Biasa digunakan untuk membuat desain aplikasi editor teks, kompilator, dan perangkat jaringan. C++: Memiliki

Data Engineer: Profesi IT dengan Prospek Karir Menjanjikan

antara profesi data engineer dengan kedua pekerjaan lainnya. Apa itu Data Engineer? Secara harafiah, pengertian data engineer adalah insinyur data. Selayaknya insinyur sipil yang membangun infrastruktur seperti jalan dan pelabuah, peran utama data engineer adalah membangun dasar dari sistem analisis data sebuah perusahaan. Pada praktiknya, ada dua hal utama yang dilakukan oleh seorang data engineer. Pertama, tugas seorang data engineer berperan membangun sistem komputer untuk dapat menghimpun data yang diperlukan secara massal. Di tengah era big data seperti hari ini

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