Interview Skills
7月 8日 2022

The best body language tips to impress the interviewer!

is body language important in an interview? How we communicate is vital in any human interaction. A professional body language can pique the recruiter’s interest in you and let them know you take this interview seriously. In contrast, bad body language in an interview can harm your chances of getting the position. Different movements and postures indicate various emotions. Therefore, the importance of body language in an interview is something you should not take lightly. Having good body language
Interview Skills
11月 24日 2020

What Your Interview Body Language Says About You

shown to carry between 65% and 93% more impact than the actual words spoken ” Most of experts Why is Body Language Important to an Interview? This shows that “how to say” is more important than “what to say”. An effective body language can helps you give positive impression to the interview. By looking at candidates body language, the interviewer can reveals whether the candidate is nervous, confident, focus or bored. Interview Body Language Do's and Don'ts Your Handshake
Interview Skills
10月 5日 2022

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Job Interview

Created by Cake In this article, you'll learn 10 common interview mistakes: Not having researched the company Not having prepared for interview questions Arriving late Dressing inappropriately Not bringing your resume or required documents Talking too much Using your phone during the interview Speaking ill of former employers Displaying poor body language Forgetting to follow up 1. Not having researched the company This is one of the biggest interview mistakes many job seekers tend to make. You should already
Interview Skills
10月 25日 2024

10 câu hỏi tình huống khi phỏng vấn & cách trả lời trơn tru

lời không tốt trước các câu hỏi phỏng vấn tình huống đến từ nhà tuyển dụng. Lý do là vì phía công ty có thể đánh giá được mức độ phù hợp của bạn thông qua ngôn ngữ hình thể (body language), khả năng tiếp nhận thông tin cũng như xử lý tình huống trong khi trả lời phỏng vấn xin việc . Phương pháp STAR sẽ là một trong những phương pháp vô cùng hiệu quả giúp bạn trả lời
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

Guide to Upgrading Your Presentation Skills [+ Tips You Shouldn't Miss]

a group of qualities and talents that enable you to give a captivating presentation. An effective presentation is one that communicates your ideas and the information you’ve gathered in an organized and compelling way. Presentation skills involve speech and body language, sometimes it can also include visual aids. Is presentation skill a soft or a hard skills ? The answer could be both. Some presentation skills, like familiarity with slides, can be measured and developed through training. But a major
Interview Skills
4月 15日 2022

How to Prepare for a Job Interview [Steps, Tips & Common Questions]

the interviewer is. Step 3: Know your motivation. Step 4: Prepare answers for common interview questions. Step 5: Outline your answers in bullet points. Step 6: Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Step 7: Pay attention to your voice and body language. Step 8: Do mock interviews. Step 9: Update and print your resume/CV for the interview. Step 10: Send thank-you notes. Step 1: Do a thorough research of the company. The very first step to prepare for
Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

Teller Bank: Pengertian, Syarat, Gaji, Tips

Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Seorang teller bank perlu memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik karena pekerjaan teller ini berhadapan langsung dengan nasabah secara tatap muka, dimana, bukan hanya nada atau intonasi suara yang perlu diperhatikan, tapi skill komunikasi yang dimaksud juga termasuk gesture, body language, ekspresi muka, dan lain-lain. 2. Kemampuan Matematika Selanjutnya, kemampuan kedua yang perlu dimiliki teller bank adalah kemampuan matematika. Skill matematika yang dimaksud bukan memiliki nilai bagus saat sekolah, namun karena pekerjaan teller sangat berdekatan dengan menghitung uang
People & Culture
8月 12日 2024

Networking Skills Inherent - Learn How to Build Them!

of professional relationships. You can prepare some professional networking questions beforehand ; it can be handy sometimes. Be mindful of how you talk around others. You’ll want to come off as authentic, but consider the vulgarity and tone of your language. Remember that communication is a two-way street; practice active listening and paying attention to others during the conversation. Your body language is also important. Give people strong greetings, like a firm handshake. Practice making eye contact when talking
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

What Are Social Skills and How to Master this Skill Set?

While education, experience and expertise are required in order to have a successful career, well developed social skills are needed to ensure that you maintain a positive reputation with your company, bosses and clients. In fact, 47% of people are employed in a position where social skills are deemed to be the most important skill to have. Workplace social skills are not just about getting to know your colleagues, but are needed in other facets of work, such as when
Interview Skills
10月 6日 2022

The Most Common Signs Your Interview Went Well + 5 It Didn’t

Created by Cake In this article, we'll cover: Signs Your Interview Went Well What to Do After a Successful Interview Signs Your Interview Didn’t Go So Well What to Do After an Interview Went Badly Did my interview go well? It is possible that sometimes you leave an interview thinking if you got the job. It can be an anxiety-inducing moment for some. Actually, there is a remedy to post interview anxiety for certain signs in the

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