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People Operations
Aug 28th 2024

Apa itu CSR? Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Contoh Program!

perusahaan. Lalu apa saja contoh program CSR? Serta seberapa penting program CSR? Yuk, kita simak artikel ini untuk memahami lebih detail mengenai program corporate social responsibility . Daftar isi: Pengertian CSR Manfaat Program CSR dalam Perusahaan Jenis-Jenis CSR Contoh Kegiatan CSR Apa itu CSR? CSR atau program corporate social responsibility merupakan hal yang wajib dilakukan setiap bisnis usaha. Kegiatan CSR ini tidak hanya berlaku bagi perusahaan besar saja, namun bisnis yang masih kecil pun juga wajib menerapkan program CSR. Setiap
People Operations
Sep 10th 2024

ESG 是什麼?永續報告書、CSR,企業永續發展的必學關鍵字一次看!

促進各家企業的良性競爭。 二、CSR、ESG、SDGs 分不清楚?差異一次看 CSR 是在談論 ESG 時常被混淆的概念之一。CSR 為企業社會責任(CSR,corporate social responsibility),根據世界企業永續發展協會(WBCSD,World Business Council For Sustainable Development)定義,CSR 是一間企業貢
Success Stories
Mar 22nd 2024

在趣味中工作!看 COACH 如何落實 DEI 策略,讓員工勇於展現自我

成時產生的農作廢料轉為肥料用於高雄的植樹活動,取之宜蘭,用之高雄。這一系列活動展現 COACH 在 CSR 活動中,致力於環境的持續循環與再利用。 COACH 在 CSR 活動中致力於環境的持續循環與再利用 除了
People Operations
Mar 7th 2024

DEI 多元共融是什麼?揭秘 DEI 對企業營運的重要性!

我們常常聽到 ESG、CSR 等詞語,它們與企業永續發展和社會責任息息相關。近年 DEI(多元共融)的概念也逐漸被業界所重視。就如同前述的 ESG 和 CSR,DEI 也是當今企業努力營造理想職場環境的重要指標。許
People Operations
Apr 26th 2022

Interview Questions for Managers and How to Answer Them

your management style. The interviewer often asks various behavioral questions and situational questions in an interview for managers depending on the particular values the company is fostering. Other qualities like carrying an inclusive DEI mindset and motivation in contributing towards CSR goals might come into consideration in an interview for a managerial position and questions asked in it. To clearly and coherently display those characteristics might seem a daunting task, but we’ve got you covered with our guide and
Career Planning
Nov 3rd 2020

First job for freshers: Startups or Corporates? 3 differences

is assigned to specific job tasks. If you happen to be a specialist, and you prefer to work systematically and methodically towards your goals, mature firms can offer you that. Besides, established companies with brawny balance sheets might relatively manage CSR and ESG better and initiate more radical changes to our society. A large portion of millennials put these issues on a pedestal. In fact, startups are also increasingly geared towards solving societal problems. What are startups? Not every startup

ESG 證照有哪些、ESG 國際證照怎麼考?想成為綠領人才必讀!

將環保愛地球作為口號宣導,ESG 落實到實務層面,大型企業必須編制並出具 ESG 永續報告書(前身為 CSR 企業社會責任報告書),而像是台灣金管會規定,上市櫃公司須揭露 ESG 資訊在年報中,量化例如廢
Interview Skills
Jan 25th 2022

Ditanya HRD Alasan Melamar Pekerjaan? Ini Contoh Jawabannya!

nyata dan positif. Saya harap bisa bergabung dan ikut serta memberikan efek positif pada lingkungan” Selanjutnya, alasan yang bagus untuk melamar pekerjaan adalah dengan membaca berita terkait dengan dampak yang diberikan suatu perusahaan terhadap lingkungan. Dampak yang diberikan bisa melalui CSR atau corporate social responsibility ataupun bisnis model perusahaan tersebut. Contohnya ada platform yang bisa mempermudah anak di daerah mengakses pendidikan, ataupun mempermudah kesempatan pengusaha UMKM mendapatkan modal untuk usaha. Jelaskan lebih lanjut tujuan melamar pekerjaan untuk memberikan dampak positif
Resume & CV
Feb 8th 2022

Customer Service Representative Resume (Examples, Templates, & Tips)

Representative with 6+ years experience & led a team of five. Has sound knowledge of CRM systems, problem-solving, and communication. Entry-level customer service representative resume summary sample: Detail-oriented student with a 6-month intern in XYZ company’s CSR role. Trained in communication and project management. Act 3: What skills does a customer service representative need ? Skills, the candidate’s professional expertise, and ability in certain fields are sections the employers emphasize during recruitment. A customer service representative

怎麼成為 ESG 永續管理師?證照班、薪水、3 大必備能力一次懂

永續管理師,是負責企業 ESG 永續發展的舵手,如同企業的環境保護大使,肩負著保護環境、促進社會公平、提升企業永續競爭力的重任。 如果你對環境保護和社會議題有熱情,想在工作中為企業和社

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