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Resume & CV
ene 17º 2022

CTO Resume Must-Know [+ Examples & Templates]

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write a professional CTO resume? What is the best resume format for a CTO? How to make a CTO resume template? Top 10 CTO resume dos and don'ts CTO resume sample A chief technology officer (CTO) provides management and leadership regarding technical issues to ensure that technological resources align with business goals. They are responsible for outlining the company's technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and researching new technologies for future
Success Stories
oct 30º 2020

從 CTO 到 Sr. Engineer:Ronald 的荷蘭 Uber 之旅與工程師職涯思維

觀察,不同地區的開發文化有機會導入台灣嗎? 30:25 Ronald 當初是怎麼決定要創業的? 32:45 作為新創的 CTO 最大的挑戰是什麼? 35:10 為什麼決定卸下 CTO 身份加入大型公司擔任 Sr. Engineer? 39:40 不同階段的產品
Industry & Job Overview
oct 29º 2022

Chief Technology Officer (CTO): Tugas, Skill Set dan Proyeksi Karirnya!

Daftar isi: Pengertian CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Peran dan Tugas CTO Skill yang Harus Dimiliki CTO Karir CTO Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, perusahaan berbasis teknologi mulai menjamur dan dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat untuk memudahkan kebutuhannya. Pastinya dibutuhkan seorang CTO untuk memanajemen infrastruktur teknologi di perusahaan agar bekerja dengan optimal. Apa itu CTO? Kepanjangan CTO adalah Chief Technology Officer . Secara garis besar tugas CTO antara lain melakukan pengawasan pengembangan produk berbasis teknologi serta melakukan inovasi dalam transisi teknologi. Dalam artikel ini Cake akan
Success Stories
abr 1º 2021

KKday 徵才中!專訪 KKday CTO ,直擊百人新創的企業文化、工程師職缺與工作日常

著,是因為大家對 KKday 抱有期望。」 在 KKday 的資訊團隊工作是什麼樣子?在 KKday 一路從工程師、產品長到擔任 CTO 的 Mike,針對旅遊電商市場和資訊團隊又有哪些見解? 從萬人企業到三人團隊,KKday CTO 的職涯路:我想
Career Planning
abr 11º 2023

Các chức vụ trong công ty quan trọng - CEO, CMO, CFO, CTO, v.v. là gì?

thể: CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – Giám đốc điều hành CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) – Giám đốc Marketing CFO (Chief Financial Officer) – Giám đốc tài chính COO (Chief Operations Officer) – Giám đốc vận hành CCO (Chief Commercial Officer) – Giám đốc thương mại CTO (Chief Technology Officer) – Giám đốc công nghệ CIO (Chief Information Officer) - Giám đốc công nghệ thông tin 1. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – Giám đốc điều hành CEO là gì? Giám đốc điều hành, hay còn gọi là Tổng Giám
Resume & CV
mar 20º 2023

Create A Resume Like Elon Musk's Resume

In this article, you will learn about: Elon Musk’s One-Page Resume How to Make a Single Page Resume Like Elon Musk’s Elon Musk Resume (Made with Cake) In the 21st century, it is hard to know anything about Elon Musk, the real-life iron man. He was the co-founder of Zip2 and the CEO of and PayPal. Now, he is the CEO of Tesla, and the CEO and CTO of SpaceX. In 2022, he
Success Stories
ago 7º 2019

那些科技新創教我的事 I「 挑最難的問題來解決,自我成長最快 」- 林聖昌 (Cubo iOS 工程師)

林聖昌 (Cubo iOS 工程師):挑最難的問題來解決,自我成長最快 🚀 想加入新創,快速自我成長,手刀點此: 我在就讀化工研究所有空閒的時候,就自己學怎麼寫程式,當我加入 Cubo 後,是跟著 CTO 學習並
Resume & CV
ene 17º 2022

CIO Resume: Examples, Templates and Guide

analyze different technologies to choose and implement the best one (e.g., information systems) that can benefit and improve the company’s daily operation. Therefore, besides technological expertise, CIO has to understand well how to run a business. As for CTO, this position requires deeper technical proficiency than a CIO since this role is in charge of external technology strategies that are often related to product developments. CTO has to catch up with the newest technology and science trends to
Industry & Job Overview
ene 12º 2023

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Peran, Tugas, Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan!

pada umumnya divisi marketing atau pemasaran dipimpin oleh seorang CMO. Kepanjangan CMO adalah Chief Marketing Officer . Dalam mencapai kesuksesan sebuah perusahaan, peran CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) ini tidak kalah pentingnya dengan COO ( Chief Operating Officer ), CFO ( Chief Financial Officer ), dan CTO ( Chief Technology Officer ). Penasaran tugas, peran, dan kualifikasi seorang Chief Officer Marketing? Yuk, simak artikel berikut yang sudah disiapkan oleh Cake. Apa itu Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)? Pengertian Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Menurut Market Business Review , CMO (Chief Marketing
Cover Letter
feb 24º 2023

Cover Letter for Executive Positions with Examples and Tips

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: Executive Cover Letter Examples How to Write an Executive Cover Letter Tips for Writing the Best Executive Cover Letter Executive Cover Letter Template In every successful enterprise, the presence of executive personnel is as essential as the front-line workers, their jobs entail critical decision-making that will directly impact the prosperity of the company. In addition to the commonly heard CEOs, a robust enterprise comprises several other executive titles, such

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