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Nov 6th 2024

Mẹo viết CV lập trình game giúp bạn vượt trội hơn đối thủ

Có 8 năm kinh nghiệm lập trình C# và Javascript, đã giúp phát triển 4 dự án game và thành công ra mắt thị trường. Founder của blog “gamedevlife.manhtien.com” chia sẻ kiến thức và kinh nghiệm về ngành game developer. Mong muốn xây dựng cộng đồng game developer ở Việt Nam thêm lớn mạnh và phát triển bản thân. 3. Kinh nghiệm làm việc Đa phần, một CV game dev có nhiều kinh nghiệm sẽ nổi trội hơn
Resume & CV
Sep 7th 2021

Game Developer Resume Examples, Templates, Formats [Top Tips!]

key skills. For game developer resumes or CVs for game developers, selection heavily depends on the skills candidates obtain. Thus, the skills section format is similar for game programmer CV and game developer resume. ✅ Note: For people writing a game developer resume, this is where you present your expertise. The following skills tailor towards those looking to write game developer resumes. Examples of hard skills for a game developer resume: Familiar with developing games on platforms such as Windows

Profesi Game Developer Indonesia: Tugas, Gaji, Prospek, dll.! [+Contoh CV]

ini, Cake akan membahas: Apa itu Developer Game? Job Desk Game Developers Skill Game Developer Prospek Karier Pekerjaan Game Development Cara Menjadi Game Developer Apa itu Game Developer ? Sebelum itu, mari kita pahami dulu apa itu game development ! 🎮 Pengertian Game Development Game development adalah seni dalam membuat game dan menggambarkan desain, pengembangan, dan perilisan game tersebut. Game development melibatkan: Pembuatan konsep Desain Pembuatan game Pengujian Perilisan game Sangat penting bagi seorang developer game untuk memikirkan mekanisme game, rewards , player
Industry & Job Overview
Jun 20th 2022

Apa itu Web Developer? Tugas, Jenis, Cara, dan Gajinya! [+Contoh CV]

kemungkinan untuk seorang web developer mendapatkan gaji dengan nominal > 20jt, lho. Semakin banyak pengalaman kamu dan portofolio projek yang kamu miliki, semakin tinggi juga tawaran gaji kamu. 📚 Baca juga: 15 Pekerjaan dengan Gaji Tertinggi di Indonesia! ➡️ Pekerjaan Web Developer Memberikan Banyak Peluang lain dan Fleksibilitas Menjadi seorang website developer akan memberikan kamu fleksibilitas dan peluang yang luas untuk karirmu. Kamu bisa membelok karirmu dalam industri teknologi, entah itu menjadi UI/UX desainer, game developer, data scientist, ataupun yang
Resume & CV
Mar 11th 2022

How to Write a Game Designer Resume (& Example)

characters for the game, and formulate the levels within the game. Different from a game developer, the game designer focuses on generating concepts for the game rather than writing the codes to bring the game to life. In short, a game designer creates characters and storylines while a game developer brings the game itself into action. To start developing game ideas for players, you will need to craft a professional game designer resume for a game company or a game
Resume & CV
Mar 3rd 2022

Coach Resume with Examples and Templates

Created by Cake In this article, you will learn about: How to write a coaching resume? What to include in your coaching resume? Tips for writing the best coaching resume How to write a cover letter for a coaching position? Coaching resume sample A coach provides feedback, gives advice, and sets up training programs to reach a goal. A coach also develops a game plan for a group or individual using various resources. Oftentimes, people mistake a coach for a
Interview Skills
Feb 19th 2025

22 Contoh Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Diri untuk Jawaban Interview Kerja

bekerja dibawah tekanan. "Setiap kali ada software baru yang dirilis, saya akan terdorong untuk mencoba dan menguji software baru tersebut. Saya suka mempelajari setiap aspek dari sebuah software baru. Contohnya, minggu lalu saya menemukan masalah software pada salah satu video game saya. Saya menghubungi tim developer perusahaan game tersebut dan melaporkan bug kepada mereka. Posisi ini akan memberi saya kesempatan untuk membantu mengembangkan program-program yang lebih baik untuk perusahaan Anda." 3. Senang Mempelajari Hal-hal Baru Salah satu kelebihan
Resume & CV
Mar 9th 2022

Programmer Resume: Example & Tips

adjust and debug the coding. Creating and writing codes that are reliable and operational. Reviewing and optimizing code. Before you can work on the coding for the software team, you will need to write a professional programmer resume (or programmer CV). Whether you are building a java developer resume, a game programmer resume, a web programmer resume, a statistical programmer resume, etc., the following steps will help you perfect your computer programmer resume. Step 1: Pick the best layout for
Resume & CV
Nov 8th 2024

Tạo CV công nghệ thông tin với 8 bước dễ dàng (kèm mẫu CV IT)

Mẫu CV IT trên Cake Mục lục: Bước 1: Thông tin cá nhân trong CV IT Bước 2: Đặt tiêu đề CV công nghệ thông tin Bước 3: Giới thiệu bản thân trong CV công nghệ thông tin Bước 4: Viết kinh nghiệm làm việc trong CV công nghệ thông tin Bước 5: Ghi trình độ học vấn trong CV công nghệ thông tin Bước 6: Trình bày kỹ năng & điểm mạnh trong CV công nghệ thông tin Bước 7
Resume & CV
Mar 4th 2022

Animator Resume: Examples, Templates and Skills

Created by Cake You'll learn: How to write a professional animator resume? What is the best animator resume format? How to make an animator resume template? Top 10 animator resume dos and don'ts Animator resume sample “Let it go, Let it go!..” Walt Disney Animation Studio shocked the global audience with the meticulous details on Princess Elsa and all other characters. The profound knowledge of creating a compelling narrative & making the characters move falls in the animator’s

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