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Resume & CV
Feb 3rd 2025

求職 CV/Resume 怎麼寫?中英文 CV 範例模板、3 大格式與內容解析

文章大綱 resumeCV 的不同 CV 的三種格式(CV templates) CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part1: 個人資訊 CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part2: 個人簡介(Summary) CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part3: 學歷 CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part4: 工作經驗 CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part5: 專業能力(Profession) CV/Resume 內容&模板 Part6
Resume & CV
Mar 18th 2022

40+ Hobbies and Interests to Put on a CV/Resume (Guide + Examples)

expert tips on writing hobbies and interests for CV. TABLE OF CONTENTS Should You Put Interests and Hobbies on a resume/CV? How to Put Hobbies and Interests on a Resume/CV Best Hobbies and Interests to Put for a Resume/CV (50+ Examples) 5 Tips for Writing Hobbies and Interests on a Resume/CV Should You Put Interests and Hobbies on a Resume/CV? Recruiters typically spend less than a minute reviewing a resume or CV , which means it
Resume & CV
Feb 10th 2025

CV 和履歷有什麼差異?resume / CV 意思、使用時機一次看!

ResumeCV 有什麼差異?兩者都是履歷嗎? 談到求職的關鍵字 「履歷」或「履歷表」 ,ResumeCV 都有人代稱,但你是否知道履歷 (Resume) 和 CV 這兩者的差異? CV 是什麼意思?何時應該用哪個?一起搞懂履歷 (Resume) 和 CV 的分別,才
Resume & CV
Apr 18th 2023

How to include interpersonal skills in your resume [resume examples + tips]

Created by Cake In this article, you’ll learn about: What are interpersonal skills? Where to list interpersonal skills on a resume/CV [Resume examples] 50+ Examples of Interpersonal Skills in a resume/CV Tips on how to include interpersonal skills in a resume/CV How to improve interpersonal skills As a part of soft skills, interpersonal skills are those required for individuals to communicate effectively, interact, and work in an organization. They are related to the skills one uses
Resume & CV
Jan 16th 2023

20+ Contoh CV Menarik, Formal, Kreatif untuk Melamar Kerja!

Contoh CV Lamaran Kerja yang Menarik Daftar Isi: 14 Contoh Curriculum Vitae Cara Membuat CV Lamaran Kerja yang Baik dan Benar Apa Format CV yang Paling Baik di Mata HRD? Download Contoh CV / Resume Gratis Contoh CV Lamaran Kerja untuk 20+ Pekerjaan Kata CV sudah tidak asing di telinga masyarakat luas, terlebih untuk para pencari kerja. Tak dapat dipungkiri, CV dan surat lamaran kerja merupakan hal penting yang harus disiapkan saat proses melamar kerja. Namun, apa sih sebenarnya CV itu
Resume & CV
Oct 4th 2021

Powering Up Teamwork Skills for Resume [+ 20 Examples & Tips]

on a resume so significant during a job search? Top 20 Teamwork Skills Examples for a Resume/CV It is highly important to show the manager that you are a good team player in your resume. Teamwork skills on a resume are like any other qualifications, it shows your proficiency in a certain job. Below, we will demonstrate how to show teamwork as a skill on your resume and what teamwork skills resume phrases to use in your resume writing
News & Updates
May 8th 2024

Cake ra mắt tính năng AI Cover Letter

dẫn sử dụng tính năng cover letter AI của Cake Tính năng cover letter AI của Cake có gì đặc biệt? Cover letter, hay đơn xin việc là một bức thư giới thiệu ứng viên ngắn gọn đi kèm với CV (resume) trong hồ sơ xin việc. Với sự ra đời của các công cụ AI, quá trình viết đơn xin việc trở nên dễ dàng và nhanh chóng hơn. Cake, website tạo CV - portfolio và tìm kiếm việc làm
Resume & CV
Jul 4th 2024

4 Contoh CV Manager Level yang Profesional dan Menarik!

Membuat CV Level Manager Contoh CV / Resume Manager Artikel ini akan membahas cara menulis curriculum vitae manager yang menarik beserta contoh CV untuk posisi manager atau supervisor yang dapat mempermudah pembuatan CVmu! Contoh CV Manager - Dibuat di CakeResume Cara Membuat CV Level Manager 📝 Bagian dalam CV Manager/CV Supervisor: Informasi kontak Objektif / deskripsi diri Pengalaman kerja Pendidikan Skill Sertifikasi 1. Tulis objektif CV yang kuat Studi mengungkapkan bahwa rekruter hanya mempunyai waktu yang relatif singkat untuk membaca setiap CV
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

most popular jobs for computer science major include: Software Developer Web Developer UX Designer Mobile App Developer IT Project Manager Information Security Analyst Systems Analyst Penetration Tester Data analyst Machine Learning Engineer Writing a good computer science cover letter and resume for your job search is more important than anything, regardless of how experienced you are in the field. While a CV/resume says a lot about your career journey, a cover letter expresses further about yourself in terms of
Resume & CV
Jan 10th 2022

Best Resume Layouts and How to Format Them [Examples, Guide & Tips]

Created by Cake A CV or resume is the first impression the recruiters will obtain from applicants. It is important to know that the main purpose of a CV or resume is to get yourself an opportunity for an interview. Since most recruiters only spend limited time scanning for piles of resumes, it is even more important to make your resume stand out from the rest. And a key to a well-structured and eye-catching resume mostly depends

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