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Job Search Tips
Jan 18th 2022

6 Best Freelance Sites to Land on a Job in 2022

Yourself with a Single Webpage Further reading: Personal Branding - Why and How? 2. Freelance Websites There is a huge demand for side hustlers; as you can see on freelance job sites, companies are tapping on freelance talents ranging from finance consultants to bitcoin developers, UX designers, translators, etc.. All kinds of demand keep emerging. It’s true that some freelance job sites charge fees when you search and bid for projects on their platforms, so I’ll make sure to
Industry & Job Overview
Jan 30th 2023

10 Cara Menjadi Hacker Profesional secara Otodidak bagi Pemula!

yang legal, umumnya berhubungan dengan keamanan siber. Beberapa contoh pekerjaan seorang hacker adalah: Penetration Tester (penguji penetrasi sistem) Vulnerability Assessor (penilai kerentanan sistem) Information Security Analyst (analis keamanan informasi) Security Analyst (analis keamanan siber) Certified Ethical Hacker (hacker etis) Security Consultant (konsultan keamanan siber) Security Engineer/Architect (arsitek dan insinyur sistem keamanan siber) Information Security Manager (manajer keamanan informasi) Jenis dan Tingkatan Hacker Sebelum mengenal lebih lanjut cara belajar hacking dasar, ada baiknya untuk mengenal berbagai jenis tingkatan hacker. Jenis
Sep 25th 2024

International Talent Connect 2024: Empowering Careers in Taiwan

event? Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for the latest updates! For event sponsorship and media requests, please contact: Helen Chung, Associate Manager of Brand Marketing: [email protected] For business opportunities and collaboration requests, please contact: Coco Yap, Business Development Representative: [email protected] Cake is a global talent network offering solutions for both job seekers and employers, including an online free resume builder , portfolio maker , job search platform , and recruitment consultant services . Join our community today !
Industry & Job Overview
Dec 16th 2024

Detail Gaji Karyawan Mixue Terbaru [+Tunjangan dan Info Lowongan]

Speaker (Closed) Leader Marketing Franchise akan mengelola tim yang terdiri dari Marketing Staff yang mengelola seluruh kebutuhan mitra, mulai dari konsultasi hingga pemilihan tempat. Tujuan utama dari divisi Marketing Franchise adalah menaikkan jumlah kemitraan Mixue di seluruh Indonesia. 3. Business Consultant-Mandarin Speaker and Non Mandarin Speaker (Closed) Business Consultant melakukan pengawasan atas kinerja mitra Mixue di seluruh Indonesia. Selain itu BC juga harus mampu melihat peluang perbaikan bisnis, mengeksekusi rencana bisnis, serta menganalisis data operasional. 4. Renovation Staff Brand
Resume & CV
Oct 13th 2021

How to Write Achievements in Your Resume [+Tips & Examples]

the work experience section: BeautiB | Chicago, IL Graphic Designer 2017 - current Led a FinTech project and boosted at least 50% revenue for the client. Contributed to in-house webpage and received 2018 Shopify Design Award. Ldd inc | Miami, FL Management Consultant 2015 - 2018 Created new CRM roadmaps that increased task productivity by 20%. Improved business strategies and raised revenue by $3 million in one year. Biyer | Brunswick, ME Customer Assistant 2017 - 2020 Responsible for $50,000 revenue per annum. Developed

10 High-paying Business Degree Jobs

finance, business, etc. Average salary : This is one of the high-paid positions with a median annual wage of $93,000 in May 2021, according to BLS. Requirements: Having a bachelor's degree in business is preferable for a management consultant. Projected growth: In the BLS 2022 report, the employment rate of management consultant positions is forecasted to grow by 14% by 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. 📚Further reading: How to Become a Consultant: Tips & Advice
Student Guide
Oct 14th 2022

8 Prospek Kerja Teknik Lingkungan yang Menjanjikan!

terjamin. 📚 Baca juga: 10 Prospek Kerja Teknik Mesin [+Info Kuliah, Gaji, dll.] Prospek Kerja Teknik Lingkungan Bagian ini akan membahas mengenai 8 prospek kerja lulusan teknik lingkungan serta gaji lulusan teknik lingkungan dalam setiap profesinya. 1. Konsultan Lingkungan ( environmental consultant ) Pekerjaan ini adalah bidang kerja teknik lingkungan yang paling umum ditemukan. Dalam proses pembangunan atau proyek lainnya, banyak dokumen pengamatan lingkungan yang dibutuhkan, seperti dokumen AMDAL (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan) dan UPL-AKL (Usaha Pengelolaan Lingkungan-Usaha Pemantauan Lingkungan
Job Search Tips
Apr 8th 2019

8 Ways to Get a Better Job Fast

help your case to do a bit of keyword research to get an idea of the best words or phrases to use. Take the time to continually review your resume from top to bottom. Ask a friend, associate or trusted consultant to give it an honest look. You can even check some resume examples for your job position and make your resume stand out. Finally, run your resume through RezScore to see what else you may need to do to
Interview Skills
Oct 25th 2024

Bỏ túi cách giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn

5 câu hỏi giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh từ phía nhà tuyển dụng Mục lục: Những câu hỏi về bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn Cách giới thiệu bản thân khi phỏng vấn bằng tiếng anh Mẫu giới thiệu bản thân bằng tiếng Anh khi phỏng vấn Trước xu thế toàn cầu hóa và hội nhập quốc tế, ngày càng có nhiều công ty lựa chọn phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Anh bởi thông qua đó, họ
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Kenali Big 4 KAP dan Caranya Memulai Karier di Sana!

Mimpi setiap akuntan tentunya adalah bekerja di perusahaan KAP yang masuk jajaran Big 4 Company . Tentunya dibutuhkan keahlian khusus untuk dapat bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan besar ini. Apa saja sih yang termasuk dalam Big four Company ? Persiapan apa saja yang harus dilakukan untuk bisa bekerja di perusahaan Big Four ? Nah, di artikel kali ini, Cake akan mengajak kamu memahami hal-hal penting seputar perusahaan Big 4, serta list perusahaan yang termasuk dalam Big 4 Company . Daftar isi: Pengertian Big 4

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