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Career Tools
Mar 29th 2024

10+ Front End Framework Terbaik 2024 dan Tips Cara Memilihnya

konsep JSX. Pembaharuan komponen terjadi sangat cepat sehingga sulit untuk didokumentasikan. Framework JavaScript front end ini sangat berguna ketika developer perlu membangun antarmuka yang interaktif untuk suatu aplikasi web dalam waktu terbatas. Beberapa perusahaan yang menggunakan React yaitu Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Uber, LinkedIn, PayPal, Walmart, eBay, dan Groupon. 2. Vue.js Vue.js adalah framework front end lainnya yang berbasis JavaScript. Framework JavaScript ini sangat fleksibel dan mudah dipelajari sehingga memungkinkan developer untuk mengembangkan aplikasi web secara interaktif dan
Career Tools
Aug 7th 2024

26 Essential Inbound Marketing Tools to Boost Your Conversions

reduced. 26 Best Inbound Marketing Tools Try SEMRush for keyword research and content strategy SEMRush offers a lot of tools for businesses that want to make the most of organic search traffic. It's a content marketing and online visibility platform that includes keyword research, competitive and backlink analysis, and site audits. Their content marketing tools allow users to create and optimize content to increase SEO ranking and improve engagement. With SEMRush, users can create a free account to try
May 16th 2024

5 Contoh Portofolio Copywriter Indonesia yang Menarik dan Strukturnya!

mereka. 2. Pilih Platform untuk Membuat Portofolio Copywriter Ada banyak platform yang bisa kamu manfaatkan untuk membuat portofolio copywriter, seperti: Cake Copyfol.io Clippings.me Google Slide Canva Website Pilihlah platform yang sesuai dengan preferensi kamu atau cobalah bereksperimen dengan platform-platform di atas. Kamu bisa menggunakan Cake untuk mempublikasikan portofolio copywriting kamu secara online, sehingga para profesional dan rekruter dari berbagai belahan dunia bisa menemukan portofolio kamu dan memberikan kamu peluang kerja! Cake menyediakan platform untuk membuat portofolio online
Industry & Job Overview
Nov 26th 2024

Data Scientist vs Data Engineer: What’s the Right Career Choice for You?

Data engineers focus on building and optimizing databases, maintaining data pipelines, managing databases, optimizing data architecture, and ensuring data quality across systems. They develop ETL processes, work with large databases, and use tools like Hadoop, Apache Spark, SQL, and cloud platforms to ensure data is accessible and ready for analysis. Data engineers commonly use tools like Hadoop , Apache Spark , SQL , AWS , Google Cloud , and Apache Kafka to build and manage data infrastructure and pipelines. Data engineers work closely with data
Resume & CV
Oct 30th 2022

Simple Google Docs CV Template [Free with Complete Guide]

In this article, we'll cover: How to Make a CV Using Google Docs CV Templates Swiss - Google Docs CV Template Serif - Google Docs CV Template Coral - Google Docs CV Template Spearmint - Google Docs CV Template Modern Writer - Google Docs CV Template Tips for Creating a CV in Google Docs Most of the time when we plan to create a CV, the biggest struggle is not knowing how to start, which style we should follow, and knowing what things to
Industry & Job Overview
May 28th 2024

Top Remote Digital Marketing Jobs in 2024 (Skills & Where to Find Them)

to finding the right keywords to rank highly in and to optimize the content so that it can rank higher on the search engines. This analytical skill is essential for SEO Specialists to come up with an effective content strategy. Google , which is the most competitive platform for SEO, is constantly changing its algorithm, thus, to be a great SEO Specialist you always have to keep up with the latest trends in SEO. 2) Content Writer SEO Specialists often work
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2021

10 Best Resume Fonts for ATS-friendly Resumes (Correct Font Size, Type, Style)

be purchased if utilized on Microsoft Word. Times New Roman Type : Serif 🟢 Pros: Commonly utilized for professional or academic uses. ❌ Cons: Outdated. Trebuchet MS Type : San-serif 🟢 Pros: Font developed by Microsoft. Could be used easily on Google Docs. ❌ Cons: Has to pay for a commercial version. Veranda Type : San-serif 🟢 Pros: Clear even on a smaller screen. ❌ Cons: Not eye-catchy. How to Choose the Correct Font Size for Your Resume Depending on
People Operations
May 13th 2022

How to Prepare for a Google Interview

in addition to having specific skills. Google interview prep is a marathon and the interview itself can be stressful. The best way to prepare for the Google interview is to have a good plan and lots of practice. What Is Google Looking for in a Candidate? Before you dive into your Google interview prep, it helps to know which qualities the company looks for. Software engineers need to demonstrate advanced technical skills in coding. For this reason, Google technical interview
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu Pay Per Click Advertising? Ini Semua Hal yang Perlu Diketahui

Metode PPC (Pay Per Click) merupakan strategi marketing yang populer belakangan ini. PPC tidak hanya berguna bagi para marketers, tetapi juga dapat diterapkan oleh pemilik bisnis yang ingin meningkatakan penjualan. Artikel ini akan membahas apa yang dimaksud dengan pay per click, contoh iklan pay per click , cara efektif melakukan PPC advertising serta, keuntungan dan kekurangannya. Daftar isi: Pengertian PPC Jenis Jenis Pay Per Click Keuntungan PPC Marketing Kekurangan PPC Marketing Cara Melakukan PPC yang Efektif Cara Mengelola PPC Pengertian PPC
Success Stories
Feb 10th 2025

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

2020 年,肺炎疫情使得眾多產業停滯甚至衰退,而台灣亮眼的防疫成績讓大眾的工作、生活都得以繼續,吸引許多資金爭相湧入台灣市場,而從 2006 年就扎根台灣的 Google,更是大舉擴張,並在 2021 年年初啟用

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