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People Operations
Jul 6th 2022

What Is Googleyness & How to Show It in Interviews

interviews and land your dream job. What Is Googleyness? Googleyness, in shiort, is a set of qualities that the company requires that can both help employees and the company grow. Your application will stand a better chance when you show Googleyness while answering interview questions. The above definition doesn't do much to elaborate Googleyness, but thankfully, Google is very clear about the Googleyness personal traits they look for in a candidate. Laszlo Bock, the former Senior Vice President of
Success Stories
Nov 8th 2024

Google 圓你的跨國工作夢!從新加坡到台灣,軟體工程師分享應徵技巧、履歷面試準備要點

招募中! 查看職缺 文章大綱 一、頂尖人才搖籃 Google,讓初入職場的新鮮人快速入門 二、Google 為何充滿魅力?Googleyness 文化無處不在! 三、如何應徵 Google、成為 Googler?2 大環節揭密 一、頂尖人才搖籃 Google,讓初入職場的新鮮人快
People Operations
May 13th 2022

How to Prepare for a Google Interview

like inclusiveness and creativity, and their goal is to enhance our daily lives. When preparing for a Google interview, review their company goals and their workplace culture. According to Laszlo Bock , the former vice president of people operations at Google, Googleyness qualities include fun-loving, intellectual humility, conscientiousness, being comfortable with ambiguity, and having made courageous and interesting life choices. Further reading: Learn all about Googleyness [+Interview questions samples] 💡 Technical skills When you apply to work at Google, your
Success Stories
Mar 10th 2021

從 Apple 到 Google,Recruiter WeiLin 解析 Google 面試技巧與科技人資職涯!

R&K),意指 hard skill,各職缺的專業能力。 Leadership:不一定要有主管經歷,但具備驅動團隊、管理 stakeholders 的經驗與能力。 Googleyness:意指是否符合 Google 的企業文化,像是團隊合作、growth mindset 等。 而根據 Google 前人事副總裁 Lazlo Bock 在 Work Rules! 一書中
Success Stories
May 10th 2023

【Google PM】前進矽谷:產品經理面試 3 流程 4 策略成功拿下 offer!

析公司、市場、產品狀況,並做出相應的決策建議。 Creativity(創意想法) :衡量面試者是否能出創新的產品想法。 Googleyness(Google 文化) :透過情境題與過去工作經驗來衡量面試者是否契合 Google 的公司文化。 Leadership(領導力) :透過情境

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