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Jul 16th 2022

How to List References on a CV [w/ Examples + Tips]

CV references contain other people’s contact information, which is something you don’t want to give out unless really necessary. However, you should include references in your CV when it is specifically asked by the recruiters. Each company and hiring managers have different policies and procedures when it comes to hiring employees, so you want to make sure that you are abiding to the requirements of the job you are applying for. How to Write References on a CV
Cover Letter
Sep 16th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

to create an outstanding social media cover letter that leaves a lasting impression. Let’s see how it can elevate your candidacy and provide actionable writing tips to showcase your unique skills and experience in a way that resonates with hiring managers! How to Write a Social Media Cover Letter Created by CakeResume 1) Highlighting Social Media Skills and Qualifications In the fast-paced world of social media, hiring managers are looking for candidates who can think strategically and create
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2023

Cover Letter Tips that Will Help You Land the Job Interview

hook) Body paragraph(s) Closing paragraph with Call to action Letter ending and sign off Address the hiring manager directly Addressing and mentioning the receiver directly helps make your CV and cover letter sound more effective and relevant to the hiring manager. With greeting criteria being clear and direct, you should avoid using generic terms in your salutation such as “To whom it may concern". Normally, there's information on the hiring manager's contact in the job posting. If
Resume & CV
Aug 23rd 2024

GPA Impact: How to Showcase Academic Excellence on Your Resume

GPA Impact: How to Showcase Academic Excellence on Your Resume When crafting a resume , one crucial decision often perplexes job seekers: whether to include their GPA (Grade Point Average). This seemingly innocuous number can wield significant influence over the decision of a hiring manager. Now, you might wonder: Do hiring managers really care about GPA on your resume? The answer isn’t straightforward. While some employers tend to consider it a crucial factor, others prioritize skills, experience, and cultural fit
Recruitment & HR
Apr 24th 2023

How to Create an Employee Referral Program [With Examples]

In this article, we will discuss: A Quick Glance at Employee Referrals How to Create an Employee Referral Program Employee Referral Strategies Employee Referral Program Examples If you have been struggling to find the right candidates, you're not alone. When it comes to hiring, many recruiters and employers encounter similar problems for various reasons, for example: The job posts fail to deliver the intended messages to the candidates, or are not posted on the right platforms. Candidates are more
Resume & CV
Oct 11th 2024

10+ Staff Accountant Resume Examples with Templates & Writing Tips

Are you a recent graduate with the skills to pursue a career in accounting, but need help figuring out where to start? Before crafting a Staff Accountant resume, the first step is to understand what points need to be highlighted to get recruiters interested in hiring you. A staff accountant is required to understand financial matters ranging from preparing account maintenance reports to applying internationally standardized accounting principles. In essence, this job requires precision and dedication. The good news is
Jun 20th 2024

Portofolio Adalah: Isi, Contoh dan Cara Lengkap Membuatnya!

Portofolio adalah suatu dokumen lamaran kerja yang kini semakin tak asing. Tidak hanya portofolio kerja, kini banyak proyek, bisnis, kegiatan organisasi, maupun kegiatan studi yang mulai menjadikan portofolio sebagai persyaratan pendaftaran atau registrasi. Menurut survei yang dilakukan Hover pada tahun 2017 mengenai “ Will Quality of Portfolio Site Influence Hiring Decisions? ”, 86% dari responden (rekruter) mengatakan bahwa mereka akan mengunjungi portofolio website atau membukanya ketika ada pelamar kerja yang melampirkannya. Simak yuk apa yang dimaksud dengan portofolio dan bagaimana cara bikin
Cover Letter
Sep 26th 2022

How To Nail Your Human Resources Cover Letter (+ Samples & Tips)

Created by Cake In this article, you’ll read about: Human Resources Cover Letter Examples How to Write an HR Cover Letter Human Resources Cover Letter Template Tips for Writing an HR Cover Letter The human resources department is critical for the operation of any company and oversees the recruiting, hiring, management, and firing of employees. In many ways, HR is the backbone of an organization, with its representatives being the first point of contact between a company and its
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

How to Write a Operations Manager Cover Letter: Samples and Examples

An operations manager is a senior-level position in an organization that focuses on the daily operation of an organization's business and strategic plans, improving organizational efficiency and ensuring that company goals are being met productively. Operation managers also work with the Human Resources department to arrange the recruitment, hiring, and onboarding of new employees. The operations manager job can be highly complex, and successful candidates must possess a variety of hard and soft skills that revolve around strong
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

5+ Cara Jitu Menjawab "Mengapa Perusahaan Kami Harus Menerima Anda" [+Contoh]

Saat melamar di sebuah perusahaan, biasanya tahapan rekrutmen setiap perusahaan berbeda-beda. Ada yang membutuhkan psikotes hingga tes kesehatan terlebih dahulu, ada juga tes terkait skill yang dilamar, namun ada juga yang bisa langsung melakukan wawancara dengan rekruter. Tahapan wawancara pun ada banyak, ada yang cukup bertemu dengan HR dan hiring manager, namun ada juga yang harus bertemu sampai pada jabatan VP bahkan CEO. Tak jarang, banyak pertanyaan yang perlu disiapkan untuk membantu jalannya wawancara agar lancar. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang

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