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Surat Lamaran Kerja
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Tips Cari Kerja
21 Nov 2024

遠端工作哪裡找?熱門職缺 & 10 大遠距工作求職管道都在這裡!

的體驗,使用者須自行輸入關鍵字,不像 We Work Remotely 有分類可供選擇。 相較許多以歐美職缺為主的平台,Indeed 在亞洲耕耘更多,甚至有各個國家獨立的網站,像是 Indeed Taiwan 、 Indeed Japan 等等。但是整體而言仍然是美國版
10 Feb 2025

7 trang tìm việc uy tín ứng viên cần biết

Danh sách các trang các trang tìm việc uy tín: CakeResume VietnamWorks TopCV Indeed TopDev CareerBuilder Timviec365 Tìm kiếm việc làm như ý là một quá trình không dễ dàng. Tuy nhiên, trong thời đại công nghệ số, các trang web tuyển dụng trực tuyến đã trở thành công cụ đắc lực cho ứng viên tìm việc. Tìm ra những website này không khó, nhưng bạn cần biết “gửi gắm” CV của mình vào các trang tìm việc uy tín
5 Nov 2024

10+ Software Engineer Resume Examples | 2025 Format

The average annual salary for a software engineer in the US is over $100,000 per year (according to Indeed). That's nearly double the national average , a fact that is both impressive and reflective of the tough work that software engineers do. In addition to being well-versed in a plethora of programming languages, software engineers and developers have to be self-motivated, oftentimes collaborative, and whizz with technology. They have to be comfortable: Adapting to new technologies and
Tips Cari Kerja
10 Feb 2025

7 trang web tìm việc làm uy tín ứng viên cần biết

7 website tìm việc uy tín cho ứng viên tại Việt Nam Danh sách các trang web tìm việc làm uy tín tại Việt Nam: Cake VietnamWorks TopCV Indeed TopDev CareerBuilder Timviec365 Trong thời đại công nghệ số, các trang web tuyển dụng trực tuyến đã trở thành công cụ đắc lực cho ứng viên tìm việc làm. Tìm ra những website này không khó, nhưng bạn cần biết “gửi gắm” CV của mình vào các trang tìm việc uy
Industri & Profesi
27 Jun 2024

Apa itu FnB? Pengertian, Tugas, dan Peluang Karirnya!

Bisnis FnB memang sempat memburuk karena pandemi COVID-19, namun, FnB adalah salah satu industri yang terus berkembang dan memiliki prospek yang baik dalam jangka panjang. Bahkan, staff F&B service saat ini sedang banyak dicari, lho! Menurut para ekonom di Indeed , pada 21 Mei 2021, lowongan pekerjaan di bidang F&B telah meningkat sebesar 23% dibandingkan sebelum pandemi. Oleh karena itu, bagi kamu yang hobi kuliner, kamu bisa mempertimbangkan karir di industri food and beverage service . Baca artikel Cake
Tips Karier
6 Mar 2024

Career Growth: the What, the Why, and the How

Created by Cake Navigating the corporate and professional landscapes can be a formidable challenge. The ever-present pressure to acquire new hard and soft skills , advance into higher positions, and seamlessly assimilate into the office environment demands a constant awareness of your career growth. Indeed, maximizing your professional capacity is crucial at every stage of your journey. But what exactly does career growth entail? It is often confused with career development , yet it stands apart with its distinct scope, measurable
Cover Letter
5 Jun 2024

Struktur Surat Lamaran Kerja Profesional dan Tips Menyusunnya

Apakah surat lamaran kerja masih diperlukan di era rekrutmen digital saat ini? Pertanyaan ini mungkin menjadi dilema bagi beberapa orang yang hendak melamar kerja secara online melalui platform digital. Faktanya, beberapa perusahaan menjadikan surat lamaran kerja sebagai salah satu syarat dalam proses rekrutmen karyawan baru. Menurut laporan Indeed and Glasdoor’s Hiring and Workplace Trends Report 2024 , 41% hiring manager masih mempekerjakan seorang kandidat berdasarkan surat lamaran kerjanya saja. Melihat tren rekrutmen tersebut, penting bagi seorang pelamar kerja untuk membuat
29 Agt 2024

How to Write About Me Section in Resume (Resume Examples and Tips)

“About Me” section comprises a few sentences that introduce a person. It can be seen on various places, such as, personal websites, social media accounts, and, of course, resumes and CVs. Here are some examples of places where you can post an "About Me": Job search website profiles: CakeResume , LinkedIn , Indeed Personal blogs and websites: Wix , Squarespace , WordPress Portfolios: Dribble , Behance , Adobe Portfolio Social media profiles: Facebook , Instagram , TikTok Despite its prevalence, “About Me” is not an easy section
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

How to do a Reference Check? Ultimate Guidance to Reference Checks

When candidates submit their applications with all their astounding credentials, they might be requested to provide a list of references upon their application. Employers will often use these references to fact-check the claims in the resume with a reference check in order to make sure that they hire the candidate that indeed upholds the enlisted skills and expertise. Table of Contents What Is a Reference on Resume? What Is a Reference Check? What Are the Benefits of Reference Checks
29 Mar 2021

Business Owner Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

Created by Cake You'll learn: A step-by step guide on writing a business owner resume What to put on a business owner resume? Tips for writing the best business owner resume How to write a business owner cover letter? Self-employed business owner resume sample With the rise of entrepreneurship trends, becoming your own boss is something that many people dream of. Indeed, you can come in and out whenever you like and get to make the final

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