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thg 12 6 2021

商管人如何闖蕩法國、瑞典、丹麥與荷蘭的醫療產業?從金融、美妝到醫療的職涯旅程 (下) Philips Sr. Product Marketing Manager Yvonne 的醫療產業觀察 & 歐洲遊牧紀錄

什麼?從金融、美妝到醫療的職涯旅程 (上) Podcast 各節摘要 01:00 Yvonne 是在什麼樣的機緣踏上歐洲的呢? 02:00 LBS 帶來最大的收穫是什麼? 03:30 Yvonne 現在回首當初唸 MBA 的決定,有什麼新的看法嗎? 05:45 Yvonne 當初 MBA 畢
Về đối tác
thg 12 3 2021

醫療設備產業的 PM 都在做什麼?從金融、美妝到醫療的職涯旅程 (上) Philips Sr. Product Marketing Manager Yvonne 的醫療產業觀察 & 歐洲遊牧紀錄

到知名美妝企業 L'Oréal 擔任 Key Account Executive,接著又轉職到隱形眼鏡品牌博士倫負責 Customer Marketing,後來他到英國的 LBS 就讀 MBA,畢業後先後在法國、瑞典、丹麥的醫療檢驗器材公司工作,現在則是又解鎖了新的國家 — 荷
Industry & Job Overview
thg 10 4 2022

How to Become a Social Worker: A Detailed Guide

programs. A few states don’t require licensure. Fieldwork prerequisites also vary by place. Be sure to check the requirements to become a social worker in your specific state. There are different levels of social work licenses, and the type of licensure you get will depend on your level of education and the exam you took. 🎯 Licensed Baccalaureate of Social Work (LBSW) You can obtain this social work license provided you have a bachelor’s degree, and you pa...

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