Industry & Job Overview
1月 21日 2025

MA 計畫是什麼?銀行 MA 與 FMCG 的工作內容、薪水與面試準備

備幹部 MA 的 4 點必備特質 四、儲備幹部 MA 的薪水待遇 五、3 大儲備幹部 MA 的面試內容 六、熱門企業 MA 儲備幹部計畫 ㄧ、MA 是什麼?儲備幹部的意思? 1. MA 的意思 MA 為儲備幹部的代稱,通常指的是 Management Association
Resume & CV
1月 7日 2023

Macam-macam Hobi untuk Melamar Kerja dalam CV

hobi yang cocok untuk melamar kerja? Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi, jenis dan macam hobi menjadi sangat beragam, mulai dari menari sampai coding. Hobi dan minat bukan hanya sekedar menjadi kegemaran yang dilakukan saat luang, namun ternyata dapat mencerahkan masa depan juga. Memilih hobi yang tepat dan berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dapat menjadi salah satu nilai plus untuk kalian yang ingin menonjolkan diri di mata rekruter. Macam-macam contoh hobi bermanfaat untuk mendaftar pekerjaan: 1. Blogging atau hobi menulis. Menuliskan
7月 16日 2024

Mastering 3D Artist Portfolio: Showcase Excellence with Style

3D Game Artist Portfolio 3D Game Artist Portfolio by Julia Richter Julia specializes in 3D, 2D, and illustration. Although you cannot see her artwork on the homepage, she has carefully crafted different categories of work for you to browse through, making it easy for potential clients or employers to find the type of work that is relevant to them. 3D Animator Portfolio Website 3D Animator Portfolio Website by Marco Mori Marco is not only a 3D animator, but he is
Resume & CV
5月 19日 2023

Mastering Personal Details in a Resume: What to Include and Exclude

think from their perspective. Another benefit of putting your personal details in the resume/CV is that it helps the hiring company to great a talent pool. With identifying information available on the resume, the recruiter can easily organize and maintain their qualified candidate database. This would in turn increases your chances to be considered for other opening at the company in the future. In short, having personal information in your resume makes the recruiter's job easier and highlights
Resume & CV
1月 22日 2025

Mẫu CV tiếng Anh chuyên nghiệp cho mọi đối tượng

các chứng chỉ như IELTS, TOELF nhé! Mẫu CV tiếng Anh tạo bởi Cake 📍Mẫu CV tiếng Anh - IT Khi liệt kê các kỹ năng trong CV lập trình viên, hãy tập trung vào các kỹ năng chuyên môn bạn thành thạo cũng như các yêu cầu được đưa ra trong thông tin tuyển dụng.  Mẫu CV tiếng Anh tạo bởi Cake 📍Mẫu CV tiếng Anh - Marketing Đối với một ngành nghề “hot" như Marketing, bạn cần
Industry & Job Overview
12月 16日 2024

Manajer Operasional (Operations Manager): Tugas, Skill, Gajinya!

ini, CakeResume akan membahas secara detail mengenai fungsi manajer operasional, deskripsi tugas dan tanggung jawab manajer operasional, skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan, serta cara dan syarat untuk menjadi seorang manajer operasional. Yuk, simak artikel berikut untuk lebih kenal dengan pekerjaan Manajer Operasional! Daftar isi: Apa itu Manajer Operasional? Job Desk Manager Operasional Kemampuan yang Harus Dimiliki Manajer Operasional Cara dan Syarat untuk Menjadi Manajer Operasional Apa itu Manajer Operasional ? 👨‍💼 Pengertian Manajer Operasional Manajer Operasional adalah orang yang bertanggung
People Operations
6月 2日 2022

Managerial round interview: 15 sample questions and answers

Managerial Round of Interviews? The managerial round of an interview is when a manager or multiple managers interview a job candidate. After you’ve succeeded in the first few stages of an interview, the HR will pass you to the managerial round and the hiring manager will ask questions to decide whether you truly are suitable to work with them. The purpose of a managerial round is for managers to participate in the human resources screening process since you will
Resume & CV
11月 6日 2024

Mẫu CV xin việc ngành ô tô chinh phục nhà tuyển dụng

nhà tuyển dụng. 📍Đừng quên chèn từ khóa quan trọng liên quan đến ngành xe hơi để đảm bảo CV chuẩn ATS nhé! ✅ Tham khảo mẫu CV xin việc ngành ô tô. Bạn nên tham khảo qua các mẫu CV xin việc ngành ô tô để có cái nhìn tổng quan về những gì mình cần viết cũng như thiết kế nào sẽ là phù hợp. Từ những mẫu CV chuẩn đó, bạn có thể tích lũy thêm
Resume & CV
11月 4日 2024

Mẫu CV cho sinh viên mới ra trường (kèm hướng dẫn)

Mẫu CV xin việc thu hút các nhà tuyển dụng Mục lục: Mẫu CV cho sinh viên mới ra trường gồm những gì? Hướng dẫn làm CV cho sinh viên mới ra trường Tạo CV cho sinh viên mới ra trường ở đâu? Mẫu CV cho sinh viên mới ra trường Hồ sơ xin việc là một trong những hành trang quan trọng mà các bạn sinh viên mới ra trường cần chuẩn bị thật kỹ lưỡng để chinh phục
Resume & CV
11月 2日 2024

Math Teacher Resume Writing Guides: Templates, Examples, Tips (With/Without Experience)

Math Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Guideline 2024 The main focus of a good math teacher is to inspire students about mathematics. Yet a good math teacher should also have the skills to market themselves when they’re looking for their next teaching opportunity. A well-crafted resume is crucial for math teachers as it serves as their professional introduction. It showcases their qualifications and teaching experience, and it also highlights their expertise in mathematical concepts. Whether you’re applying to

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