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Nov 15th 2024

Mindset là gì? Bí quyết cải thiện tư duy để thành công

trong ngữ cảnh nghề nghiệp, mindset là cách mà một người nhìn nhận và tiếp cận công việc hàng ngày, cũng như cách họ đối mặt và giải quyết các thách thức và cơ hội. Tìm hiểu về 3 loại mindset thường gặp Open mindset, Fixed mindset và Growth mindset là gì? Open mindset Open mindset là tư duy mở . Đây là loại mindset ở những người tin rằng khả năng của họ không bị giới hạn và có thể
Personal Development
Jun 15th 2022

Growth Mindset: Arti, Penerapan dan Manfaatnya dalam Karir

sampai cara membangun growth mindset . Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu seorang psikolog dari Stanford University Profesor Dr. Carol Dweck, melakukan penelitian tentang pola pikir dan perilaku dan menghasilkan dua istilah pola pikir yaitu growth mindset dan fixed mindset , serta bagaimana kekuatan pola pikir dapat mengubah cara kerja dalam mencapai kesuksesan. Berikut adalah perbedaan growth mindset dan fixed mindset secara singkat. Perbedaan Fixed Mindset dan Growth Mindset Pengertian Growth Mindset Growth mindset adalah suatu pola
Resume & CV
Mar 10th 2024

Arti FIRE Mindset dan Aplikasinya!

Apakah kamu pernah mendengar istilah FIRE? Istilah ini muncul pada tahun 2010 ketika komunitas FIRE terbentuk dan mulai banyak bermunculan podcast, blog, artikel mengenai FIRE. Karena istilah ini baru, maka pada saat itu semua orang mulai membicarakan hal ini dan mulai tertarik untuk memiliki gaya hidup FIRE. Tapi jangan sampai salah, arti FIRE dan on fire berbeda, lho. Yuk kita bahas arti dari FIRE dan bagaimana implementasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Daftar isi: Pengertian FIRE Jenis-Jenis FIRE Movement Tujuan
Recruitment & HR
Feb 6th 2025

Apa itu Digital Mindset Assessment? Ini Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya, Dll.!

berhasil dalam era digital ini. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memiliki digital mindset dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja hingga 20%. Digital mindset berperan sebagai faktor kunci dalam mencapai kepuasan kerja dan kesuksesan transformasi digital. Artikel ini akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai pengertian digital mindset, cara menumbuhkannya pada karyawan, serta memberikan contoh soal untuk mengukur digital mindset. Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Digital Mindset ? Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Digital Mindset? “Apa itu Digital Mindset ?” Digital adalah pembaharuan dari penggunaan teknologi yang sering dikaitkan dengan internet
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

What Is a Growth Mindset? 8 Steps to Develop One for Success

with steps on how to develop a growth mindset and tips on cultivating it into a helpful tool in your employability toolbox. TABLE OF CONTENTS What Is a Growth Mindset? Growth Mindset Vs. Fixed Mindset Benefits of Having a Growth Mindset How to Develop a Growth Mindset What Is a Growth Mindset? To understand how to have a growth mindset, we need to start with the basics: what is a growth mindset? Since there are misinterpretations of the growth mindset
Sep 10th 2020


一說到馴養,大家可能會聯想到小王子,但今天想說的故事,是我們都正在經歷的:職場社會化。 每間公司都有各自的文化、每個主管也都有各自的風格,在職場社會化的過程中記得要時時提醒自己
Resume & CV
Jul 14th 2020


總是投了一堆履歷卻得不到回音?網路上的履歷建議令人眼花撩亂不知道從何改起?先來檢查一下自己寫履歷時的態度對不對... 一、搞清楚看你履歷的對象 寫履歷不是只有自爽就好,把自己做過
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Career Development vs. Career Growth: How to Achieve Both

Created by Cake Whilst starting out in a professional field, many people think about their long-term career plans, aiming for high-level roles or high salaries . This career growth mindset can be motivating for many people who have big professional goals, but oftentimes, what can be done in the short-term to achieve this is overlooked. Whilst career growth is at the forefront of many workers’ aspirations, the short term skill building, networking and experience required to reach career
Resume & CV
Mar 2nd 2022

Best Executive Resume Examples & Tips

up to the top of the career ladder, you might notice that you have what it takes now to transition into a C-level position. In general, an executive-level position requires a solid work ethic, a stable decision-making mindset, and a strong vision. While specific tasks may vary depend on the industry and business, an executive is generally responsible for managing the business as a whole. Due to the executive’s managerial qualities, you might be wondering how
Resume & CV
Mar 16th 2022

Military-to-Civilian Resume Guide with Examples

experience? Military-to-civilian resume sample Throughout your time in the military, you have strengthened your leadership, communication, and disciplinary skills. As a veteran, you have gone through specific training, practices, and development that have helped you gain a strong mindset. A military position is similar to a regular role in some ways. For instance, both military and normal jobs will require you to take full responsibility for your duties. The difference lies in the tasks, overall strictness, and the

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