求职信(Cover Letter)

How to Write a PhD Cover Letter – Tips and Template

Created by Cake In this article, we’ll cover: PhD Cover Letter Sample What to Include in a PhD Cover Letter Tips for Writing a PhD Cover Letter PhD Cover Letter Template If you are applying to a PhD program, then congratulations! You’ve worked hard to get here, and you are taking a big step in your academic career. PhD candidates have many responsibilities, including participating in research, publishing their results, engaging in professional development, and occasionally attending conferences

How to Create The Best CV for a PhD Application (+ Example CV)

template for your PhD application, consider searching the keywords “PhD student CV template” or “academic CV for PhD application template” online to find a suitable CV template for your PhD application. After you’ve chosen a resume template for your PhD application, it’s time to look for some actual resume examples. Typing the keywords “CV for PhD application sample” or “PhD candidate CV example” into the search engine may help you find some good CV examples for a PhD

資料科學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(上)

科學家與大公司有什麼不同? 對於資料科學一直都有強烈興趣和熱情的 David ,其實曾於兩年前申請 PhD ,卻因緣際會加入了 APT(Applied Predictive Technologies,2015 年被 Mastercard 併購) ,成為了一位分析顧問,開啟意料之外的職涯。今天將

資料科學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(下)

司及新創的不同挑戰與心態。 上一集這邊看: 資料科學夯什麼?一窺 Mastercard 分析顧問、新創 Migo Data Lead 到哈佛 PhD 的精彩職涯!(上) 在上一集的尾聲中,我們提到 David 即將在今年夏天迎接生涯上的重大轉換,也就是

Successful Statement of Purpose: The Go-to SOP Writing Guide

presents an unsolvable challenge in the best of circumstances, requiring a combination of heart and mind. Here are some general steps to follow for your upcoming endeavor, no matter if it’s a grad school statement of purpose or a Ph.D. statement of purpose, it should be the same: treat them with absolute consideration, reflection, and sincerity. Step 1. Find your story.  Squeeze every part of your brain and mind. While most applications ask about different questions. It might

Want to Study in Taiwan? Here’s What You Need to Know

rich culture, it's a fantastic option for studying abroad. Studying in Taiwan will provide you with a unique cultural experience as well as a well-rounded and rich education. You can study at the bachelor’s, master’s and PhD levels in Taiwan, so there are options for everyone! We will discuss the universities, courses, learning Chinese and working whilst studying in Taiwan. How to Study in Taiwan 💡 Know what you want to study There are many options

How to List Technical Skills in a CV [with 160+ Examples]

going over the CV technical skills section, employers can grab a quick idea of your expertise and see whether you are capable of performing specific tasks to get the job done. If you’re a prospective graduate school (Master’s & Ph.D.) student, a CV with technical skills can help you get a leg up on the competition. It's a great way to show program managers that you’ve integrated your education with applicable work experiences to acquire those
产业 & 职位介绍

Get a Job with an Associate Degree: Where to find High-Paying Ones

Master’s degree: Due to the market or personal motivation, graduates can opt to level up their education. Master’s programs tend to take from two to three years, and the level of the classes is more advanced. Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.): It is the most advanced degree level of them all. After completing one, students become experts in their field. Nonetheless, remember it usually takes at least four years to obtain one. The requirements to apply to one are

CV Design: 35+ Curriculum Vitae Designs You Should See

which are academic CV and job application CV. The main difference between them is the purpose that will define the length of the content. An academic CV is used to apply for academic position purposes such as a Master’s/Phd Degree. It is a long and detailed CV that can be 3-5 pages long. A job application CV’s purpose is the same as its name, to get a position in a company, which leads to a shorter

How to List References on a CV [w/ Examples + Tips]

Created by Cake In this article, you’ll read about: What Are CV References? Should I Put References On My CV? How to Write References on a CV CV References Examples Tips for Listing References on a CV During a job hiring process, some recruiters require references to be included when handing in your CV. CV references serve as a way for recruiters to confirm with a third party if the information provided on the CV is real. That explains


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