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Industry & Job Overview
Dec 26th 2024

Should You Get A Job In Data Science or Machine Learning?

Science? Machine Learning vs Data Scientist Salary Comparison What Do Data Science Roles Involve? Data scientists are responsible for analyzing, interpreting, and cleaning data to gather meaningful conclusions and insights for businesses to utilize. They rely heavily on statistics, mathematics, programming, and data visualization to derive insights from large data sets. Many data scientists work in business, IT, science, and finance, but there are roles across almost all industries. Data scientists work closely with others to provide conclusions and recommendations
Interview Skills
Apr 19th 2024

10+ Pertanyaan Interview Programmer yang Sering Ditanyakan Recruiter

peluang pekerjaan sebagai programmer di Cake dan pilih lowongan yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi kamu. 📚Baca Juga: Ketahui Cara Membuat CV Programmer (+Contohnya!) Daftar Pertanyaan- Pertanyaan Dari Interview Programmer 1. Apa saja bahasa pemrograman yang kamu kuasai? – What are the programming languages that you master? Salah satu pertanyaan interview programmer yang biasanya ditanyakan oleh para recruiter adalah pertanyaan tentang bahasa pemrograman. Kamu bisa menjelaskan bahasa pemrograman apa saja yang kamu kuasai dan bagaimana penggunaannya dalam proses pengembangan aplikasi. Berikut adalah
People Operations
Apr 26th 2022

A Guide to Google Interview Questions: 20 Examples and Tips

questions, behavioral questions and tips. Let's go! Google Coding and Technical Interview Questions Technical interview questions in a Google interview heavily focus on problem-solving skills. Some of the most prevalent topics are data structure, algorithms, recursions and dynamic programming. Be prepared to answer questions on all of these topics. 10 common coding and technical interview questions that you may want to prepare for before your Google technical interview: How would you approach a problem that you've never
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 22nd 2024

Daftar 13 Skill Programmer yang Dicari Perusahaan!

ini? Langkah pertama untuk terjun sebagai programmer adalah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman. Baru setelah itu belajar elemen krusial lain yang tidak boleh terlewat. 1. Bahasa Pemrograman Bahasa pemrograman adalah jenis bahasa yang dipakai oleh programmer atau developer untuk berkomunikasi dengan komputer. Programming language berisi satu set perintah yang ditulis dalam bahasa spesifik seperti C, C++, Java, maupun Python. Bahasa pemrograman biasanya digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi desktop, situs, atau aplikasi ponsel. Berikut beberapa jenis pemrograman yang paling umum dipakai: Python: Digunakan untuk
Student Guide
Jan 16th 2023

15 Prospek Kerja Teknik Informatika Terbaik [+Gaji, Info Kuliah, Dll.]

teknik informatika sangat bervariasi antar universitas. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh mata pelajaran yang akan kamu pelajari jika kamu mengambil jurusan di bidang ini, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada: Algoritma Artificial Intelligence (Kecerdasan Buatan) Arsitektur komputer Kalkulus Logika dan Manajemen Data Programming Sistem Operasi Statistik 📚 Baca juga: 12 Bahasa Pemrograman Paling Relevan 2024 [Jenis, Contoh, Dll.] Kenapa Harus Memilih Jurusan Teknik Informatika? Perkembangan Teknologi Dunia IT akan berkembang pesat dan menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan. Saat ini, tidak ada industri yang tidak
Career Planning
Sep 16th 2024

Tổng quan về các ngôn ngữ lập trình cơ bản

trình đóng vai trò như một phương tiện để chúng ta có thể giao tiếp với máy tính và hướng dẫn máy tính thực hiện các nhiệm vụ cụ thể. 🟢 Khái niệm ngôn ngữ lập trình: Hiểu đơn giản, programming language - ngôn ngữ lập trình là một hệ thống các quy tắc và cú pháp được sử dụng để xây dựng các chương trình máy tính, giúp chúng ta biến ý tưởng và thuật toán thành các lệnh và
Career Planning
Nov 10th 2022

Kickstart Your Freelancing Career: Top 20 Freelance Websites

information for potential candidates and job posters to make the right decision. It is popular worldwide and is even the most used freelancing website in India.  This site offers freelance jobs ranging from traditional ones like copywriting, graphic design, and programming, to some other less common freelancing opportunities like voice acting, architectural design, and project management. Pros: The freelancing site handles the legal and financial aspects like the contract and billing and even offers mediation in case a problem occurs

Full Stack Developer: Prospek Kerja, Gaji, Syarat, dan Caranya! [+CV]

Memahami desain UI/UX , sebagai pekerjaan berkelanjutan yang berhubungan dengan front end dan back end . Membangun pengelolaan database yang kuat. Menganalisis keamanan serta kekuatan sebuah database, dan memastikan user dapat mengakses website atau aplikasi dengan lancar. Merancang dan membangun application programming interface . Memastikan website atau aplikasi berjalan dengan maksimal. Menguji coba hasil produk sebelum diluncurkan kepada user . Skill yang Dibutuhkan Full Stack Developer Untuk menjadi seorang f ull stack developer , kamu tidak diharuskan untuk menguasai segala jenis teknologi. Pengalaman adalah
Resume & CV
Oct 22nd 2021

Information Technology (IT) Resume Examples: Templates & Formats [Skills, Objective, Summary]

Created by Cake A profession in Information Technology (IT) requires you to work with computer-based information. You will be required to get familiar with various network applications, softwares and computer hardwares. More specifically, IT jobs could relate to designing, maintaining and operating various IT products like websites, softwares or hardwares and will work together with any businesses or organizations that requires the uses of these technologies. Some of the duties of an IT professional include: Installing and upgrading IT
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Software Engineer Cover Letter Guide: Unlock Your Journey w/ Examples & Templates

Created by Cake Software engineer is a high-demand job, projected to grow by 25 percent by 2031 . It’s true that many employers may not require a software engineer cover letter as part of their application process. Nevertheless, a great cover letter can be a significant tool during your search for a software engineer job, giving hiring managers a better sense of the context around your experience, as well as your personalities, styles, and ambitions. Table of Contents: Software

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